The Pirate Family

476 Chapter 469: The Secret of Didi Island

Gru looked at the mountains of jewels piled up on the square, with a greedy smile on his face.He squatted down and grabbed Peng Ke\'s hair, and said with a grinning smile.

"It seems that your place is quite rich."

These gold and silver jewelry, Bailey antiques, roughly calculated, are worth nearly hundreds of millions of Baileys, even if they are sold in the black market of the underground world, they will make more money than they usually rob a smaller merchant ship.

Peng Ke had been tortured by Gelu and was exhausted."All the money will be given to you, let the residents of the town go."

"Haha." Peng Ke sneered, without speaking.He looked around at the trembling residents around him.The price of an adult male in the black market is about 500,000 Baileys, and it will be even higher if he has expertise.According to the age of their figure, appearance, the price of a woman in the black market ranges from 300,000 to 10 million Baileys.

Didi Island has a thousand families, which is a considerable wealth.It\'s a pity that his "Blood Thorns" is just an ordinary three-bar sailboat, which can\'t hold so many people, so he can only pick some high-quality slaves.

And for the rest, he didn\'t plan to let it go.

After all, this Didi Island is located on the edge of the giant whale waters and belongs to Whitebeard.These people have seen their looks, and once Baibeard knows about his character, even if he escapes to Lord Seya\'s territory, he will be caught.

Gelug didn\'t want to ruin his life because of his mercy.

Caution is the virtue of a pirate.

"Tie these people up." Glu commanded the pirates under his hand to tie up the residents of Didi Island who were unable to resist.

When Peng Ke saw Ge Lu look like this, a trace of despair flashed in his eyes.In previous CP missions, he has seen many greedy pirates.So he guessed what Gru was thinking.

"Boss! I found it!" A pirate ran to Gru in sweat, panting."We found a square stone tablet full of weird words. But the stone tablet is so hard that we can\'t leave it even if we carve it with a knife, cut it with a sword, or even bombard the surface of the stone with a gun. The slightest mark."

"Is this the reason you stayed here?" Glu glanced at Pen Ke, who had already closed his eyes and felt ashamed.

He threw Pen Ke to the ground, took out a pistol and pointed it at his head.

"The weak must have the consciousness of the weak! Do you think you can hide anything from me?"

All the residents closed their eyes, they didn\'t want to see the death of their hero.


There was a shot, and heavy smoke came out of the muzzle of Gru\'s pistol.

But Pen Ke\'s head did not explode as the pirates expected.Glu\'s bullet rubbed Pen Ke\'s ear and hit the ground.

"The boss missed?" A question arose in the hearts of all the pirates, but they didn\'t dare to say it in front of Gru, lest they would be angry with the boss who couldn\'t hold back their face.

Only Gelu’s face was gloomy. As a pirate who has experienced many battles, his marksmanship is of course perfect. Although he is not as talented as the sharpshooters, he can shoot each of ten shots within 100 meters. Seven or eight shots.Of course he couldn\'t miss at such a close distance.

The reason for the miss was that at the moment Geluzi ejected, Peng Ke\'s body suddenly shifted to the side by two centimeters strangely!

Step on!

The entire square was silent, and only one person\'s footsteps came slowly from outside. He walked very lightly and slowly, strolling in the courtyard.

But this voice, heard in Glu\'s ear, made him surprisingly solemn.He felt instinctively that the people who came were far more troublesome than Penke.

"who is it!"

Gru suddenly raised his pistol, and pointed the pitch-black muzzle in one direction.

Bang bang bang!

Three consecutive bullets whizzed out from the muzzle, regardless of whether they would hurt the slaves.

Gelu didn\'t care about the safety of these slaves at all. With a few humble lives, Gelu felt it was worth it to eliminate a potential danger.

But at the moment the bullet was about to touch the residents of Didi Island, they disappeared out of thin air. A pair of white and slender hands pushed away a few people who were still in shock. A young man with black hair wearing a casual shirt People walked into the square.

"The last thing I want to hear is the barking of the weak after winning. The sound is harsh and annoying."

"who are you!"

Glu fired a few more shots, but without exception, each shot suddenly disappeared the moment it touched the young man with black hair.

"Ability?!" Gru frowned. He realized that the bullet had no meaning to the ability, so he threw away his pistol, gathered his strength, and countless spikes grew from the joints of his body.

Facing this unknown opponent, Ge Lu has used all his strength. He is now slightly bent, with countless spikes growing behind him, like a huge hedgehog.


With a black domineering entangled on these spikes, Gru took a deep breath, lunged forward, hugged his legs tightly, and rolled towards the black-haired young man.

It\'s like a ball full of spikes.

"This is the form of the boss Hedgehog!" The younger brothers under Gelu shouted excitedly. They remembered that their boss had been on the battlefield. This form completely crushed the navy\'s defenses, and countless naval limbs were broken. Hanging on the black spikes, like a demon from hell.

In that battle, Gelug achieved the name of Blood Thorns.

The sharp spikes tore the ground and rolled menacingly towards the black-haired young man.But the black-haired man took out the saber of a pirate beside him casually.

"Lend your sword and use it."

"Even if you use the Supreme Sharp Knife, you won\'t have any chance when facing Gelu boss!" Although the pirate who was borrowed the knife was scared, he said hard.

"Waiting to be turned into froth, bastard!"

"Really." The black-haired man said lightly."Although he doesn\'t like you the boss of Gelug very much, there is one thing he said that makes sense."

"That is the weak must have the consciousness of the weak,"

"So what about your consciousness?"

He carried the knife, and the black armed color was domineering covering the blade. This ordinary pirate\'s long knife became a murder weapon.

"As long as a knife can kill, it is a good knife."

At this time, Glu had rushed in front of him.At this time, Gru was very excited. If he had a one-on-one contest, he might not be the opponent of this mysterious man, but the opponent was so big and didn\'t avoid his attack, then don\'t blame him for being ruthless.

In Pirate World, only the winner is correct!

"Kill you, this knife is enough!" The black-haired man said lightly, and an invisible light circle centered on him, instantly covering the entire square.

"ROOM·Precise scalpel!"

He held the knife, split it vertically, and a flash of light flashed.

Gelug, the earth, and the buildings behind him were all split in half!