The Pirate Family

477 Chapter 470 History text!

The pirates opened their mouths as if they could fit an ostrich egg.Just like the residents of Didi Island before, they couldn\'t believe the scene before them.

Their invincible boss, just so failed?

"Cough cough." Even if Ge Lu, who was split in half, was still alive, he stared at the black-haired man with half of his eye, and coughed out a large mouthful of blood.

"With this kind of strength, it is impossible to be an unknown person in this sea. Who are you?"

"I\'m just a pirate." Lorne inserted the long knife back into the scabbard of the pirate before, patted the opponent on the cheek, and said with a smile.

"Thank you for the knife, but I really want to use too much force to kill your boss all at once."

"You don\'t blame me?"

"No, no! Gruta did a lot of evil, forcing us to attack here and be beheaded by an adult. We deserved it!" Seeing the wind and making the rudder is also one of the pirates\' skills, he quickly knelt down in front of Ron. Said bitterly.

As if he was really a good person with good conduct.After that, in order to show his loyalty, he stepped on half of Gelug\'s body.

Gru ignored the offense of the pirate. He stared at Lorne\'s face for a long time before he found out the incredible name from his memory and confronted the man in front of him.

"I remember it, I remember it!"

"You are that demon! I didn\'t expect you to leave your territory and come here." At this moment, he suddenly remembered the strangeness of the white beard some time ago, and suddenly realized."It turns out that the old man with white beard chased us because of you!"

Although the guess was wrong, it was a coincidence that he connected everything together.Gelug said bitterly.

"Sea knight Seya-sama will not let you go, I am waiting for you in hell!"

"I thought you talked so much only after winning. I didn\'t expect to be so noisy if you failed." Lorne frowned. He snapped his fingers and the opaque light around him gradually disappeared.Ge Lu\'s body was cut in half, and his ability to live to the present was completely dependent on the ability of the fruits of his surgery, that is to say, his life and death were completely controlled by Ron\'s hands.

It didn\'t take long for this body to be created, even if it was strengthened by Kaji, it was only in the early 200s according to Dao power.It may be considered a superman compared to ordinary people, but in this new world where the strong are born, nothing is considered.

The reason why Lorne was able to defeat Gru so neatly was because the two-color domineering perception was shared.Lorne can use this body to display the same powerful domineering as the body.And because it was the second devil fruit to eat, Ron\'s perception of the devil fruit was much smoother than the first one.

Now, he can support "ROOM" for a long time.

"I\'m waiting for you!" As if to understand his fate, Gru stared at Lorne bitterly.

"Wynhill Lorne!"

His body gradually lost its vitality, only those eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything, staring at Lorne full of spite.

A pirate with a promising future, who was still flaunting his might just now, has died like this now. He died in this remote corner of Didi Island. If there were no accidents, no one would know it for a lifetime.

Of course, Lorne wouldn\'t embarrass Gru\'s life. Choosing to be a pirate was equivalent to putting his life on the gambling table. This time, he just lost the bet.

He walked slowly in front of Pen Ke. The man had traces of CP agent training on his body, but Lorne didn\'t care about it.

"Hey, you are not dead, are you?"

"Cough cough." Peng Ke spit out a mouthful of blood, but still said stiffly."I can\'t die for the time being, thank you for your life-saving grace."

While lying on the ground, he witnessed the whole process of Lorne beheading Gru. In a sense, Lorne was the savior of the entire Didi Island.

"It\'s fine if you haven\'t died." Ron waved his hand, a knife appeared in his hand, and Ron used the knife to "stitch" Penke\'s body.The fruits of his operation can theoretically cure any disability or disease in this world.

Although Lorne\'s medical skills were not as good as Luo later, but after this period of time, he was able to cope with this kind of battle injuries with ease.

Peng Ke, who was rescued, stood up slowly, and just wanted to bow to Ron, but Ron stopped him.

"Don\'t think about thanking me, I\'m just a pirate, and the pirate sees only benefits."

A weird smile appeared on Lorne\'s face.

"I am very interested in the stone tablet you just mentioned."

A benevolent person can\'t accomplish great things, and Ron has been as hard as iron since he has walked to this point.If there is no Zhuanyuan, and these pirates have not provoke him, he is likely to sit back and watch.

After all, in this chaotic era, how many people can one person\'s power save?

After hearing the "Stone Tablet" this time, Peng Ke froze. Just as he was about to say something, the pirate who was borrowed by Lorne jumped out and said flatly.

"Yes, boss, we found an unbreakable stone stele, which was placed in a cave behind the clock tower. It should be the most valuable thing on this island."

"Take me there." Lorne nodded.

"Have you heard, the new boss asks you to take him to find the stone tablet!" The pirate immediately turned around and yelled viciously at those "companions".The pirates who found the "stone stele" looked at each other, but they hadn\'t reacted yet.However, he glanced at the uncooled remains of Gelug\'s body.With a plop, a pirate knelt down in front of Ron.

Someone took the lead, and the other pirates knelt in front of Lorne like the first scholars.

Peng Ke wriggled his mouth and wanted something, but in the end he didn\'t say anything.

He vaguely felt that this man called Lorne might be far more terrifying than the previous Gru.

A few surrendered pirates took Lorne across the long street and came to a clock tower built against a mountain. Then they walked behind the clock tower and found a cave that was as high as one person.A pirate lit a torch and walked in front, illuminating the road ahead for Lorne. After walking for about 100 meters, the surrounding environment became empty.

A huge red square stone monument stands in the middle of the cave.It was covered with tadpole-like text.

The most valuable thing on this island is not the so-called gold and silver jewelry, the so-called antique Bailey, the so-called thousands of slaves, but this stone.

"Historical text!" Lorne immediately recognized this stone stele, which was the historical text that was buried eight hundred years ago.He gently stroked this stone, and a warm feeling came from his fingertips. It seemed that his accidental benevolence had such a rich harvest!

At this time, Peng Ke followed them and came to this cave. He looked very ugly when he watched Ron touch the words.