The Pirate Family

527 Chapter 519 Old Man and Old Man

"The rebellion on Kingdom Island is real, but it is not Loki who initiated the rebellion, but you!"

Yalulu looked stern, if he still didn\'t understand the cause and effect of the matter, he would be a fool.

"Or it\'s hiding behind you, Thor."

"Who knows?" Kenya shrugged, "This matter, you will know when you ask them in hell."

"Don\'t worry, they will come to accompany you soon."

"But have you misunderstood something?" Yalulu\'s eyes flashed with killing intent, and a huge momentum spreading around him centered on him, just like an ancient beast just waking up.

"Only you can keep me? How ignorant are the people behind you?!"

An opponent of Kenya\'s level, when he fought in the sea, he didn\'t know how many he killed!

"What a terrible overlord\'s aura, even Thor and Loki are far behind, and it really deserves to be the legend of Elbaff, the hero among the heroes." Kenya praised.

"But did you misunderstand something?" He returned his original words to Yaluru. "Over three hundred years, you haven\'t taken your life, but haven\'t you taken away your strength?"

Even in terms of the age of the giants, Yaluru is also an out-and-out old man, his current strength is long gone.

Kenya stared at Yalulu\'s eyes, and Kenya said word by word.

"Now you, can you still afford a knife? We respect you for your legendary deeds. Do you still think you are the hero who looks forward to?"

Yalulu did not speak, only the ups and downs in his chest showed that his mood was not peaceful at this time.What Kenya said was right. Even the invincible Odin was lost to time. After he was old, his strength continued to weaken, not to mention Yaluru, who was far older than Odin.

His energy gathered together, staring at Kenya coldly, ready to shoot at any time.But Kenya\'s next sentence completely defeated Yalulu\'s defense.

"If you still had the youthful courage, Yoruru would not have died in the hands of an eight-year-old girl."

"Shut up for me!" Yalulu said angrily, his calf suddenly exerted force, and his whole body rushed towards Kenya like a tiger.


Two mountain-like fists collided, the pitch-black domineering fighting in the air, making a harsh sound like a metal mofa.

Kacha, the wooden boat could not bear this huge experience and split into two halves. Yalulu and Kenya stood on top of half of the wooden boat and retreated several tens of meters.The two sides of the wooden boat set off monstrous waves.

Kenya brushed his arms, his muscles were sore that he was secretly surprised. The old Yaluru also had such terrifying power, how terrifying he was when he was young.

But fortunately, His Majesty Thor didn\'t send himself to deal with him alone, he just wanted to act as a bystander to attract his attention.The real shot is...

Yalulu stepped on the broken half of the wooden boat, and sea water poured in from the deck. The wooden boat sank slowly. Unmoved, he stepped hard on the wooden boat and jumped up. Once again he rushed towards Kenya.

"You will pay for your arrogance, young man!"

This is the time!

Kenya\'s eyes widened, and as Yalulu jumped into the air, a sea beast tens of meters in size jumped out from the bottom of the water, aimed at Yalulu\'s waist, and bit it fiercely.

Yalulu had no help in the air, so he had to twist his waist forcibly, one arm rotated half a circle, and slammed at the sea beast\'s mouth.


The mouth of the sea beast full of jagged teeth was smashed by Yaluru, but Yalulu also lost the power to leap forward and fell from midair.

But the moment she fell into half of the wooden boat, he suddenly felt an inexplicable murderous intention, and his body almost instinctively twisted.The body of the sea beast suddenly twisted a few weird times, and then a heavy punch blasted through the body of the sea beast, driving the air to form a fist wind, mixed with the flesh and blood of the sea beast and blasted towards Aluru.

Swordsmen who cultivate to a high level can cut out sword qi, and fighters who cultivate to a high level can also blast out the style of fist.This fist wind almost wiped Yaluru\'s waist and flew over, his linen clothes instantly turned into fragments, leaving a bright red on his waist.

I don’t know if it’s the blood of sea beasts or...

Yalulu fell on the deck, a fiery pain came from his waist, and the salt water wetted the wound, making him feel a biting sensation even more.

How many years has it been, how many years have you not been injured?Yalulu didn\'t know, but he didn\'t have time to sigh, his eyes fixed on the remains of the sea beast.

An old man, standing on the wreck of a sea beast, floating in the sea.

"Unexpectedly, after so many years, your reaction is still so sensitive. My punch didn\'t take your life."

The old man raised his head, the position of his original eyes turned out to be empty, which seemed to be very extravagant.He was completely dry, like a twilight old man, but Aluru did not underestimate him.Because he knew this old man.

"It seems that this matter is involved a lot, even you are involved, Wang Zhi."

In this world, there are countless strong people, but abandoning all kinds of abilities and great swordsmen, there are very few people who have reached the top of this sea with physical skills.The man in front of him named Wang Zhi was one of them.

Although Yalulu has withdrawn from the hegemony for more than a hundred years, things outside will still be heard in his ears.In that era, the pirates might not be able to tell who was the strongest. If they were to judge who was the strongest, the name Wang Zhi would definitely be among them.

After Karp, before Monbach!

"I should have asked Odin to kill you back then." Aluru said coldly, "It\'s just that, as proud as you, why would you work for Thor? Did Thor also participate in the incident twenty years ago Come in?"

Twenty years ago, after the loss of the Rocks Pirate Group, Locks’s subordinates started their own business. Many of them became powerful pirates, such as Charlotte Lingling, Kaido, Whitebeard Newgate, Golden Lion Shiji and so on.

But Wang Zhi chose to take his subordinates and came to Elbaff to wreak havoc, and was finally defeated by Odin.This made Yalulu very puzzled, and now thinking about it, everything seems to be understood.

"Haha." The old man did not answer Yalulu\'s words, but continued to accumulate momentum.Being able to kill a legend with his own hands has dissipated a lot of the gloom that he had been imprisoned for twenty years.

Yalulu’s face was a little more solemn, and he had to go all out, because his colleague faced the young giant hero Kenya, and Wang Zhi who had just escaped from the prison, he really might fall here. .