The Pirate Family

478 Chapter 471 Pirates (1)

Can\'t let him know the secret here!Peng Ke took out a dagger that was shining with cold light and slowly walked towards Lorne.

"Is that why the world government sent you here?" Lorne felt that Pen Ke was approaching him silently, without turning around, and asked lightly.With the increase in perceptual ability, his hearing is extremely sharp, so he has heard the dialogue between Pen Ke and Ge Lu and knew Pen Ke\'s identity.

I also heard the sound of Peng Ke taking out his dagger.

"If I were you, I would definitely put down the dagger in my hand, because this would completely annoy me."

"The weak must have the consciousness of the weak."

Peng Ke was taken aback, then smiled bitterly, and hid his dagger.

"Yes, they sent me to this place for nearly ten years just for this broken thing!"

Peng Ke showed green veins on his forehead, and seemed to be very dissatisfied with the person who assigned him this task.He collected his thoughts about assassinating Lorne and opened the chatterbox.

"I am the best graduate of that training camp! But I have to stay in this dark place! For ten years!"

"But you enjoy it, don\'t you?" Lorne smiled faintly."Otherwise, it won\'t become the patron saint of Didi Island."

As an agent, the most important thing is to hide one\'s identity, which Peng Ke did poorly.

"What can I do!?" Pen Ke already understood the gap between himself and Lorne, and did not choose to resist."The residents here don\'t communicate with people outside at all. They don\'t know that the era of the big pirates has arrived, and they still have a dream that they will not be invaded by others!"

"But after the outbreak of the great pirate era, the navy was losing ground and gradually losing control of the new world. Even the system, which can directly order my boss, has not called me for many years. If not, If I learn from the occasional pirates passing by, I might even think that the world government has been destroyed!"

"In this case, if I don\'t stand up. Didi Island will be eaten up by you pirates!"

He yelled at Lorne.If the residents of Didi Island see it, they will definitely be unbelievable. The hideous, hysterical man in front of them is really their gentleman, Uncle Penke who has guarded Didi Island for so many years?

He really couldn\'t help it. As an agent, he had lost the support of the forces behind him. Peng Ke felt like he was abandoned.But in order to defend his hometown, he must stand up and fight the fierce pirates with the fighting skills he learned in the CP training camp.

He saw that the black-haired man in front of him was a pirate far more terrifying than Gru.He remembered the name Gru had pronounced before his death.

Wayne Hill Lorne.

This sea, walked out of a strong surnamed Veenhill?Peng Ke thought hard, and finally, thought of the big event that happened when he was studying in the CP training camp.

"You are the one pushing the city..." He looked at Lorne in disbelief, trying to blurt out the name.

"I don\'t like people calling my name directly." Lorne waved his hand, and a pirate next to him walked up to him flatly.

"Bring paper and pen and transcribe the words on this stele."

The text of history records the greatest secret of this sea.Although Lorne himself would not, but Nicole Robin under Miss Klockdale\'s is a famous historian.The little girl lost herself to Lorne. Asking her to translate it is not a problem.

After knowing Lorne\'s identity, Penke knew that there was no point in resisting.Sitting dejectedly on the ground, the man in front of him had personally released those villains who had not even dared to name them in the city, completely pushing this era into the abyss of chaos.After so many years, it is impossible to imagine how far he has grown.

"If you want this broken rock, take it. I just ask you not to hurt the residents of Didi Island."

My task is to guard the information on this stone tablet. If the people above know that I have leaked these information, it will be impossible to escape.But rebelling against this man in front of him is also a death.

It\'s all a death, it\'s better to let Lorne let go of the residents of Didi Island.

"It seems that you have really lived in this place for a long time, and the news is completely blocked." After the pirates had completely transcribed the text on the stone tablet, Ron looked at Peng Ke and said lightly.

His current status is King Qi Wuhai, and in a sense, he is also an ally of the world government.But in Pen Ke\'s eyes, he was a vicious pirate.It can be seen that he has not updated the news from the outside world for a long time.

"Meeting me may not be a bad thing for you." Lorne said with a smile looking at the copy of the historical text in his hand.

"Will you work for me?"



"Run, the boss is dead, and the new boss is defeated. This Didi Island is really terrible! This Penke is really too strong!" Countless pirates shouted as they fled toward the port. , And then drove Gru\'s boat and left Didi Island in a panic.

Glu looked at the "Blood Thorns" that was gradually going away, with flickers in his eyes.A young man stood beside him and asked tentatively.

"The man with black hair just now is also a bad guy?"

The black-haired man smashed the seemingly unrivaled Gru, then subdued his men and walked toward the clock tower.He thought Boss Gelug was going to thank him, but he didn\'t expect that after a while, he would see these pirates running out of the clock tower dingy.

"He is a pirate." Peng Ke said lightly, then his expression was complicated and he did not continue to speak.

But the young man already understood, he took a sip toward the pirate ship that was gradually disappearing on the sea level.

"I thought he was a good man! I didn\'t expect to be a pirate too! Pirates are all insatiable, there is no good man!"

In the plain thinking of the town residents, the word pirate is equivalent to a bad guy.

"Yes, all the pirates are insatiable." Peng Ke said softly, and then his voice became weaker and weaker. Only he could hear him clearly.

"Are the pirates really bad guys?"

Lorne returned to Little Treasure\'s house lightly, and with his ability, it was very simple to hide his whereabouts from these ordinary people.

At this time, Xiaobao mother and son had returned to their bedroom under the comfort of Zhuan Yuan.

"Is it all resolved?" Zhuan Yuan raised her head, her beautiful face had two big dark circles under her eyes, and her physical discomfort, coupled with her lack of rest, made her a little haggard.

"Yeah." Lorne said faintly, and he gently touched Zhuan Yuan\'s head, "Take a good rest, and we will leave for Elbaff tomorrow."

Zhuan Yuan did not continue to ask, she did not doubt Lorne\'s ability.

The moonlit night is deep, Didi Island has restored its usual tranquility, and this place is just a microcosm of this chaotic era.