The Pirate Family

510 Chapter 502 Brother-in-law?

"I promised meow!" The cat said excitedly, and then used his cute meat claws to remove the necklace from his neck, but it was too fat to reach the neck.

"I\'ll come." Lorne said softly, walking in front of the giant cat. He didn\'t want to fight with this cat. Can he say something else, but if he fights, he will definitely disturb his residence. The one in the palace next door.

The man who commands the strongest country in the world, if he doesn\'t want it, he really doesn\'t want to face him head-on.

After hearing Ron\'s words, the cat thought for a while and lowered his head docilely.Lie in front of Lorne.

"It can only be a little while!" It said fearfully, thinking that if the smelly old man knew about it, it would inevitably be beaten.Vaguely scared, but more...excited?

Lorne looked at the fluctuating mood of the cat and sighed. The cat was such a strange creature.

The bell is about the height of a person. It is made of a black metal, and the fluctuation of a person\'s breath can be vaguely felt inside.Lorne stretched out his hand, and a scalpel appeared in his hand.

"ROOM·Cut!" He swiped the bell lightly, a square cut appeared on the surface of the black bell, and a woman rolled out from it.

"Happy cooperation." Lorne handed the flat piece of meat to the cat.Put it on the mat, and then use the power of the operation fruit to repair the bell.From the outside, it was impossible to find that there was no one inside.

"Happy cooperation!"

The cat looked at the intact bell on his chest and stood up excitedly.Then he turned around twice. In this case, the smelly old man has no reason to scold himself, right?

After all, my duty is just to be optimistic about this bell, it\'s nothing to do with me meow!

"Let me be so beautiful that Rocky, a dignified prince of Elbaff, is willing to give up the throne." Zhuan Yuan helped the woman who had rolled out of the bell and turned it over. A little weak, he opened his eyes in a daze.

But after seeing the latter\'s face clearly, Zhuan Yuan was stunned, and it took a long time to suffocate a word.

"It seems that Loki is true love."

A woman’s looks can’t afford to be beautiful. She has pink hair, her face is like a swollen potato, and her thick lips are covered with bright red lipstick. It looks a bit nondescript, even with the most friendly adjective. Said it is ordinary.

However, when Ron saw the woman\'s face clearly, he was stunned.

At this time, the woman opened her misty eyes, which happened to meet Ron\'s eyes.The two were silent for a long time before the woman said first.


"Puff!" Zhuan Yuan was embarrassed by the woman\'s address to Lorne, but then he seemed to think of something and looked at the woman in shock.

The entire sea knows that Lorne\'s fiancee is the eighteenth daughter of the Charlotte family, Charlotte Garrett, known as the "Crimson Rose".So if this woman calls Lorne her brother-in-law, does that mean...

Zhuan Yuan didn\'t dare to think about it.

"Why are you here?" After holding back for a while, Lorne said. Of course he knew the woman in front of him. This woman was the twenty-third daughter of the Charlotte family, Charlotte Rolla.When he was engaged to Xiaojia, this woman hid in the crowd as a bystander.

But Lola belongs to the most inconspicuous level among the many children of the Charlotte family.Far from being valued by Charlotte Lingling like Xiao Jia, she didn\'t even get the devil fruit.If it weren\'t for her looks so unique, Lorne couldn\'t remember this woman either.

"I want to go out to the sea for some experience. When I first sailed to the sea area of ​​the giant whale, I encountered a sea storm. I was separated from all the crew and came to this place in a daze." The woman called Lola was dazed. Said, but she seemed to think of something and suddenly asked excitedly.

"By the way, brother-in-law, how is Brother Rocky now!"

She remembered that the king of this country seemed to be at odds with his mother. After hearing about his identity, he threw himself directly into this dark place. The brother Rocky who saved her even because of himself, and his father There was a fierce quarrel.

"How is he, you\'ll know when you look at it later." Lorne helped Lola up. At this time, Lola was very weak because of being restrained for a long time, and even walking was a luxury."He misses you quite a bit."

Lorne said with some playfulness, Xiao Jia once said to herself that her mother\'s greatest wish is to collect all races of human beings and build a utopia where all races coexist in harmony—the nations.

This ideal even surpassed her goal of becoming One Piece.

However, Charlotte Lingling now has almost all the common races, only one race, which has not been satisfied.

That is the family of giants living in Elbaff!

It is said that Charlotte Lingling was expelled by all giants because she killed the heroes of the giants by herself in the early years.

But now the prince of the giants actually likes Laura, which means that the tension between the Charlotte family and the Elbuff giants may be relieved!

"Are you sent by my mother to save me?" Laura said weakly, and at the same time she was puzzled. She has never been favored in front of her mother. Why would her mother send someone to save herself?

You know, the man in front of me who is called my brother-in-law is the celebrity of the entire Charlotte family, and even the entire sea!

"Don\'t talk yet, I\'ll take you out first." Lorne said lightly, then beckoned to the giant cat, and helped Lola to walk up to the upper level of the prison.

At the first moment when he saw Lola, he decided that this marriage must be promoted, because the current Charlotte family is not only the Charlotte family, but also the Wienhill family, the bond of the underground world. They formed A huge community of interests spanning the four seas.

Once Albuff joins their community, then they will truly cover the sky with one hand!

"Be careful not to be caught!"

The giant cat called, then lowered his head and looked at the mouse in front of him.

"Squeaky!" The mouse yelled miserably, and then looked at Lorne with small eyes, as if he had issued the most vicious curse in the world.


The two quickly came to the gate of the prison. Lorne used his abilities to directly cut a small hole as high as one person in the gate. Several people jumped out of this small hole and interacted with the black hole outside. Lai and Jasmine will get together.