The Pirate Family

481 Chapter 474-Die 477 Chapter I'm Here to End Your Ambition

Begapunk ignored Yaze\'s rude interruption, but stared at the increasingly unstable sea level.

"I understand! It turned out to be like this!" Suddenly, he said suddenly as if he understood something.


A column of water rose from the bottom of the sea to the sky, and scattered water drops onto the deck.

"Now, what should I do?" Lilu asked tremblingly, this powerful king under Qiwuhai, not far away, came to Paradise from the New World, just to appreciate this natural wonder?

He really couldn\'t understand the world of the strong.

"Go up."

Yaze said lightly, but his excitement could not be contained in his tone, that bastard Lorne\'s base camp is in the sky, as long as he destroys his base camp, that arrogant man will understand what it\'s like to lose everything!

"What?" Lilu felt that he had misheard, went up, crazy?This pirate ship will be easily torn apart by the mighty force of nature.


He heard the sound of the bullet being loaded, and turned his head to see that the beautiful woman wearing a cheongsam was holding a small exquisite pistol and looking at him indifferently, with the black muzzle aimed at his forehead.

"Guru." Lilu swallowed, he may not die if he goes up, but he will definitely die if he resists Yaze\'s orders.He quickly ordered to start paddling the oars and sailed towards the huge water column rising into the sky.

As soon as the Pirate Ship touched the water column, Lilu felt that his body was completely out of control, and the whole person jumped up with the Pirate Ship and flew past the expanse of the sky.

The water splashed on the ship\'s side, and the weak pirates clung to everything that could be held fast, for fear that they would be thrown out.Only Yaze stood on the bow with a proud expression on his face.

"Lorne, your ambition ends here!"


"I\'m coming!"

The boat soon came to a cloud layer. Lilu never felt the pressure of the soft clouds put on him so much, as if there was a huge wall without seeing the edge, and they were like an out-of-control train moving towards this The huge wall hits it.


The boat broke through the clouds and then fell on the clouds.The power of the current ends here.

There was only a huge gate standing in front of them in the vast expanse of whiteness around them, just like the gate of heaven.

"It turns out that the legend of the Kingdom on the Clouds is true." Aoya looked at the surrounding environment, and her beautiful eyes showed ripples.Even Begapunk, who had always been calm, was a little moved. The existence of the sky island had simply subverted the worldview of his scientist who never believed in gods.

"Where is Lorne\'s bastard\'s arsenal?" Yaze looked around, but did not see the arsenal that Suolang was talking about. He quickly grabbed the bald old man hiding by the collar and lifted him up.

"Sky Island, Sky Island is still above," Suo Lang pointed to the gate of heaven not far away, struggling to say, the high-altitude air was already very thin.Coupled with the fact that Yaze grabbed him, Suolang felt that he was almost out of breath.

Ya Ze ordered the boat to move forward, and soon came to the gate of heaven. This huge gate, when viewed from close range, became more and more majestic.Only a plaque was hung on the plaque, which was engraved with Wienhill price, which made Yaze a little unhappy.

"Hehe, so arrogant and ignorant, he can\'t help himself." Yaze said disdainfully, "Does Lon want to declare that the sky belongs to their Wienhill family?"

When he finished speaking, he raised his hand, trying to knock down the obnoxious plaque.But Suolang clung to his hand tightly and pleaded.

"Once the gate of the kingdom of heaven is destroyed, the alarm of the arsenal will sound, and then the people of the Wienhill family will know that an enemy has invaded, which is very unfavorable to your plan."

Yaze thought for a while, but stopped, not because he was afraid that the people of the Veenhill family would be prepared, but because he didn\'t want them to leave here.

Gifts, of course, have surprises only by surprise, right?

"Hehe, wait until I destroy the sky island, then come and eliminate this obtrusive thing." Ya Ze turned his head, glanced at the plaque on the gate of heaven, and said coldly.

Behind the gate of heaven is connected with a cloud bridge, which twists and turns, connecting the sky above.The pirate ship sailed on the Yunqiao very quickly, and soon came to the Baibai Sea.

A small island appeared in front of Yaze, and a huge arsenal could be vaguely seen working on the island.

"That place is the arsenal that Suolang said." Aoya said, "Now, what shall we do?"

I don\'t know why, she always feels that Yaze\'s revenge action is a bit sloppy, but with such a sloppy action, they easily came to the hinterland of the Venn Hill family.It went smoothly as if it was planned.

This feeling made Oya very uncomfortable.But Yaze was crazy and would not listen to her advice at all.

As a crew member, she can only follow the captain\'s orders.

"What to do?" Ya Ze sneered."Of course it was a surprise for him!"

After speaking, he glanced at the cabin behind him, which contained the volcanic explosives left by Huo, so much explosives, enough to razor this place to the ground.

"Go on." Ya Ze ordered.But at this moment, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis, and he couldn\'t help but think about it. On the side of his head, a laser beam rubbed his face and shot it over.The scorching laser left a faint burn mark on his face.

"Intruder, die!" Several heavily armed soldiers, driving a motorcycle-like driving tool, rushed towards the boat, holding some weird weapons in their hands.

There was light smoke from the muzzle of the front rider, and the attack that nearly burned Yaze just now came from this weapon.

"Weinhill family weapons, it seems that Lorne has made a lot of benefits here!" Yaze opened his pupils, and several ghosts flew out of his body and rushed directly to the riders.




The ghost entered the body, and the riders let out painful screams and fell onto the sea of ​​clouds.Losing the control gear, he rushed forward and exploded.Several pirates jumped into the sea of ​​clouds and picked up the riders.

"Say, who is the steward on Sky Island now?"

The rider being questioned was still struggling at first, and said nothing.However, as Yaze continued to control the ghost and ate his soul, his expression began to twist, as if he was enduring great pain.

This kind of torture from the inside out, from the soul is far more unbearable than physical torture, and cold sweat constantly flows from the rider\'s face.After a while, he seemed to have collapsed, and said tremblingly.

"I said, I said, don\'t torture me anymore."

"The steward of Sky Island now is the cadre of the Wienhill family."

"They are, High Priest Lil, and Lord Jody!"