The Pirate Family

465 Chapter 459: Admit!

What to do, Lorne felt that the surrounding pirates looked at him with hostile eyes, and several big cadres surrounded him, not giving him a chance to escape.

He was sure that he had never known the pirate who assassinated the white beard, because it was impossible to do it!Apart from angering the group of beasts, it has no other effect.

"Ahem, Lord Lorne, everything is up to you." The pirate named Otto coughed up a large mouthful of blood, with a strange smile on his face, and suddenly bit a particle in his mouth. Then he spit out a large mouthful of black blood, and slowly closed his eyes.

He is poisoned!Everyone\'s eyes focused on Lorne.

Calm down, you must calm down!

Lorne pressed his temple to calm himself down.

"What\'s wrong with you, brother? Why did you suddenly attack Dad?" A man who looked like Otto rushed forward to Otto, and wailed that he stretched out his hand to touch his brother\'s face, but when he touched him The moment Otto arrived, Otto\'s face began to change, the muscles on his face squirmed, and after a while he became another person!

A pale young man.Except for his hair color and bloody clothes, there was nothing in common with Otto.

"Obviously, the real Otto is dead." Lorne said, he must clean up his grievances, otherwise these angry pirates won\'t let themselves go.Although this body is just a clone, this clone has eaten the "fruits of surgery" that Ron has spent so much hardship on. As a last resort, Ron doesn\'t want to lose it.

The pirates obviously didn\'t believe it, and wanted to rush to get rid of Lorne, but then White Beard suddenly waved, he waved to Marco, who heard the news, pushed away from the crowd, and walked to Otto.And squeezed his face with his hands.

"What are you doing?" Otto\'s brother was still in the pain of bereavement. His name was Aoun. He grew up in a slum with his brother. The two supported each other. He thought that his entire life would have passed. Later, Roger The dying declaration inspired their ambitions.

He and his brother went to sea overnight, and it took a lot of hardships before they came to the new world.Later, they were in a desperate situation. If it hadn\'t been for the white beard father to save them by passing by, they might have been reduced to seabed bones.

He really regarded these people on the boat as his family.

"It wasn\'t something like a mask just now, but it was indeed his skin. There is no doubt that your brother was lost when he didn\'t know." Marco said in a deep voice, this man\'s hiding method turned out to be like this. Superb, they didn\'t even tell what they were getting along day and night.

"Recently, have your brother acted strangely, or have you encountered any strange things?" Marco stood up, glanced at Ornn, and asked.

"Strange behavior, my brother and I get along day and night, and haven\'t found anything." Aoun looked puzzled, he turned his head and saw Bista holding a knife, and suddenly realized.

"By the way, a few months ago, my brother and I were ordered to go to the East China Sea to give pensions to the second captain\'s family and bury the second captain in his hometown."

"When we came back, we repaired on Bubble Island for a day. Otto went out for a drink in the middle of the night. You know, Otto is usually taciturn and likes to drink. But that day he came back without drinking for long, and he kept holding on. On the chest, he was a little gasping, I asked him what happened and he refused to say."

"At the time I was still laughing at whether he was beaten while molesting the girl."

"He didn\'t answer me, but became more silent afterwards."

Aoun patted his head and suddenly realized.

"This must be the case, Otto must have been dropped by Shishi!"

"Help me find out whose territory this Bubble Island belongs to." Marco said in a cold voice.

"No need to check." Lorne had already understood at this time that this matter was directed at him, a premeditated frame.

"Bubble Island is my territory."

"You bastard who killed Otto, I\'m going to kill you!" Aoun shouted angrily, and rushed towards Lorne when he lifted the long knife.But the broken flagpole appeared in front of him out of thin air, blocking him.

"Please think about it," Lorne pointed to his head and said loudly."Is Lorne a fool?"

All the pirates were silent for a while, and Lorne\'s label in the eyes of the world might be crazy, or stubborn, or unscrupulous, or maybe not a man who made a name for himself by strategy, but he was definitely not a fool.

"If I want to assassinate Lord Whitebeard, why should I choose to do it on my own turf?" Lorne said slowly when everyone calmed down.He started thinking at the same time, who is planting himself?

The ability to change one\'s appearance is not too much, but not too much, removing the devil fruit, and the disfigurement technique of the country of Kazuki, and returning the life learned after proficient in the six forms of the Navy.

"Because you have already figured out how to respond," Ornn stood up and looked at Lorne with a grievance.

Lorne "heared", this Ornn\'s heart was beating faster, watching his face flushed with anger, Lorne rubbed his temple.

"Then the second question, everything in the world has a reason," Lorne looked at Orne in front of him, "Why should I assassinate Lord Whitebeard?"

"You are ambitious and covet the throne of the old man!"

Lorne closed his eyes, the whole world only heard the beating of his heart,

Bang bang bang!

The loudest beating in front of him was Aoun\'s, and there was a vigorous one in the distance, but the old man with a white beard, and his and his captains were beating gently, unable to hear their emotions.

It would be great if it came from the main body. You can directly control Otto before he starts to avoid his dirty water.Although clones can also use perception abilities, they are too weak and can only be used to strengthen their own five senses and cannot be used to manipulate others.

The surrounding hearts were getting closer and closer, and it seemed that if Lorne couldn\'t say anything, they would be ready to do it directly.

"Yes!" Lorne suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a fanatical expression on his face.He danced with his hand and said slowly after putting something into his sleeve.

"Well, I admit, that was indeed what I ordered."

Pirates: "???"

He stretched out his hands and made a gesture of being caught.Although Marco was confused, he walked forward and clasped Lorne\'s hands.

"These are handcuffs made of Hailou stone, don\'t want to escape." Marco said in a cold voice, "To be honest, I used to think of you as the future king of this sea, but I am very disappointed now."

"Really disappointed."

"No king can get to the end by tricks."

"Don\'t talk nonsense, it\'s nothing more than a winner or a loser." Lorne raised his head and met the white beard\'s eyes.

There was no wave of waves in those old eyes.