The Pirate Family

480 Chapter 473: The Legend Is True

"You all die to me!" Yaze stepped on the cannonball, flew to the port of Gaya Island, and then jumped down, countless ghosts flying out of his body, like a group of demons dancing!

"What is this, the capable person?" Tony the dwarf wanted to reach out and grab these ghosts, but he passed through them, and the ghosts penetrated directly into his body!Then, Tony fell to the ground and started to twitch like a sheep.

"Brother!" Seeing this scene, the strong Han Tok roared in grief, and then rushed toward Yaze.

In their sailing career, they have encountered many people with various singular abilities. These abilities seem incomprehensible, but they all have a fatal flaw, that is, once the capable person himself is defeated, the effect of these abilities Will dissipate.

Although he and his brother quarreled all the year round, the relationship is very good and they have been supporting each other for so many years.Having saved each other\'s lives, he would not watch his brother suffer such torture.

"The ants who don\'t know how to be domineering, dare to bark in front of me!" Ya Ze sneered.During the time he was wanted by Lorne, he had had enough of this feeling of swallowing his breath, he wanted to release his desire to kill!

The ghosts flying around here are a new move he just researched out, called "Ghost Dance", which makes up for his lack of frontal combat ability.

Use the ghosts controlled by oneself to get into other people\'s bodies and fight for control over the other\'s body. The weak will even become his puppets.

Even if some strong people broke away from the control of this ghost with willpower, Ya Ze could directly control these ghosts to explode in their bodies.


Tony\'s body began to swell up strangely, his twitching face turned blue and uncomfortable.Yaze snapped his fingers softly, and then,


Tony\'s body exploded directly, and some flesh and blood residues fell directly on Toke\'s face.

Tok froze, and then his face began to twist and his eyes became blood red!

"I want to kill you! Kill you! Kill you!"

He waved the long sword in his hand and rushed towards Ya Ze, a ghost stood in front of Ya Ze, his big mouth showed a terrible smile, as if waiting for this self-throwing body.

"Kill you! Kill you!"

But Tok completely ignored him, his brother\'s death made him go crazy!There was a faint luster on his sword blade, and a sword split the ghost in front of Yaze in half.

"Oh?" Yaze glanced at Tok with interest, "Did you awaken the domineering skills of armed sex at a critical juncture?"

"In this way, you are no longer those dispensable rubbish. Although the combat effectiveness is still extremely weak, you can barely enter my command and contribute your meager strength!"

He stretched out his ghost hand, the pitch black domineering covering the hideous ghost hand, directly squeezed Tok\'s aggressive sword, then grabbed his bald head, and lifted him up!

Countless black air currents flew out of Ya Ze\'s arm and poured into Tok\'s body.

Tok was still struggling violently at the beginning, his eyes were extremely bloody, and gradually, he stopped struggling, the bloodshot eyes dissipated and turned into gray.

Yaze put down Tok, and then the strong man who had just lost his dear brother, slowly bent his legs and knelt toward Yaze.

"Fight for you, my master!"

Tok’s men didn’t know, and everything happened too fast. They didn’t understand why the boss who was so aggressive just now, wanted to avenge his brother, just knelt down, but it’s the nature of Pirates to obey the strong. , They also followed Toke\'s appearance, slowly bending their knees.

Yaze looked at the scene of everyone crawling in front of him, with a crazy smile on his face.


This is what he pursued when he went to sea, that is, everyone kneeled in front of him. This feeling made him extremely intoxicated.


"Gaya Island does have a legend," a pirate walked tremblingly on the street of Pirate Town, explaining to Yaze."It is said that there are countless amounts of gold buried here."

"I don\'t want this." Ya Ze frowned and said impatiently.Born in Beihai, he grew up listening to the story of the big talk king Rolando. He has long heard of the golden country he portrayed.But that country of gold was nothing compared to Lorne\'s sky island.

"Is there any special natural phenomenon nearby."

"natural phenomenon?"

"The natural phenomena of the great sea route are all capricious and changeable. There is nothing special or special? Every place has a different landscape, and every place is special!"

"Huh?" Ya Ze glanced at the little pirate, with a faint murderous look in his eyes.

"Oh oh oh! Some have! There is a sea area nearby. Every time there is an opportunity to suddenly rise up to the sky, the boss and the others want to see the natural wonder, so they stayed here for a while."

The pirate was glared at by Yaze, trembling with fear, for fear that this demon-like man suddenly summoned those ghosts and dragged himself into hell.Hastily racked his brains and began to think.He was afraid of death and even made up a lie that the boss wanted to see the updraft. Anyway, now that Tony boss is dead, Tok boss has become a walking dead, no one can expose him.

"Where?" Yaze asked coldly, what he wanted was this answer. Back then, Ron and the others were only able to reach the sky island by riding this updraft?I just don\'t know how he knew the existence of Sky Island.

"West Port, it\'s less than two hours to go to sea." The pirate said fearfully, "Time, time, is today!"

"What?" Ya Ze gave the pirate a fierce look. This idiot almost broke his own big business!If Lorne reacted and summoned people to come back to help here, then his plan would go bankrupt!

"Take me right away!"

Yaze immediately gathered the people and sailed toward the place the little pirate said. It didn\'t take long before he came to the sea area he said.

"I hope you lie to me." Yaze said coldly while looking at the calm sea level.The little pirate shivered all over and stood aside, afraid to speak.

"According to common sense, rushing weather should not exist, because it is difficult to gather the power to send water to 10,000 meters high." A white-haired man closed his book and looked at him with interest. The sea.


"Don\'t say anything unless, some things, since they exist, must be reasonable." Ya Ze said coldly.He saw a whirlpool suddenly gathered on the calm sea level in front of him, and the whirlpool grew bigger and bigger, as if to swallow everything.

"Now, it has come!"