The Pirate Family

474 Chapter 467 What a Pirate Should Do

"Knowing that our boss Peng Ke is very good, don\'t you surrender quickly!"

Even if he was caught by the neck, the young man still roared stiffly.


But Gru ignored him, instead he increased his hand strength, and the young man\'s face was flushed and he couldn\'t speak.

"Let go of him," Pen Ke walked towards Gelu, and the pirates who surrounded him voluntarily gave up a path."I\'ll fight you."

"I am very optimistic about you, with your strength you shouldn\'t be buried in this place." Glu said with a smile."Come with me, I will take you to see the sea of ​​stars!"

All the pirates around were shocked. Who is his boss, Ge Lu?That is the strong man who has broken through the fiercely competitive paradise!It is a great honor for Geru to be the confidant of Sea Knight Seya, the several overlords of the New World.Several thrilled pirates have begun to think about how to please this brawny man.

"The sea of ​​stars?" Peng Ke sneered, "Are you worthy!"

"Maybe you didn\'t understand, as long as I be my right-hand man, I will retreat immediately. I promise that I won\'t invade this small town again." Gluxun said in a good manner.Although he is the confidant of Sea knight Seya, the entire Bloodthorn Pirates group, except for himself, are all trash fish, which has always been his heart disease.Every time I went to the site of the boss of Seya, I would be taunted by several other pirates whose status was comparable to him.

The man in front of him by the name of Peng Ke, although he did not know where he learned the Navy Type Six, but judging from his agility, from Gelu\'s eyes, this Peng Ke going to sea should be close to the bounty of 100 million. The pirates are comparable.If you try again, you might not be able to become a master and assist yourself.

He planned in this way, so the actions of a courteous corporal, after all, a capable subordinate is much more valuable than a barren island.

"Haha." Peng Ke walked to a place ten meters away from Gelug and stopped. He rubbed his arm to ease his sore muscles.There was a smile on his face.

"This sounds great."

"So you agreed?" Gelug put down the young man in his hand and smiled slightly.

Sure enough, no man in this era can refuse the sea.

"No," Peng Ke remained silent, and when he walked in front of Ge Lu, the smile on his face disappeared and turned into a gloomy face.

"I decided to reject you, and then drive all of you off Didi Island!"


Peng Ke\'s calf suddenly exerted force, his whole body disappeared suddenly, and a little dust was raised on the ground.

"Iron Broken Fist!" He appeared behind Ge Lu, focusing his entire body on his left fist. The fist exudes a metallic luster like a lump of iron.

This is the technique he learned in that place, Navy Type VI-a variant of the iron block.When Peng Ke was studying, he discovered that when people use iron blocks, they must hold their breath and concentrate. The body cannot move, and the whole person is like a target.So I wondered if I could avoid this shortcoming if I only iron parts of my body.

After constant experimentation, he finally developed the technique of ironing parts of the body.He was extremely confident in this technique, and achieved unexpected results by cooperating with shaving.Even a few other outstanding students did not dare to resist this punch head-on.

boom!The iron fist blasted Glu\'s back abruptly, and Peng Ke could already imagine this arrogant pirate being blasted with a big hole in his chest.

"Captain Penke!"

The young man who had just been released was lying on the ground, panting heavily, watching the scene before him, his eyes full of admiration.

Worthy of being the invincible Captain Pen Ke, he can already imagine this arrogant pirate being bombed with a big hole in his chest.

"Nice skill, you really came from that place." Glu coughed, and the parrot on his shoulder turned his head and said strangely.

Peng Ke\'s face changed drastically, and the place where his fist was in contact with Gelu shed a touch of blood.

"It seems that you rejected me, but it doesn\'t matter. An ordinary CP agent is just a normal CP agent. If you lose it, you will lose it." Gru turned around and took off his cloak, his back was actually overgrown. Spikes as sharp as a blade.

At the moment Peng Ke started his hand, he had already recognized Peng Ke\'s moves.He should be an agent of the CP system.Navy Sixth Form is a compulsory course for CP agents. When he was in the paradise, he had fought against these mysterious assassins several times, so he was very familiar with their moves.

"I am a thorn person who has eaten thorn fruit, and can grow spikes anywhere on the body."

Ge Lu\'s nickname is Blood Thorns, precisely because he likes to have spikes all over his body in battle, and the flesh and blood of the enemy make these spikes red.

"Since you don\'t know how to promote, then I\'ll send you to hell." With a cruel smile on Glu\'s face, he looked around and looked at the militias around him that were like enemies."But you won\'t feel lonely, because your companions will be with you soon!"

Gru bent his left leg, and a sharp spike grew from his knee joint.A violent knee bump slammed into Pen Ke\'s abdomen.

"Iron block-whole body hardened!" Peng Ke couldn\'t dodge, condensing Qi in his body, turning his whole body into an extremely hard iron block.


However, there was a trace of sarcasm on Gelu\'s face, and the spikes at the knee joints were covered with a shallow black domineering, which easily penetrated Pen Ke\'s defense.Put him through.

"Soil buns are soil buns. Do you think iron is a very high-end technique?"

"In front of domineering, he is nothing!"

"Cough, cough, cough." Peng Ke coughed out a big mouthful of blood, limp on the ground, his abdomen was covered with domineering spikes pierced out a hole, a steady stream of blood flowed out of the hole.He struggled and wanted to stand up and continue fighting, but a black leather boot slammed on his face.

"I invite you because I can respect you. Since you are shameless, don\'t blame me for being ruthless."

Gru waved his hand and shouted at the pirates around him.

"Little ones, go find out all the treasures in the town, bring them here, I want them to see how they feel about losing everything!"

"Let\'s do something that pirates should do!"

All the pirates cheered excitedly, they were not surprised by Gru\'s victory.Scattered one after another, rushing towards the depths of the town.And all the residents of Didi Island who were cheering for Penke, with their mouths open at this time, were there blankly, speechless.They couldn\'t imagine that the invincible Captain Gru, the patron saint of Didi Island, was defeated like this.