The Pirate Family

504 Chapter 497 Loki

Lorne stood on Ulay\'s shoulders and looked at the legendary giant prince curiously.

Unlike the rough madness of other giants, Loki\'s figure was thinner than those giants, and his skin was extremely pale and looked a little sick.He was wearing an exquisite animal skin robe, which made him look a little more gentle.

But Lorne didn\'t have the slightest contempt for Loki because of his appearance, because by seeing and hearing the domineering, he clearly saw the terrifying power hidden under this thin appearance.

One who can be respected by a brash man like Ulay is definitely not a weak one.

At this time, Loki and Ulay\'s hug ended, and he also noticed Lorne standing on Ulay\'s shoulders.He asked Wulai suspiciously.

"Who is this?"

"He is my good brother, his name is Lorne." Wulai introduced enthusiastically."He came here to ask His Highness to do me a favor."

"It turned out to be Brother Lorne, come in and talk." Unexpectedly, Loki\'s eyes on Lorne became gentler. Instead of furious because of Lorne\'s human identity, he invited them to him. The bedroom.

In Loki\'s bedroom, there were several chairs of unknown beasts. Jasmine and Wulai sat on the same chair, while Loki sat on a black iron throne and looked at everyone gently.

But I don\'t know why, Lorne always felt that there was a strange smell in this room.He was quite familiar with the smell, but he couldn\'t remember it for a while.

"I know you, Jasmine, the proudest Gaoling flower of the giants. I heard that you have served as a lieutenant general in the world government, and you are on par with the human hero named Karp." Loki looked at Jasmine first and smiled. Said, in his tone, he did not hide his praise for her.

"If I have a chance, I also want to go out to see it."

"I am praised by Your Highness," Jasmine flushed slightly, "but to be honest, Boss Karp doesn\'t want to rise up. I\'m far from him."

"It is very lucky to be taught by a legendary hero." Loki nodded and said slowly.At this time he looked at Lorne, "I heard that you want me to help, tell me what you want me to do."

He didn\'t ask what to help, but directly asked what he wanted to do, which was equivalent to agreeing to Ron\'s request in disguise, which made people feel like spring breeze.

But Ron frowned slightly. He didn\'t know why, he always felt that Loki\'s words made him a little uncomfortable.He always felt that he had forgotten something important.

"I want to find someone who weaves a straw hat." Lorne said.

"The person who makes straw hats?" Loki chewed on Ron\'s words, and he waved to Jeno. "How many shops selling straw hats are there on our Kingdom Island?"

"I don\'t know, but there are at least twenty or thirty." Jeno answered truthfully.

"So many?" Loki lowered his head, as if thinking about something, and after a while, he spoke."Help me sort out the information, including the locations of these shops and where their straw hats came from. Put them all together and organize them into a book. Give it to me."

After doing all this, he said gently to Lorne."Sorry, Brother Lorne, you may have to wait for a while. After all, it takes some manpower to compile these information."

He went through the whole process in one go, without any muddle.Wulai stood up and said proudly to Ron, "I said Master Loki will definitely help you a lot."

However, Lorne didn\'t laugh. He heard Loki\'s implication. After all, he only said that it would take a while to summarize, and didn\'t say how long it was, so the decision was in his hands.Besides, Ron didn\'t have the habit of taking advantage of others for nothing. He stood up directly and said to Loki.

"Thank you Loki, then. But I heard that Loki is worrying about something recently?"

Loki\'s face stiffened directly, he turned his head and glared at Jeno. It took a while before he came back and said reluctantly."It\'s nothing, just fell in love with the wrong person and made the Lorne brothers laugh."

"I can bring her to you, which means I will repay Master Rocky for helping me."

Lorne said slowly, but as soon as he said this, Loki stood up directly.Said excitedly.

"Can you bring her to me??!!!"

He took a deep breath, "If it can be done, that would really help me a lot. From now on you will be my brother. From now on, I will report my name directly when Elbuff comes out."

"Help each other."

Lorne jumped on Ulay\'s shoulder, the warrior nodded to Loki, and then slowly walked out of Loki\'s palace.

"I am waiting for your good news!"

Loki yelled behind Lorne.

When the two giants walked out of the castle, Lorne felt lightened and took a deep breath.

"It\'s finally relaxed." Jasmine beside her breathed fiercely, as if holding back for a long time.

"His Royal Highness Loki seems to be very talkative." Jasmine said slowly.She was also the first time she saw the prince of this giant family.

"Of course! The prestige of His Royal Highness Loki is not inferior to His Royal Highness Thor, he is a true warrior!" After Ulay heard someone complimenting Loki, he smiled proudly. After all, that man is him. Those who follow are all prosperous.

"It\'s just that her room is filled with an unspeakable smell." Zhuan Yuan frowned and said. The smell of Rocky\'s bedroom made her quite uncomfortable, which is why she entered the castle and never spoke.

"Maybe it\'s some kind of perfume?" Jasmine nodded. A woman\'s sense of smell is much more sensitive than that of a man. She also smelled this strange smell, "It\'s like the senbei that the Marshal of the Warring States period likes to tease Teacher Karp. The smell of air freshener."

"It\'s just that Master Loki\'s taste is really strange, it smells like a dead person."

After hearing the word "dead", Lorne and Zhuan Yuan raised their eyes at the same time. The two looked at each other and both saw the shock in each other\'s eyes.

Because they finally remembered why this taste is a bit familiar, this is the taste of formalin!

"Interesting." The corners of Lorne\'s mouth split open, and he suddenly discovered that this giant kingdom was a bit interesting. The gentle and polite prince on the surface actually liked to put corpses in his bedroom.

It\'s just that Lorne didn\'t care about Loki\'s special hobbies. His purpose was simple, just to find the man with the straw hat mentioned in his father\'s letter.What kind of person Rocky is, has nothing to do with him.