The Pirate Family

475 Chapter 468 I'm a Pirate

"But I\'m very curious about one thing." Ge Lu stepped on Pen Ke\'s face and asked with a smile.

"CP agents generally follow orders, what are you doing here?"

"Don\'t worry about it!" Peng Ke spit out a big mouthful of blood, still stiffly saying.

"Hehe, I will know soon." A smile appeared on Gru\'s face.He stomped a few feet on Peng Ke\'s face, stomping his head into the dirt.

The screams of women and the laughter of the pirates kept coming from the town.In some places, there was even a raging flame, and the flames shone on the faces of all the residents of Didi Island in the central square.Some were horrified, some shocked.

The pirates wantonly vent their desires in this small town, but they can do nothing, they can only watch all this happen.

Glu liked this feeling of being feared by everyone, and it was precisely because of the pursuit of this kind of stimulation that he decided to go to sea.


Time went back a few minutes ago.On the edge of the town, in Xiaobao\'s home.

A pirate arrogantly rushed through the door, and happened to see the shivering middle-aged woman hiding in the corner. With a malicious smile on his face, he slowly walked towards the middle-aged woman.

"Don\'t hurt my mother!" A childish voice rang behind the pirate, and Xiao Bao held a wooden stick and smashed it towards the pirate\'s head.


The wooden stick was a bit decayed, and when it encountered the pirate, it was smashed into two pieces. The pirate touched his head and took his palm to his eyes. There was a trace of bright red blood.Involuntarily furious, he lifted the long knife in his hand and rushed towards Xiao Bao.

"How dare you bastard!"

If you let other people know that they were hurt by a child, they might be laughed at for a long time!The pirate grabbed Xiaobao by the hair and lifted him up.

"Don\'t hurt my son!"

When the middle-aged woman saw this scene, regardless of the fear in her heart, she rushed towards the pirate and bit his hand.


The pirate was in pain, released Xiaobao, and kicked the middle-aged woman against the wall.Looking down at the palm of his hand, there was already a piece of meat missing.

"I\'m going to kill you!" The pirate walked towards the middle-aged woman angrily, waved a long knife and chopped down at her neck.

He could already imagine the blood splattering and staining the wall red.

"Mom!" Xiaobao rolled on the ground a few times, just to see this scene, but was unable to stop it.


But at this time, a gunshot from the penetrating side door directly penetrated the palm of the pirate\'s knife.

A woman wearing a simple shirt and extremely long legs walked out of the room with a cold face.

"Scum." She raised the delicate pistol in her hand and slowly pointed it at the pirate\'s head.

"No, my boss is Bloodthorn Glu," the pirate said in horror at the black muzzle, but Zhuan Yuan did not show mercy at all, and ended the pirate\'s sinful life with one shot.

"Mom!" At this time, Xiaobao got up from the ground and threw himself into the arms of the middle-aged woman, crying.

"Don\'t be afraid, mom is here, mom is here." The middle-aged woman comforted Xiaobao, and then said gratefully when she saw Zhuanyuan on the side.

"Thank you for saving us. But now that the pirates have invaded Didi Island, and you killed their people, I\'m afraid it will become unsafe after a while, so hurry up."

"No, I am the navy. The duty of the navy is to protect your safety." Zhuan Yuan said lightly.She carried the blue justice on her shoulders, so at any time, she would not retreat.

But after hearing that Zhuan Yuan was a navy, the middle-aged woman\'s face suddenly became weird, she asked tentatively.

"Are you really a navy?"

Zhuan Yuan looked at the middle-aged woman suspiciously, and then slowly nodded.

"Great! There really is a navy here! The world government hasn\'t abandoned us yet!" But never thought that after the middle-aged woman got the affirmative answer from Zhuan Yuan, the fear on her face disappeared and changed instead. I got a little crazy.

"The navy is coming! The navy is coming!"

Two lines of tears slipped from her eyes.

"Why not come earlier! Are we not citizens of the world government? Why not protect us."

"What\'s wrong with you?" Zhuan Yuan just wanted to ask, a pair of solid and powerful arms stopped him, and Lorne slowly walked out of the room.

"Perhaps, everyone is looking forward to being protected." Lorne walked to Xiaobao and said slowly, "In the dazzling sun, it is impossible to illuminate every corner of this land, there is always a dark place. "

"Sin takes root and sprouts in these dark places, and finally grows into a flower of sin."

"Speaking of people." Zhuan Yuan said coldly.

"This Didi Island is just a dark place. Guess how they lived during these years without naval protection."

"Did they pray for the arrival of the navy when their relatives died under the knife of the invaders?"

Zhuan Yuan\'s expression changed, and she suddenly understood why Lorne had to ask herself how the Navy manages these islands.

"Grandpa, grandpa died by the pirate\'s knife." Xiaobao suddenly cried and said."When Uncle Peng Ke came back, the residents of the town were in fear all day long and lived every day in fear."

He escaped from the arms of the middle-aged woman, grabbed the clothes of the bad Zhuanyuan, and cried.

"Aren\'t you just, where were you when Grandpa died?"

The cleanliness Zhuan Yuan was surprisingly not abandoning Xiao Bao, letting the child\'s tears drip onto his clothes.After a while, when Xiaobao cried enough, she bent down and picked up the long knife that the pirate had dropped on the ground.

"I will kill them."

"Forget it, let me take it. You just have a good rest here, and protect Xiaobao and them by the way." Lorne stopped Zhuan Yuan and gave her a weird look.

When the pirate entered the room, he and Zhuan Yuan found out at the same time.But the reason why she took so long before taking the shot was because when she got up, she suddenly felt a severe pain in her body and almost fell to the ground.Lorne could imagine how uncomfortable she was at this time.

Women, there are always so many uncomfortable days every month, this is not a shameful thing.

Zhuan Yuan\'s face blushed slightly, but he nodded. After all, it was so chaotic outside, it was very dangerous to let these two women and children stay here.

"Big brother, are you also a navy?" Xiaobao wiped the tears off his face, looking at Lorne, a glimmer of longing in his eyes.

"No," Lon touched Xiaobao\'s head and said with a smile.

"I am a pirate."