The Pirate Family

506 Chapter 499

who is it?!

The feathers of Lorne and Zhuan Yuan stood up, because neither of them felt who was talking!

"On your right, my child."

The old man continued, and Lorne followed his voice and came to a cage.An old man with scrawny, hairy, and ragged clothes appeared in front of him.

"It turned out to be a human being!"

The old man slowly raised his head, and what appeared in front of Ron was a face like a skeleton!His face was full of scars, and his eyes were dug out with a sharp weapon in life, leaving only two terrifying eye sockets.

"Be scared by me, kid." The old man seemed to know his face was a little scary, and he laughed at himself.

"I didn\'t expect this Elbaff prison, there will be humans here."

His words are full of nostalgia.Just like a kind old man,

But neither Lorne nor Zhuan Yuan regarded her as an ordinary old man, because they felt what terrifying power was contained in the dry body of the old man, or that it had contained.

This is a man with a story.

"You are here. I should find someone else. Maybe I can help you." The old man said slowly.

"What do you need? Let us take you out?" Lorne said lightly. He never did anything for nothing, because "free" often means "expensive."Now it accounts for a little bit of benefit, and it will be paid back sooner or later.

"Take me out?" The old man said slowly."Since I lost to that man and was thrown into this prison easily by him, I never thought about going out again. After all, I, Wang Zhi, is a person who keeps his promise. If I lose, I lose!"

"I just need you to help me catch the little mouse over there, and the twitter made me sleep." The old man licked his lips, "Can you shut it up?"

Such a simple thing?Lorne agreed directly.

Lorne secretly wrote down the name Wang Zhi, a name in this format is extremely rare in this sea. In Lorne\'s impression, only the flower country would have such a name.The old man should be a big man decades ago, right?After all, with his strength, no matter where he is, it is impossible to be an unknown person.

But there was no legend about him left in this sea, and Lorne glanced at him with a trace of pity in his eyes.Regardless of his glorious past, the end of his story is to die in this place.If not for the arrival of others, no one would know.

"Unexpectedly, my dignified lieutenant admiral would accompany you to catch mice." Zhuan Yuan muttered. She suddenly felt that it was a wrong decision to come to Elbaff with Lorne.How good is it to catch pirates in the new world?Why come to this place where birds don\'t shit?

"I advise you to prepare in advance, because the rats here may be different from what you think." Lorne said with a smile, and then squeezed his scalpel.The best way to shut up a creature is always only one!

There was a squeaking sound in front, and Lorne suddenly pulled out his scalpel."coming!"

Zhuan Yuan\'s pupils shrank, and her excellent look and domineering made her feel an inexplicable sense of crisis, and a "shaved" left the place.


Where she was standing, a "huge" mouse appeared. The mouse\'s head was higher than Lorne and Zhuan Yuan. It lowered its head and looked at them with bloodthirsty eyes.It crawls on the ground, its muscles are tight, like a hunter pursuing its prey.

"Do you call this a little mouse?"

Zhuan Yuan cried out in surprise, this Nima is a wild boar.

"According to the height of the giants, this is indeed a little mouse." Lorne\'s scalpel aimed at the mouse, and a slash rushed towards it.But the rat\'s fat body swiftly hid, and Lorne\'s slash only left a crack on the ground.

"Be avoided?"

"Unexpectedly, Qiwuhai, the dignified king, Lorne can\'t even solve a mouse. If this spreads out, the pirates will laugh off his teeth." Zhuan Yuan sneered and said, she pulled out her sword." "Jinpiluo", "but no matter what kind of mouse it is, it is just a mouse!"

Zhuan Yuan\'s body disappeared in an instant, and then appeared in front of the giant mouse. The slender blade of the blade slashed towards the mouse\'s body.


The mouse stood up and blocked Zhuan Yuan\'s slash with his sharp claws, making a sharp sound like a metal collision.

"Squeak." The rat\'s sharp voice echoed in the dark space, as if mocking Zhuan Yuan\'s weakness.

"So hard?" Zhuan Yuan said in surprise, although she did not use domineering coverage, but you must know that her saber is one of the "21 sharp knives", cutting iron like mud.I didn\'t expect this monster to block it with its own claws.

"Don\'t play, this mouse is a little weird." Lon reminded, because just when the mouse avoided his slash, Lon actually saw a humane emotion in the other\'s eyes.

It\'s like thinking about the strength of both sides.

"I know." Zhuan Yuan said coldly, knowing that she was still mocking Lorne just now, and now she has eaten in front of this giant mouse, and she can\'t help her face.So I decided to make it real.The pitch-black armed color domineering gradually wrapped around the blade.

A crack appeared on the sharp paws of the mouse.

"Squeak!" the mouse shouted angrily.

"Sure enough, no matter how strong the body is, it is impossible to withstand the domineering." Zhuan Yuan said faintly, but at this moment, a trace of caution flashed in the mouse\'s eyes, and then slightly squatted down, two sturdy His hind legs began to shake violently.

"This is?" Zhuan Yuan\'s pupils shrank, and there was a glimmer of disbelief flashing in his eyes. I saw the rat\'s hind legs shaking more and more violently, and then the entire fat body disappeared in front of Zhuan Yuan.

"Is it shaved just now?" Zhuan Yuan asked incredulously. This mouse has learned this technique after seeing her use it once?

Isn\'t this a rat spirit?

"You should know this better than me." A dignified look also appeared on Lorne\'s face. The principle of shaving is that his legs are stepped on the ground at a very fast speed for dozens of times, and then he obtains huge propulsion. Achieve the effect of "move instantly".

The principle sounds simple, but the physical requirements are very high. After all, even in the development of a six-type navy, only some excellent navies and officers above the general level can fully master this skill.

If this mouse gets stuck on one side and learns to "shave" the news spread, I don\'t know how many people will die in shame in this sea.

"Squeak!" The mouse appeared behind Lorne for an instant, spreading its mouth toward him with its mouth wide open.But it was blocked by Lorne\'s scalpel.

"Perhaps you are a special mouse, but it is a pity that you met me." Lorne said faintly, a transparent aperture enveloped the battlefield, and he opened the "ROOM"!

"So, please shut up."