The Pirate Family

503 Chapter 496 Giant Country

A small boat wrapped in black scales was floating on the sea, and an island appeared in front of them.A golden palace stands on the highest point of the island, and at the top of the palace is a red totem.

"The front is Wanggong Island," Wulai finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the island. The voyage on this road was really calm, and he didn\'t encounter an attacking sea beast, which made him a little uncomfortable.

"After we disembark, we will visit His Royal Highness Loki in the East City. I believe that with his influence, we should be able to find the person you are looking for soon."

Wulai said honestly, it seemed he believed Master Loki very much.After Ulay docked the boat on the shore, he said softly to Lorne.Lorne nodded. On the way, he had stopped at Ulay and briefly introduced the affairs of Kingdom Island.Odin, the giant king, commanded the royal family and the entire kingdom of giants Elbaff with his mighty power. He has two sons, one is the eldest prince known as the "hero of thunder", Thor.The other is the second prince, Loki, known as the "smart hero".

Ulay is a member of Loki\'s guards and is highly regarded by Loki.

Lorne nodded. After all, he wanted to find a man with a straw hat. In the huge Albuff, it was like finding a needle in a haystack. With the help of the natives, it would be much easier.

The avenues of Kingdom Island are pavement made of fine pebbles, but this "small" is only relative to the giants. For Lorne and Zhuanyuan, it seems to be piled up one by one. A stone, if you want to move forward, you must jump from one stone to another.

"Hahahaha, let me help you." Wulai squatted down seeing the two of them, and made Lorne jump on his shoulders, but Zhuanyuan refused Wulai\'s enthusiasm and thought After thinking about it, I still sat on the shoulders of my good girlfriend.

The Kingdom Island is much larger than the Giant Village. Many giants wandered in the street. After seeing Wulai, they greeted them enthusiastically.

After Ulay dealt with them one by one, he didn\'t stay longer, but quickly came to a solemn castle.

"Ulai, you are here!" A giant in a half-length armor wanted to walk over to hug him after seeing Ulai, but his face changed drastically after seeing Lorne standing on Ulai\'s shoulders.

"Why did you bring a human over?"

"This is my friend, he wants to ask His Royal Highness Loki for help." Ulay touched his head and said honestly."Master Loki is in the castle now, right?"

"Yes, but..." As soon as the giant said, he saw Ulai walking inside, and quickly stopped him, with a hint of hesitation in his face.

"What are you, Jeno." Wulai frowned and said dissatisfied."Do you want me to see His Royal Highness Loki?"

"That\'s not what I meant..." The giant named Jeno quickly denied that this Ulay is a famous brash man, a tendon, he didn\'t want to be misunderstood.

"Then what do you mean?" Wulai became more and more dissatisfied. He meant to bring Lorne over, just to help Lorne, but this Jeno stopped him like this, making him feel that he was losing face.

"The problem should lie with me, to be precise with my human identity," Lorne, who had been standing on Ulay\'s shoulders, said at this time."Let\'s talk, what happened."

Even if blocked, he is still very calm, this is the courage possessed by the status of a long-term superior.

The giant named Jeno was relieved and finally spoke cautiously.

"If it was some time ago, Wulai, of course, there would be no problem with you bringing a human, but not now..."

"Why not?" Ulay suddenly hated Jeno, talking crookedly, without looking like a giant.

"Because a while ago, His Royal Highness Loki saved a human woman and wanted to marry that woman, even willing to give up his status as a prince. His Majesty Odin categorically refused."

"That woman was also imprisoned by His Majesty Odin. Now His Royal Highness Loki is annoyed when he sees humans, and can\'t help but yell."

"His Royal Highness Loki is in love with a woman? Or is it a human?" Ulay said in disbelief. This is a big deal, because the giant royal family would only choose to marry the giants they think are excellent in blood. .Therefore, the princes did not have the right to choose their spouse.

But there are exceptions to everything. Once His Royal Highness Loki gave up his status as a prince, there would be no such scruples. It stands to reason that with Master Odin\'s enlightenment, why would he refuse?

"I don\'t know why. Anyway, after talking with His Majesty Odin, both of them were in a bad mood. After His Royal Highness returned to the castle, he kept shutting himself in the house. From time to time, there was the sound of falling objects."

"Even so, do you still go in?"

Jeno looked at Wulai, and said cautiously, it seemed that even if they were both under Loki\'s command, the two of them were still distinguished and inferior.

Wulai glanced at Lorne, seemingly waiting for his decision.

"Go in." Lorne said lightly. He wanted to see what kind of person this prince named Rocky was.

The castle was extremely dim. Even during the day, this huge candle, which was only one person high, was lit. The candlelight illuminates the corridor, leaving a staggered candle shadow, making the originally majestic castle a little more gloomy.

"What kind of person would a person living in such a place be?" Zhuan Yuan asked Jasmine\'s ear softly.Refer to the legendary prince of Elbaff, the land of giants. This is a rare thing, but aren\'t all the people who live in such a gloomy place the villain in the story?

Everyone came to a black iron gate, and a man\'s low voice was faintly heard inside.

"Why, I love you so much and am willing to give up everything for you! Why can\'t we two be together."

"How romantic it is for the prince to save the princess who is in trouble, but why are you the daughter of that woman!!!"


His final voice hoarse, penetrated the thick wall, and spread to everyone\'s ears.

"Look, your Royal Highness Loki has been like this these days." Jeno shrugged helplessly at the crowd, and then tentatively knocked on the door of the black iron.

"His Royal Highness, Ulay is here."

"Wu Lai?" The man\'s voice sounded inside the iron gate, "Let him wait."

After a while, a pale giant slowly opened the black iron gate and appeared in front of everyone.

"My dear brother, you are finally here." The giant opened his hands to Wulai, and the two hugged heavily.