The Pirate Family

508 Chapter 500: His Son and Her Daughter

"Sure enough, you are much cleaner, you are quite capable." When Lorne and Zhuan Yuan returned to the cage where the old prisoner was held, the old prisoner said with a smile while taking out his earwax.

Without the annoying squeak of the giant mouse, he felt much cleaner.

"Trouble me, I can answer my question now." Lorne put the scalpel in place, then said lightly.

"Just ask, I\'ve been imprisoned in this place for 20 years, and I\'m pretty clear about the environment here." The old man said nonchalantly. For him now, there is nothing worthy of his attention.

"A while ago, was there a human woman in this prison?"

Lorne asked seriously.He wanted to know if the human woman Loki liked was here.

"Human women?" The old man took a deep breath, "Let me think about it."

"In my memory, there are not many human beings imprisoned here, let alone human women. After all, this is Elbaff, not Push City."

Pushing the city is gone, Zhuan Yuan next to it silently said.

"Moreover, since about ten years ago, the old king has rarely imprisoned prisoners here. As far as I know, he prefers to be executed on the spot." The old man showed a weird smile, matching his deep eyes. , Looks terrifying.

"So is there any?" Lorne frowned, he didn\'t have time to dawdle with the old man.

"You young people are really impatient," the old man laughed, then his voice changed."Some time ago, the monster who was in charge of this prison went out in person and brought back a cage. I didn\'t know what was being held in it."

"Maybe the person you are looking for is there."

"It\'s just that, according to my perception, the person in the cage is very weak. Are you sure that the person you are looking for is him?"

Some time ago, being so valued, the strength is very weak.

Lorne and Zhuan Yuan looked at each other. Putting these keywords together, he was 80% sure that this woman was the one Prince Rocky wanted.

"So, where is that woman locked up?" Lorne asked lightly.

"Who knows?" The old man shrugged. "The monster used the cage as a pendant and hung it around his neck. That is to say, where the monster is, the woman is locked up."

"But I remind you that after seeing that monster, don\'t be deceived by its appearance. It is really very, very strong."

"Understood." Lorne nodded. This time it was not without gain. At least he knew that the target was really in this prison, and it was on the warden, the monster called TOM. He Zhuan Yuan was going to continue to touch down.

"Ha ha ha ha ha." After Lorne and Zhuan Yuan had left for a long time, the old man suddenly let out a terrible laugh, the laughter spreading in the endless darkness, just like the whispers of a devil.

"It\'s so interesting! Isn\'t it?" the old man murmured to himself.

"What a familiar smell, this child, is it your son."

"Hahaha! I didn\'t expect your son to have contact with her daughter in the end. What happened to this sea during the twenty years of my detention!"

The old man, talking to himself, seemed to have returned to the era that belonged to them. He saw the man with black hair and a rebellious face, and the man who always showed idiot smile for freedom.

"My friends..."


"What did you feel?" Lorne and Zhuanyuan walked in the gloom when Lorne suddenly asked."Have you found that monster?"

"I can\'t feel it at all." Zhuan Yuan closed her eyes and saw the domineering color spread out. After a while, she shook her head regretfully."I\'m not even sure there is something alive below."

In the cages on both sides, there are some dry bones, but these dry bones still exude some aura, demonstrating their great achievements in life.

Lorne was silent. This is the most terrifying thing. Seeing that the domineering can\'t catch the opponent at all, it probably means one thing, that is the monster in this prison, just like the old man. They completely crushed the two of them in terms of seeing and hearing domineering.


There was a whimper next to him, and a huge mouse appeared in the shadows, looking at Lorne pitifully, with flowers in the corners of his eyes.

Yes, Lorne didn\'t kill it directly just now, but removed the mouse\'s vocal cords so that it could never make a sound.

The mouse that had lost its vocal cords seemed to have lost its soul, and even stopped resisting, lying directly in front of Lorne, feeling that I was no longer in love.It was just that it was later discovered that Lorne hadn\'t killed it, so hope was rekindled, and he followed Lorne\'s face in despair, wanting to get back his wonderful singing voice.

"Do you want this?" Lorne stopped, then took out a flat piece of meat and dangled it twice in front of the giant mouse.

The giant mouse had straight eyes and wanted to snatch it, but feared that Lorne would directly destroy its vocal cords, so he lowered his head and made a submissive look.

"Find someone for me, just a woman," he pointed to Zhuan Yuan next to him, "probably similar to her."

A light of thought flashed in the mouse\'s eyes, and then he stood up with his sturdy hind legs and pointed upstairs.

The seat of the old blind man.

"Puff." Zhuan Yuan spit out water directly, she wanted to ask this mouse, is there any similarity between herself and the old man?

"Although Zhuan Yuan is usually fierce and pretending to be old-fashioned, she is still a woman, and I want to find a young woman." Lorne had a headache and wanted to explain the man and the giant mouse. The difference between women seemed a little troublesome, he thought about it, and decided to change it.

"Do you know the owner of this prison? It\'s the fiercest monster, leading us to find it."

As an aboriginal in this prison, the mouse of course knows everything about the prison well. When he heard that Ron was trying to find the most terrifying monster, a trace of fear flashed in the mouse’s eyes, but he thought of his vocal cords. , Still gritted his teeth in his mouth, and pointed to the front.

"Uuuuuu (I will take you there)."

After screaming hoarsely, he rushed in a certain direction, and halfway through, he turned his head to look at the two of Lorne, looking confused, as if asking why you two didn\'t keep up.