The Pirate Family

530 Chapter 522

"You are finally here." Turner breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Lorne\'s arrival. He seemed certain that Lorne would come over a long time ago.

Lorne glanced at the old acquaintance in front of him, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, but it was not the time to care about this.

"If you have anything, let\'s talk about it later."

When he was at sea, he suddenly had an ominous premonition, so he left Zhuanyuan and the others, and took the giant rat alone to swim towards this side, just in time to see the scene of Wang Zhi killing all quarters.

Lorne looked at the blind old man in front of him. At this time, Wang Zhi was completely different from when he was in prison. After sweeping away the decadence before, he was a hundred times more energetic, like a sharp sword standing proudly on the ground.While Wang Zhi also observed Lorne, the young man gradually overlapped with the unruly big pirate in his memory.

"I didn\'t expect you to become Thor\'s lackey in the end."

"I didn\'t expect that the second Roger Turner said was you." Lorne and Wang Zhi said in unison, both of them were taken aback, and then the corners of their mouths turned upward at the same time.

Lorne shook his head first and said slowly.

"I am not the second Roger, I am me, Vennhill Lorne."

"Sure enough, he is his son, he is so unwilling to be behind." Wang Zhi\'s hand was slowly raised, and the dark domineering covering his sturdy arm.

"It\'s just that, after today, your already withered Weinhill family may be about to end."

"Everyone can say big things, let\'s see the real kung fu."

Lorne said slowly, at this time, Wang Zhi moved.His body disappeared instantly.The sound of a violent wind roared in Lorne\'s ears.

As if something stirred the air, the air turned into a sharp sword, continuously cutting Lorne\'s skin.He felt a slight tingling pain.

So fast?!

A trace of surprise flashed in Lorne\'s eyes. Wang Zhi\'s speed completely exceeded his imagination, infinitely close to the limit of ordinary people, and his movements could not be captured by the naked eye. Even seeing and hearing the domineering, it was difficult to keep up with his figure.

Pure physical skills are rare in this sea. Lorne has encountered the strongest physical skills before, even Jhin, who is a capable person, but even Jhin, without changing his body , It is difficult to compare with the old man in front of him.

Who is he!

Lorne\'s right hand was subconsciously protected in front of his chest, and a dark fist slammed on Ron\'s arm, and the two men\'s armed colors were intertwined.A shock wave centered on two people, spreading everywhere, covering the entire coast in the blink of an eye.

Then, whether it is a hard rock or the flowers and plants growing around the coast, they all turn into countless powder in an instant.Except for the ground where everyone was standing, a deep hole appeared on the sea line.

"Cough cough." A trace of blood flowed out from the corner of Ron\'s mouth.

"The domineering practice is good. At your current age, you can be considered commendable." Wang Zhi slowly retracted his fist. He was imprisoned for twenty years. Twenty years ago, he had not heard of Caesar having a child. So it is concluded that Lorne will not be older than twenty.

"However, at this level, you are trying to become the second Roger. Who do you think you are? You don\'t even know how terrifying the pirates of our time are!"

"You lose, and then I will send your body to Caesar, then defeat him upright and tell him that his era is over."

Wang Zhi said slowly, his face stubborn.In his time, those high-ranking names were so dazzling, even those who were strong like him looked bleak.

After fighting for half a lifetime, and didn\'t catch up with them, this gradually became Wang Zhi\'s dire.This is why Wang Zhi decided to cooperate with Thor. He wants to conquer the world and prove that he is better than them!

My Wang Zhi\'s life is no weaker than anyone!

After Wang Zhi retracted his hand, a shallow fist mark appeared on Ron\'s arm, followed by the sound of broken bones.

Click, click, click.

Lorne\'s skin was cracked every inch, a crack appeared on his arm, then the whole arm broke, and his palm fell to the ground.

With a punch, Wang Zhi broke one of Ron\'s arm directly!

"But, you haven\'t won yet!" Lorne said slowly. The pain in his arm made him sober. He gritted his teeth and forced himself not to make any weak sounds.With his other hand, he raised a bloody scalpel, and a drop of blood slipped from the sharp knife.

At this time, Wang Zhi’s nerves were stung by the late pain. He lowered his head subconsciously and saw a wound that almost cut through his entire left abdomen. Blood was constantly flowing out of the gap in the left abdomen. Infiltrating.

When did Lorne move the knife?

"It seems I really underestimated you."

He used his armed color and domineering to forcibly plug the wound in his waist and abdomen, and slowly said to Lorne, "Is it to lure the enemy to go deeper, and exchange his chance to attack me at the expense of one of his arms? It is indeed called by Turner It\'s a man who can take over for Roger. He is really cruel to himself. But have you forgotten a question?"

"Even if I am injured, I can easily get rid of you who lost my right arm. In the face of absolute power, everything is meaningless!

Wang Zhi has absolute confidence in his two-color domineering, because even in that era of dazzling stars, there are only so few people who can beat him in the field of domineering!

He waved his hand at Ron, his calf suddenly exerted force, and then the whole person disappeared before Ron\'s eyes again!

His waist and abdomen were so severely injured, it didn\'t even affect his combat effectiveness!

A gleam of cold flashed in Lorne\'s eyes, holding the scalpel back in his hand, squatting slightly, and avoiding a killing punch from Wang Zhi.

Because at the level where I met in the prison before, I couldn\'t feel the breath of the other party at all, Lorne knew that Wang Zhi\'s domineering appearance completely crushed him.And people who have seen such a strong color domineering, except for some people who are particularly biased, the armed color domineering will never be weak.

In addition, Lorne\'s body was a clone created by Jiazhi, and in terms of physical quality, it is completely impossible to compare with Wang Zhi, who is a top physical skill expert, even if he is already a late old man.

Therefore, the key to victory is not at all in physical combat.


A transparent aperture, centered on Lorne, spread everywhere, instantly covering the entire pit.

"ROOM!" Lorne\'s body exchanged with a boulder, and a pitch-black fist hit the boulder fiercely. This hard stone instantly turned into countless powder!

Although Lorne has always disliked people who are particularly dependent on ability, he has to admit one thing, using his ability reasonably can indeed help him defeat the strong with the weak!