The Pirate Family

505 Chapter 498 Humans in Giants Prison

But just as Lorne walked out of Rocky\'s castle, he suddenly slapped his head and said with some chagrin.

"Well, I forgot an important thing,"

"What\'s the matter?" Zhuan Yuan looked puzzled.

"Forgot to ask Loki where the woman he liked was locked up?"

There was a moment of silence among those present.Even Lorne\'s face was a bit awkward, he was always meticulous in his work, and he didn\'t expect to be sloppy.Zhuan Yuan also hesitated.

She didn\'t want to smell formalin in Rocky\'s palace anymore.

"There is only one prison in the entire Kingdom Island, and that is the royal imperial prison built next to the palace." At this time, Ulay said in a timely manner, "Presumably that human woman should be imprisoned in that place."

Albuff establishes the country by military force, and every giant king is a hero among heroes.The giant prison was built next to the palace, on the one hand to demonstrate the courage of the giant king, and on the other hand, if something happens to the prison, the strongest warrior of the entire kingdom has time to suppress it.

"Let\'s go." If you go back and ask Loki, you may be despised by him. Otherwise, Ron doesn\'t want to have too much contact with this man.

Lorne and Zhuan Yuan sat on the shoulders of two giants and soon came to the door of a steel prison.

"It\'s worth mentioning that in the Giants Prison, not only the erring giants are imprisoned, but also some vicious monsters," Wulai reminded solemnly. For those criminals, he used the term "monster".

"If you wake them up, it will cause a disaster."

"The warden of the Giants Prison is a pet of His Majesty Odin. A monster named TOM," Ulay said."If it is not accidental, please do not have any contact with it."

"That\'s all I know, please be careful."

When he came over, Lorne discussed with Wulai and the others. After a while, the two giants would stay outside and let Lorne go in alone.

After all, Lorne is a professional for jailbreaking.

"I\'ll go with you." Just as Ron was preparing to act, Zhuan Yuan, who had not spoken next to him, suddenly said."Don\'t think too much, I am not worried about your safety, but afraid of you doing crazy things."

She pointed at Lorne,

"After all, you have a criminal record."

Lorne smiled wryly, he didn\'t expect that his whimsical thoughts back then would cause such a big trouble to the world.But if he was asked to choose again, he would still choose to go in and advance the city.

The two lurked at the door of the Giant\'s prison, between two pebbles.As a lieutenant admiral, Zhuan Yuan has received professional incubation training, so it doesn\'t need to be much, while Lorne silently opened the "ROOM" space, and is ready to do anything if something unexpected happens.

Quack quack.

The iron door of the giant prison slowly opened, and a team of jailers walked out of it.They take over every 15 minutes, and now is the time for them to take over.

According to Zhuan Yuan\'s idea, he wanted Lorne to use his abilities to confuse the jailers\' vision, and then walked in openly.But Lorne shook his head and rejected the offer.

Because this body of his can\'t use the fruit power of the body, he was just cheating Zhuan Yuan before.However, Lorne is not without help.

When the group of jailers had just walked out of the prison gate, and the giant steel gate had not yet been closed, Ron\'s right hand was aimed at the heart of the jailer who was walking in front, and the space was drawn.A small piece of meat appeared in Ron\'s hands.He cut off a small piece of the giant jailer\'s heart!

The jailer\'s face changed suddenly, then he clutched his chest, and slowly fell down.

"what happened to you?"

"Cheer up, brother!"

"Medical staff, medical staff!"

The other jailers hurriedly held on to their compatriots and shouted to the side.

"ROOM·Transformation and Shadow." Taking advantage of this short riot, Lorne used the ability of the fruit of the operation to change his position with a small stone in the giant prison.

"I really don\'t understand you," Zhuan Yuan muttered. She suddenly didn\'t understand Lorne\'s evil taste. There was a better way to take such a big risk.But she decided to follow Lorne, her knees bent slightly,


A circle of spider-web-like cracks appeared on the surface of the cobblestone behind her, and Zhuan Yuan disappeared, and instantly appeared in front of the giant prison gate.But her body hadn\'t fully appeared yet, and she disappeared again, and she got into the prison and came to Lorne\'s side.

Although the shave in the six styles consumes a lot of physical energy, for Zhuan Yuan, it is also a drop in the bucket.

When the two of them had completely entered the Giant\'s Prison, the door was slowly closed.Lorne threw the meat in his hand behind him, and the fallen jailer suddenly opened his eyes and slowly stood up.

"What happened to me just now?"

"It\'s probably overworked and a little tired. I\'ll apply to Lord King to give you a vacation." The captain of the jailer said honestly. The friendship of the giants is so simple and pure.

"It\'s so dark here. It\'s completely invisible." When the steel gate was completely closed, the whole ground became dark, leaving only a few dozen meters high on the wall. Every ten meters away, a kerosene lamp lit up. With a fairly limited scope.

It\'s just that the two of them are doing well in their domineering and domineering cultivation, even in the dark, they won\'t be blind.

"This darkness is far worse than pushing the city." Lorne said faintly, pushing the sixth floor of the city, infinite hell, that is the real dark day, never seeing the sun, even today, Lorne often I feel shuddering when I recall.

Zhuan Yuan was silent. She had heard about the advancement of the city, but from her standpoint, it was really inconvenient to say anything.

The two were walking in the prison, surrounded by steel cages, and Ron could feel that there were many terrifying monsters sleeping in the cage.

Giants, behemoths, sea kings, and even some fur races and humans!

"It seems that this Elbaff is not completely uncontested." Lorne said. The entire giant prison is like a downward spiral corridor, and next to the corridor is a cage.With the deepening of Lorne and Zhuan Yuan, the aura of the prisoners nearby became stronger and stronger.

"How big is this prison?" The two walked for a while, still not feeling the breath of the human woman that Rocky was talking about.Zhuan Yuan frowned and said.

"Maybe, it\'s not necessarily straight to hell?" Lorne said uncertainly, because at this time, they were hundreds of meters away from the ground.In the cage next to him, there are even opponents he finds tricky.

But at this time, an old voice suddenly came from the darkness, he said suspiciously.
