The Pirate Family

463 Chapter 457 Domineering and Domineering

"Is this the power of White Beard? It\'s a little bit beyond my expectations."

Lorne\'s voice came from above, and everyone raised their heads, and saw him standing on the observation deck of the Mobi Dick, looking down condescendingly.He looked at the white beard standing in the crowd and licked his lips.The purpose of his visit to Baibeard is to know how far he is from the highest group of people in the world.

At this moment, in the black glove of his right hand, a small lamp was shining a strange green light.

Although Skee lost his power, the old lion hadn\'t died yet. He had been hiding in the dark, watching all this with bloodthirsty eyes.Lorne had a hunch that he would meet this old lion again sooner or later.This is destiny.

The so-called destiny is something that will come no matter how to escape.

Not to mention that he and Kaido had taken over their blood feud, with such two mountains pressed down, Lorne had to move forward.

The salty and wet sea breeze scattered Ron’s hair, and his long black hair was dancing in the air like a snake. The white beard nailed his big knife to the deck and squinted at the young man standing on the observation platform. In Beard\'s eyes, Lorne\'s shadow gradually overlapped with the man in his memory.

"This kind of spirit is worthy of his son!" Baibeard laughed, "You are all born chaos."

"As long as you don\'t die, you will definitely have your place in this era."

He bent over and rushed towards Lorne. From Lorne\'s perspective, he was like a wild monster that had completed a charge, running on the ground.

"ROOM..." Just when Ron raised his hand and was about to avoid this charge, White Beard jumped and jumped in front of Ron.

"But I have never had the habit of looking up at others!" The huge fist smashed towards Ron\'s head with unmatched strength. With the suppression of seeing and hearing, Ron even had no time to escape.

He subconsciously raised his long knife, trying to resist it.

The moment the long knife touched the white beard\'s fist, it made a roar of steel, and the air rubbed violently, making a desperate resistance.

"Not bad domineering, it\'s the skill of the country of Hezhi!" Baibeard praised, "but have you ever taught you why we know the colorless domineering is extremely powerful, but we don\'t practice him."


The long knife was bent by the fist, and then it broke with a "clang".Lorne couldn\'t dodge, and was directly bombarded into the cabin by this huge force.

"Too rigid is easy to break. The main function of domineering is not to attack, but to defend."

"The colorless domineering defense is far worse than the black domineering."

White beard landed on the deck, skimmed the big black hole on the splint, picked up the Daguan Knife he had inserted to the side, and spoke lightly to Marco beside him.

"Go and see if that kid is dead. If he is not dead, he will be treated and thrown out. It can be regarded as a favor of that fellow Caesar."

"Understood." Marco pushed his glasses and nodded indifferently.For a arrogant newcomer like Lorne, he has seen too much these years.With just a passion of blood, it was like challenging them, and the end was just being crushed into powder by the Moby Dick.

"Cough cough." But at this time, a man\'s voice came out of the pit, a bloody hand grabbed the edge of the pit, and then Lorne, covered in blood, crawled out of it.

"Is this the pinnacle power in the world? It really deserves to be White Beard, cough."

His long knife had long since shattered into pieces, and Lorne didn\'t care about it. With a shake of his hand, a brand new long knife appeared in his hand.

The ability to operate the fruit is so magical. In this "ROOM" space, Ron can switch the positions of two objects at will.

"But, I haven\'t lost yet!"

The black armed color is domineering covering the blade of the long sword, and it becomes transparent in a flash.Lorne didn\'t listen, even though Baibeard had already told him the evil of Liu Ying\'s domineering, he was still so stubborn.

Lorne picked up the knife and rushed towards the white beard. The blood flowed down his trousers to the ground, dragging a bloody path.

"Stubbornness and never giving up are also one of the virtues of pirates." The white beard said approvingly. The whole person moved, his right arm bent, the dark armour color covering the skin, and the muscles exploded with great strength. Quasi Lorne smashed over.

To stop is an insult to the opponent!Baibeard\'s punch, except for his inability to use it, was already his full blow.


The fist and the blade collided together again, and the pitch black and transparent domineering entanglement, not surprisingly, black once again won the victory, the blade shattered, and Lorne\'s whole body was blown up and embedded in a giant flagpole.

"A stupid idiot." The black pirate picked up a long knife and prepared to go forward to harvest the life of the man who provoked his father, but he found that the surrounding atmosphere was a little strange, his twin brother looked solemn. \'S walked towards the old man.

The black-sprayed man turned his head in surprise and found that his father was standing stiffly on the spot, with a few broken blades stuck in his chest, and the wound was not deep. For ordinary pirates, as for the ordinary pirates, he should pull it out and apply some The ointment will be better after a while.

But this also means one thing,

The invincible father was actually injured?The black exuded the man\'s face in disbelief.


Lorne struggled to fall off the giant flagpole. As Baibeard said, Liu Ying\'s domineering defensiveness was not as good as black domineering, but in contrast, it had a penetrating power that black domineering could not match.

In the battle just now, the blade fragments covered with Liu Ying\'s domineering tear easily tore the white beard\'s physical defenses.This is also a return from Ron.

But these are not the most important. Among the black gloves on Lorne\'s right hand, a small red light flickered frantically, and in his ears, he wore a miniature phone bug.

"Lorne, the main data has been collected, please find a way to evacuate immediately." Kage\'s strong voice yelled in the phone bug.That\'s why Ron came to visit Whitebeard.

"I see." Lorne said to himself.The reason for choosing White Beard instead of Charlotte Lingling, who had been friends with Lorne, was actually well thought out.

On the one hand, if Lorne wants to go to Elbuff, he must pass through the territory of Whitebeard, so he can do this by the way.Second, Lorne had the confidence to retreat.

"I got a message some time ago," Lorne stood up, sutured several of his own larger wounds through the power of the operation fruit, and said slowly to the white beard.

"About killing you..."

"Cough cough cough cough cough..."

But at this time, Baibeard suddenly coughed violently, spraying a mouthful of blood on the ground.