The Pirate Family

509 Chapter 501 Cat and Mouse (Special Edition)

The two followed the mouse until they reached the end of the rotating prison. At a corner, the giant mouse stopped and looked at the front with fear.

"Ohh ohh (that terrible thing in front, you can take my vocal cords back to me yet)?" It looked at the corner of Lorne Han Guang, two front paws together, pitiful.

Lorne glanced at Zhuan Yuan, who shook his head at him.

Until now, their domineering experience has not given them the slightest warning!

If it weren\'t for the snoring of something across the wall, they would all suspect that there was nothing in front of them!

"When I solve this thing, I will give it back to you. Now you are waiting here." Lorne touched the head of the giant mouse and said slowly.

But this is true, a lazy voice rang in the ears of the two of them.

"Is Jerry you?"

The voice is not loud, soft and sharp, with a hint of expectation.It\'s like the coquettish voice of a certain cat just waking up.

It was discovered!The two of them stood up, and the mouse lay directly on the ground and shivered.

Boom boom boom boom!

The kerosene lamp on the bottom of the prison was suddenly lit, dispelling the boundless darkness. Under the dim light, a huge black shadow slowly stood up and walked towards everyone.

Can\'t avoid it! Lorne took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. It seemed meaningless to escape in front of the opponent whose sight and color completely crushed him.Only head-to-head can have a chance.

Moreover, he is not necessarily going to lose. He is also a well-known big pirate. He doesn\'t believe that the things in it are really so terrible, so he doesn\'t have the slightest ability to resist.

The first thing that appeared in front of the two of them was a pair of dark green vertical pupils. It also spotted Lorne and Zhuan Yuan, slanting down slightly, looking at them condescendingly, like hunters looking at their prey.

Then in the darkness emerged several beards,

"Is it some kind of giant cat?" Lorne\'s pupils shrank. Cats often represent agility and speed, which perfectly fits with the domineering color of seeing and hearing.In other words, this monster is extremely dangerous.


A fluffy paw emerged from the darkness, and the flesh pad behind the paw looked extremely pink in the dim light.

Lorne\'s face stiffened, and he had a vaguely bad premonition.


The monster in the dark came out, and the big blue cat that appeared in front of the two of them!He has a blue back and a white belly, which makes him very cute.There was a black bell about the height of a person hanging around its neck. This should be the cage for the woman Loki liked.Lorne vaguely sensed that there was a weak life in it.

At this time, Lorne finally remembered what Ulay had said when he mentioned it, "He is the pet of His Majesty Odin."

Tom, Jerry, and Lorne stared at the two animals in front of him blankly. Isn\'t this Nima a cat and a mouse?

Giant country version of cat and mouse.

"Jerry, are you here to play with me?" The giant cat vomited, then sat up, licked his paw, and curiously looked at the giant mouse crawling on the ground.

The giant mouse shivered and dared not speak at all.The cat fiddled with the mouse with its front paws, as if it had caught a novel toy.Let the mouse named jerry roll around on the ground.

From start to finish, this mouse did not dare to move.

"Meow!" The cat\'s happiness is very simple, as long as someone plays with it, it will be very excited.

At this time, it finally noticed the two of Lorne, slowed down the movement of fiddle with the mouse a little, and said excitedly.

"You are also Jerry\'s friends, are you here to play with me?"

Was it played by you like that mouse?Lorne looked at the mouse rolling around on the ground with pity, and then slowly shook his head.

"No, we are here to ask for something like you."

"What is it!" The cat stopped moving, tilted his head, and asked curiously.

No cat can contain its curiosity, and it is no exception.

"The bell on your neck."

"Meow bell?" The cat lowered his head, looked at the thing hanging around his neck, and then shook his head.

"No way, this thing was entrusted to me by the smelly old man. He told me to watch it for a while. If you lose it, you will be scolded by the smelly old man. Maybe there will be no fish in the future. Meow!"

While talking, it also tentatively fiddled with the bell on its neck, and a woman\'s weak moan came from inside.

There is nothing wrong with it!

Lorne made sure that the bell was his goal, but the cat didn\'t seem to let go.

"I can only fight?" Zhuan Yuan whispered in Lorne\'s ear. This cat didn\'t seem to be very clever, but with such outstanding domineering looks, it was quite tricky.

"Not necessarily," Lorne said softly, then took a step, raised his head, and asked at the cat.

"Do you like to play?"

"Yes, meow! What\'s the matter?" The cat asked in confusion. The cat likes to play. What\'s the problem?

"This mouse should be your only playmate, right?" Lorne asked. After all, the real world is not a fairy tale. It\'s just loneliness that allows cats to overcome instincts.After all, in this dark prison, a mouse should be its only playmate.

The cat was silent.Lorne continued to ask,

"It\'s just that it doesn\'t seem to like being with you. In the past, run away often."

Nonsense, who likes to be patted as a racket.

The giant mouse raised his head and looked at Lorne, with a trace of gratitude in his eyes, even a little tearful.

Someone finally spoke up.

At this moment, Lorne\'s figure looked extremely tall in the eyes of the giant mouse.

The cat continued to be silent. Although what Lorne said was the truth, he still didn\'t understand what Lorne meant with his wisdom.

"Once it runs away, no one will be with you, it\'s a bit boring, right." Lorne took a flat piece of meat from his body and handed it to the cat.

"But with this thing, this mouse will never run away. How about using it to replace the bell on your neck?"

Giant mouse: "?????"

The cat lowered his head, thoughtful glances flashed in his eyes.It seems that after weighing the stinking old man scolded after losing the bell and doing nothing, that is even more difficult to accept.

"Also, we won\'t take away the bell (as long as the person inside the bell), so you don\'t count as negligence of duty." Lorne saw that the cat was a little moved, and continued to lead orderly.His words are like the whispers of the devil.Overwhelmed the last straw in the cat\'s heart.

"I promised meow!" It raised up to the sky and roared excitedly.