The Pirate Family

528 Chapter 520: A Man Called Ghost

The whole sea was stained red with blood, and Yalulu hugged a wooden board and floated on the sea, breathless.Around his body, there are countless schools of fish, but they seem to be deterred by the remaining aura of Yaluru, afraid to approach, quietly hovering around his body, waiting for him to die.

In front of Yalulu, an old man with blind eyes stood proudly, his legs constantly stepping on the air, floating in the air.His hand was dyed red with the blood of the giant hero, even the dark armor color could not hide it.

"Die quietly, our time will come next." Kenya said sarcastically, "The nearby schools of fish will eat your remains. No one knows that you died here."

"Ahem." Yalulu ignored Xiao Xiao\'s yelling, but raised his head and stared at the old man in the sky.

"You will not be as you wish, your plan will not be as you wish!"

"People may be able to conquer the sea, but they will never be able to conquer the desire for freedom of the men on the sea. Your plan is destined to be a mirrored picture!"

"Last time there was Roger, Karp, and Caesar. We lost, even though we lost," Wang Zhi said lightly, "but some of them have died, and some are old, waiting for Thor to integrate. After the Albuff’s forces pass, no one will be able to stop us."

"What if there is another Roger?"

At this time, a male voice slowly sounded in Wang Zhi\'s ear.

Wang Zhi turned his head and saw two waves ignited on the sea level in the distance. A man stepped on the sea and charged towards this side.His speed was too fast, and he was in front of Wang Zhi in the blink of an eye.

"Unexpectedly, you are still alive. Didn\'t the war kill you all at once?"

The man rushed in front of Wang Zhi in an instant. Wang Zhi frowned slightly and punched him in front of him. The pitch-black fists rubbed against the air violently, making a harsh roar.


The fist passed directly through the man\'s body, there was no sound of broken bones, no blood flowing, the man\'s body slowly disappeared in front of Wang Zhi\'s eyes, with a faint smile on his mouth, like,


It\'s an afterimage!Wang Zhi reacted at once, and subconsciously "looked" towards Yaluru\'s position under him. The man had come to Yalulu\'s side and grabbed Yalulu\'s sturdy arm.

"I was saved by you again, old friend."

Yalulu smiled reluctantly, seeming to be quite familiar with the visitor.

"You are one of the few friends of the old Caesar in this world. If you die, he will be very sad. Besides."

"If the dignified giant hero, Yaluru the Cliffbeard dies in such a ghost place, no one will give away my hero straw hat in the future."

While talking, the man grabbed Yaluru\'s arm.His legs were as fast as lightning, ignoring gravity directly, and ran towards the island with the help of the tension of the sea level. He ran faster and faster, and after a while, there was no shadow.

The whole process happened in an instant, and it was after the man left with Yaluru that Kenyan reacted.

"Fast speed, who is he? How come I haven\'t heard of such a person." He couldn\'t help being afraid. If the man just prepared to do something on himself, he would not even have time to react.

"I didn\'t expect him to be alive. It seems that this sea is not as boring as I thought." Wang Zhi looked in the direction where the two disappeared, showing a playful expression.

"Who is he?" Listening to Wang Zhi\'s tone, it seemed that he knew this man, and Kenya quickly asked. He must understand this kind of opponent that may have an impact on His Majesty Thor\'s plan to dominate the sea.

"Recognition?" Wang Zhi seemed to be lost in memory, "His name is quite loud."

After the "Valley of Gods incident", the ambitious Rocks died there. His subordinates were torn apart and fought fierce battles with the great pirates of the new world. In the end, several victors were decided, and the king came to the sea. .

In that era, countless personalities emerged, including the man just now.

"He is called a ghost by us. He is an acceleration person who has eaten the fruits of acceleration. If the physical condition allows, he can accelerate infinitely. Even if it is us, it is quite difficult to face him."

"Accelerated Fruit? Isn\'t that invincible? Will it have any effect on our plan?" Kenya frowned and said, intercepting Yaluru is the most important part of His Majesty Thor\'s plan. After breaking the skin, it becomes an endless situation.

Yalulu died, and His Majesty Thor completely controlled Albuff.

Yaluru lives, then Your Majesty Thor, including all those who follow him, will be ruined!

So no matter what, you can\'t let Yaluru return to Kingdom Island alive!

"Invincible?" Wang Zhi sneered, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone."If he was really invincible, he wouldn\'t have capsized in the gutter at the beginning. In fact, after that incident, we all thought he would never recover. We didn\'t expect to meet him here."

"His weakness is very simple, that is, the faster the speed, the greater the consumption of the body, dragging Yaluru\'s huge body to forcibly escape, and being able to return to that island is a luxury!"

"For them, it\'s nothing more than that the tomb has changed from the sea to that isolated island."

"Is that so? Then we will take advantage of the victory!" Kenya said immediately. Fortunately, it is not too far from where Yalulu lives. It will not take long to get back there. He took out a paddle and paddled the rest. Plank up.

"Before the old guy leaves any clues, you must completely destroy everything about him!"

"That\'s it." There was a hint of sarcasm on Wang Zhi\'s face. He remembered what Turner said when he came to him.

"What if there is another Roger? Naturally, another Karp will deal with him."

"Hehe, but there is no Roger in this era. There is only endless darkness."


The man dragged Yaluru to the shore of the isolated island, and he collapsed to the ground, and there was a soreness in his calf.

Although the Accelerated Fruit is extremely powerful, the burden on himself is also huge, and the old wound on his calf almost exhausted his last bit of strength.

"If it was back then, don\'t say that I brought you here, even if I took you across the windless zone, there would be no problem!"

The man sighed, but there was no if.He sat next to Yaluru and said slowly.

"Old friends, the two of us might die in this place."

The giant\'s chest was ups and downs, and it took a while before he said slowly.

"Death is not terrible, the terrible thing is that you didn\'t die well."