The Pirate Family

479 Chapter 472 Pirates (2)

Great route, the first half of the paradise, Gaya Island.

This small island consists of two peninsulas, east and west. Because it is located on a main channel of the paradise, many pirates gather here, even more than the local residents of the island.So this is a veritable Pirate Town.

A small boat with the flag of the sword, skull, pirate, and pirate appeared on the sea off Gaya Island.

A young man with black hair, standing on the bow of the ship, looking at a small spot in the distance.And the original owner of the ship was curled up in the corner of the deck, shivering at the black-haired man in front of him, staring at his vicious left hand like a demon to be precise.

"How can a monster of this level appear in this sea area!"

The captain of the pirate wants to cry without tears. His bounty is 24,000,000 (twenty-four million) Pele’s pirates. Such pirates may be considered strong in the world, but in the great sea route. There are too many.He knew his strength, so he didn\'t plan to get involved in the emptiness of ONE-PIECE. He just wanted to mix his qualifications in the great route so that he could return to the world and continue to be his earth emperor.

Perhaps it was that the previous journey was so smooth that he was a little slack. He actually wanted to go to the holy land of the pirates, the second half of the great route, the New World to see.

Never thought that when I was about to sail to the Chambord Islands, I met this terrible man.

The man smiled and snatched his beloved car, "Sword Jackney." Then he ordered them to sail to the middle of the paradise.

Of course, the captain of the pirate did not dare to complain, because he recognized the ghost hand.The master of this pair of ghost hands was the other king who was offered a reward of one billion Baileys in the black market by the demon Lorne, one of the seven Wuhai under the king, after the "Big Bang" in the "Slanka". Qiwuhai, Francis Yaze, the ghost hand Yaze!

Lilu didn\'t dare to think and couldn\'t imagine why the two kings under Qiwuhai broke off. He only knew that if the news of Yaze on his ship was known by the demon Lorne, he would be over.

"It\'s finally Gaya Island." Yaze walked to the front of the Pirate Captain, patted his face, and said with a smile.

"Thank you for your boat. By the way, what is your name."

"No, no thanks. It is my honour to be able to be used by Master Yaze." Captain Pirate said tremblingly.

"Let me ask what your name is?!" Yaze\'s face was cold. He hated others\' disobedience to his own ideas, especially these weak people like ants. Is it not good for them to follow the wishes of the strong?

"Lilu! My name is Lilu!" The pirate captain was so frightened that he answered quickly.

"What\'s the use of you scaring him. Boring." At this time, a woman\'s voice sounded in Yazer\'s ear, and a woman with a graceful figure and outstanding temperament in a red cheongsam said lazily.She is Yaze\'s deputy, Ji Aoya, the ghost demon.

"With this idle time, why not think about what to do after going to that person\'s site?"

Aoya serves as a think tank for Yaze, making suggestions for him and persuading him when he loses control.Yaze would only listen to Oya\'s words.

"What to do? Of course it is to give him a big gift!" Yaze Haha laughed. He glanced at a white-haired man who was sitting on the side reading a book. "An explosion resounding across the sky!"

The white-haired man, about 30 years old, looked extremely pale, like a corpse dug out of a coffin. After hearing Yaze\'s words, he didn\'t even lift his eyelids, still reading the book for himself.

Yaze\'s mouth twitched for the man\'s ignorance, but after all he did not get angry.He understood that this man named Vegapunk only cooperates with the strong, so this time, Yazette invited Vegapunk out of the Devil’s Island, and wanted him to take a look. How the big bastard fell into the abyss.

After the Slanka incident, Lorne directly issued a reward for him on the black market, and he didn’t even leave room for peace. In this way, Yaze went from being a high-ranking king under Qiwuhai to a fleeing mouse. Even when sailing, he dared not fly his own flag.

He must pay for this humiliation!

Aoya didn’t say anything. Although Yaze said so, she always felt that Yaze’s plan to raid Lorne’s arsenal on the sky island was too sloppy, that man would really leave behind such an important place. Is it that weak defense force?

Listening to Suolang\'s words, Lorne only left less than a thousand people and two cadres on Sky Island to manage the slaves in the arsenal.With this amount of manpower, any hostile group of pirates would cause him heavy losses.

But Suolang seems to have not lied again, no matter how he beats, hypnotizes, or hints, his statement has not changed.

Could it be that Lorne\'s rise was so smooth that he became arrogant?

"You are too worried, Oya." Ya Ze just wanted to appease the worrying woman, but frowned, and looked towards the sky. Several huge shells were heading here from the direction of Gaya Island. A small boat flew over!

"Here is another new ship," a burly man over three meters tall stood in front of several cannons in the port of Gaya Island, speaking to a short dwarf pirate nearby.Behind him, several pirates were constantly filling the barrel with shells.

"Guess, how many people can they survive this time?"

"Sword Skeleton?" said the dwarf disdainfully, "The banner I have never seen before is probably a hillbilly from the country. Lucky to come to this place."

"I guess none of them will survive."

"Hahahaha! Then I\'ll bet with you, they can live at least one person!" The strong man laughed, "Just bet 10 million Baileys!"

These two people are the infamous "Brother Mas" who are now stranded in Gaya Island, who is offering a bounty of 67,000,000 (sixty-seven million) Pele’s Mas Tony and 66,000,000 ( Sixty-six million) Pele\'s Mas Tok.

It is worth mentioning that this dwarf is the elder brother of the two brothers.

But at this time, the main gun of the pirate ship with the sword and skull pirate flag suddenly fired in the direction of Gaya Island.A shell rushed towards the brothers.

"Haha, they dared to fight back!" The brawny man named Tok laughed loudly, and he commanded the little brothers behind him to fill a few more shells.

"Let these boys who don\'t know the heights of the sky and the earth have a taste of Gaya Island\'s greetings!"

"I hope you can survive alone, or I will lose to my brother ten million Baileys!" Tok laughed indulgently. He didn\'t care about these ten million Baileys. Compared with those weak people The weak begging for mercy was even more pleasing.

But smiling, his smile condensed suddenly, because he saw a person standing on the shell shot from the pirate ship.

A man with hideous hands!