The Pirate Family

464 Chapter 458: Planting!

"Father!" The members of the White Beard and White Beard Pirates Group quickly helped White Beard back to their actions, and then looked at Ron with angry eyes.

Lorne stood in place with an awkward look.

He actually made a mistake, that is, preconceived that the white beard was regarded as the monster of the sea, rather than an old man suffering from illness.

You know, before Lorne got on the ship, Baibeard was still hanging a bottle.The few fragments of his long knife just now caused very small wounds, and the symbolic meaning is far greater than the actual meaning.But it was a coincidence that these blades happened to be inserted into Baibeard’s chest and caused his already weak heart to stop for a moment, and most importantly, this time the sudden arrest caused him. Of asthma.

Looking at the white beard who had been coughing up blood, Ron had a strange thought in his heart, that is, the living legend of the strongest man in the world, he wouldn\'t just die like this.

The development of the matter is far from being as sci-fi as Lorne thought. A black-haired pirate walked up to White Beard and wanted to hold him. Marco also took out the medicine for asthma at the right time. He seemed familiar with White Beard’s condition extremely.

The face of the white beard who had taken the asthma medicine returned to calmness. He pushed the surrounding pirate away and walked in front of Ron with the help of a black-haired pirate.

"It almost died in the hands of you kid." His tone was cold, but he didn\'t plan to do anything.He glanced at Lorne coldly.

"By the way, what did you just say."

Lorne raised his head and met White Beard\'s eyes.

"About the whereabouts of Montbach who killed your second captain and the Golden Lion Pirates."

A wave of coercion pressed down on Ron\'s shoulder, and the white beard\'s tone was cold, and he said coldly.

"What do you know."

The death of that person was indeed a thorn in White Beard’s heart. In fact, after entering the new world, Lorne was ready for a decisive battle with Shiji, and even prepared more than ten Damocles in SKY. Sword, as a gift to Shiji.

However, due to the death of Montbach, the second captain under the command of Whitebeard was killed, and a war broke out between the two of them.The navy also entered the void and attacked the Golden Lion\'s territory.In the face of the siege of the two major forces, even if it was as strong as the golden lion, he had to drink hatred and withdrew from the sequence of hegemony.

After that, Lorne has been collecting information about the hidden location of the Golden Lion, but only got a few words.

For example, the waters of Hell Island.

But even though Lorne searched all the navigators and searched all the charts, he could not find the location of this Hell Island waters.

This lion seems to evaporate in this sea.

"Presumably, in these years, you have never given up on the pursuit of Shiji." Lorne said."But he didn\'t find his hiding place."

"What are you trying to say?" White Beard said solemnly.

"What if the golden lion is not in this sea?" Lorne said, and he stretched out his bloody hand and pointed to the sky.At this time, the sky was clear and clear, and the sky was the same as the blue sea.

"It\'s in the sky!"

"Can you still find him?"

"After all, he is the overlord of the sky!"

Just like the original book, Shiji might have directly driven an island, hidden in the sky, continuing his unfinished ambitions.

That place called "Strong World" (STRONGWOELD).

Baibeard was silent. In fact, he had already had this guess. After all, the golden lion can drive a propelling city to float in the sky at any time. There is no big problem in replacing it with an island, right?If he really has been hiding in the sky, he really has no way to take him.

"It seems that you have already guessed it." When Lorne saw White Beard\'s appearance, he knew that White Beard had probably already guessed it.

After all, no one who can reach their level is mentally retarded, and the sea is so big that there is no way to hide an ambitious lion.

"Ski is also my enemy," Lorne said slowly, without explanation, but the whole sea knew that Lorne and Ski were deadly enemies.

"So I want to join forces with you, I will solve the Golden Lion, and you only need to stop Kaido when he invades the Vennhill family."

I don\'t know if he received the "gift" I gave Kaido, but it seems that from Kaido\'s actions that he hasn\'t done for so long, he may be injured, or he may be waiting for the best time.

But in any case, this beast will definitely take action, after all, his think tank "Sanchuan Road" is still locked in the prison of Sky City.

"Joining hands?" Baibeard squinted and looked at Lorne.Then he waved his hand and turned around."I have never had the habit of teaming up with others. If you send this news, then I won\'t sink you into the ocean."

"Go away, kid."

There was no wave on Lorne\'s face. He had expected this situation a long time ago. He was as proud as a white beard. If he could pull down his face and join hands with others, it would not lead to the tragedy of "war on top".

Anyway, the white beard\'s power data has been collected, but when Lorne turned around and was about to leave, the eyes of the black-haired pirate who had been supporting the white beard suddenly flashed through the eyes.

"Be careful……"

Lorne hadn\'t uttered these two words yet, and saw that the pirate took out a sharp dagger and pierced it at the side of the white beard.

"Otto what are you doing!"

A pirate who looked exactly like him roared. He was the pirate who was carrying a knife to kill Lorne before.

Perhaps it was just the asthma that caused some damage to Baibeard\'s body, or maybe it was Ron\'s mention of the whereabouts of the golden lion that made Baibeard distracted. He never thought that his son would suddenly attack him, and the sword was straight. The white beard\'s waist was inserted dumbly, and the blood flow continued.


Seeing the situation is not good, Marco rushed over as an undead bird, kicked the pirate named Otto, and a swordsman with a curvy beard, a bowler hat and a double knife pulled out his own. The long knife hit Otto\'s back with the back of his knife.

He only heard the sound of broken bones, and Otto curled up on the ground. The double-sword man picked out a perfect sword flower in the air and pointed the tip of the sword at Otto\'s forehead.

"Don\'t kill him, Vista," Marco said gloomily, and the blue flames on his body gradually disappeared. "I want to know why he did this."

The pirates guarded the white beard behind them, and then surrounded Otto and Lorne with unkind expressions on their faces.

"Ahem," Otto had a weird smile on his face, he spit out a big mouthful of blood, then turned to look at Lorne, and roared.

"The old man with white beard is already badly injured, don\'t you hurry up! Lord Lorne!"

Obviously it was a scorching day, but Ron felt like falling into an ice cave, with cold all over his body!