The Pirate Family

529 Chapter 521: He Is Here

"Death is not terrible. The terrible thing is that he didn\'t die well." Perhaps Yalulu was relieved when he learned that his time of death was approaching."It\'s just a pity that the straw hat you gave me was destroyed by Wang Zhi in the battle just now."

"It\'s really unlucky." The man was not as tragic as Yalulu, but spit out unlucky."That\'s something I have made for a long time. Do you know how long it takes to make a straw hat for a giant? You ruined it!"

"But it doesn\'t matter. I will make up another one if I have time. Anyway, I am here just to wait for someone, but I regret it a bit now." The man seemed to be talking about it.

"I knew I would not agree to that old fellow Caesar. He actually told me that Elbaff was peaceful and suitable for the elderly."

"Now it seems suitable for a shit! I just escaped from that ghost place. It hasn\'t been long before I settled down before I encountered this kind of thing."

"But don\'t worry, you won\'t die, who told me to accept the commission of that old bastard."

The man struggled to stand up, looked forward, and a shadow appeared on the sea level.

"As long as I\'m alive, you won\'t die."

"..." A little tears penetrated into Yalulu\'s old eyes. No matter what the man\'s thoughts were, he did help him many times.

I just didn\'t expect it.In the end, the one who was by his side turned out to be a human!

"It\'s really touching." A thin old man stepped on the air and walked across the sea to the two."The same was true of you back then. You valued so-called promises so much that you would capsize in the gutter."

"The same is true for you now, but this time you lose not your legs, but your life!"

"Even if you lose your eyes, it hasn\'t changed your nature, Wang Zhi, you tell me this as soon as you meet?" The man said sarcastically, "It seems that the fiascos over the years still haven\'t taught you the lesson, and you are still doing the conquest. The dream of the world. But after you have reached the sea, you will know that the dream is just a dream after all, like a bubble, it will shatter with a touch." The man is very thin, like a sharp sword standing on the ground. on.

"I haven\'t seen him in nearly 20 years, you still have such sharp teeth." Wang Zhi was not surprised by the irony of the man. The image of the man in front of him gradually overlapped with the memory."I don\'t know what your skills are right now, whether your mouth is great, Turner."

"Ghost Turner!" Wang Zhi emphasized the title of the man before him, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

The smile of the man called Turner gradually diminished. Even if he ridiculed Wang Zhi, he couldn\'t change the fact that this man was really strong. After the Los Angeles Pirates were defeated, Wang Zhi He organized a pirate group, and almost pulled Roger, the pirate king who was in the limelight at the time, under the horse.

He is a worthy opponent, Turner judged this way.

His calf is slightly bent, ready to go,

"I don\'t want to die in this kind of ghost place, bastard!" He muttered to himself, and then suddenly exerted his strength and rushed toward Wang Zhi.

"Do you just shoot without saying hello? Your habit hasn\'t changed at all!" Wang Zhi turned his head subconsciously, and flew past his head with a fist. The biting air wiped a wound on his face. The blood slowly flowed out.

After blasting this punch, Turner\'s body disappeared again.

"But you haven\'t fought for many years." Wang Zhi bent his right hand to protect his chest, just blocking Turner\'s kick, "I\'m not even familiar with my own abilities."


"That is," Wang Zhi\'s whole body was instantly shrouded in pitch black domineering, and this domineering suddenly became transparent, and only a faint halo appeared on his body.

"In front of absolute power, speed is meaningless!"


Turner hit Wang Zhi\'s chest with a punch. Wang Zhi didn\'t dodge, he abruptly blocked the attack with his domineering, then bent his left arm, gathered his strength, and hit Turner\'s abdomen with a heavy punch.


The two exchanged punches. Wang Zhi backed up a few steps and swayed slightly in the air, but he still forcibly stabilized his body without falling.A trace of blood flowed from his mouth.

But Turner was hit by Wang Zhi\'s punch directly into the ground. The ground cracked every inch and a pit appeared. Turner was lying in the center of the pit, struggling desperately, trying to stand up.A cavity appeared in his abdomen, and blood kept pouring out of it.

With a punch, the judgment will be made!

At this time, Kenya was late to arrive. He leaped to the shore, glanced at Turner who was lying in the pit, and frowned."Is this the amazing person you are talking about?"

Although Turner\'s speed was amazing before, he was beaten by Wang Zhi so quickly that he couldn\'t help but underestimate the opponent.

"What do you mean by the second Roger you mentioned before?" Wang Zhi didn\'t directly kill Turner, but returned to the ground, walked to the pit, frowned and asked.

"The second Roger is the second Roger, a man who is qualified to change the world, and a man recognized by my Turner!" Turner said even if he vomited blood.

"Hahahahaha! Change the world, a joke!" Wang Zhi was originally nervous. After hearing Turner\'s words, he became a lot more relaxed. He put a mocking smile on his face, "Even if it was Locke back then. What Captain Si didn\'t do, why did he do it?"

"Because I believe in him! So I am willing to stay here and wait for him!" Turner suddenly opened his eyes, with a hint of excitement on his face."Now, he is coming!"

Kenya subconsciously looked in the direction of the sea, and a huge wave arose in the distance, as if something rushed towards this isolated island.

Wang Zhi frowned slightly, because he felt a familiar breath.

When the waves approached, everyone discovered that it was a mouse surging desperately on the sea, and on his back stood a black-haired man.

The sea breeze shook the man\'s hair, his face was firm, and he stared at the shore.

"Caesar\'s son is the next Roger?"

Wang Zhi said in disbelief, at this moment, the black-haired man had already rushed in front of him, and the giant rat jumped up from the sea and to the shore with a sudden force.

"Squeak!" The giant rat opened his mouth and roared viciously.The black-haired man jumped off its back, landed on the ground, and gently touched the mouse\'s head.

"I\'m so capable, I almost missed it."

Then his smile gradually reduced, raised his head and looked at Wang Zhi in front of him.

"We meet again, Wang Zhi!"