The Pirate Family

462 Chapter 456 White Beard

The members of the White Beard Pirates were scattered on both sides of the splint and looked at Lorne with hostile eyes. After Marco handed the seriously injured Fossa to a nurse, he stood beside White Beard with his hands folded. , Looking at each other with interest.

"Guru Guru Guru!" White Beard ignored Lorne, but drank the wine in his hand that was like a big jar. After drinking, he asked Marco next to him.

"This is the first few newcomers to challenge me in recent years?"

"If you count the Shanks before, it should be more than five?"

"Five, are that many?" White Beard muttered to himself, then lowered his head and glanced at Lorne.

"Then know what the end of these people who want to step on my head are?"

"Except for Shanks, the other people either failed miserably, lost all of their subordinates, or even died." Lorne said lightly. He did some homework before he came to see Baibeard.

Miss Klockdale, who had the strongest momentum at the time, even slapped White Beard\'s subordinates, but after White Beard himself joined the war, everything changed.Miss Klockdale\'s coalition forces were defeated in an instant, and even she herself was able to escape under the cover of many subordinates.

The white beard proved one thing, that is, this sea, how powerful and powerful, how sophisticated the weapons and equipment, and how wide-ranging the network, all of these are imaginary.

Only one\'s own absolute strength is the truth.

"Then why do you have the courage to meet me!" White Beard snorted coldly, and slammed the bottle in his hand towards Ron, but before it touched Ron, the bottle seemed to touch him. The transparent blade suddenly shattered in half when it flew about one meter in front of Lorne, and the drink was spilled on the floor.

During the whole process, Lorne himself did not move.

"Others fear you because they fear your invincible power." Lorne said slowly.

"But I am not afraid, because I believe that sooner or later, you will be just an ordinary person with greater strength. Sooner or later I will be able to step on my feet domineeringly!"

"Arrogant!" The members of the White Beard Pirate Group stood up, took out their weapons and aimed at Lorne, only waiting for the father to give an order, they were ready to tear this unwarranted boy to pieces.

"Everyone can speak big words, I think you got the name of Qiwuhai under your king through bragging!" A man with scattered black hair looked at Ron and said coldly.Next to him stood a man with the same face as him, frowning all the time, curled up his body in the corner, and looked around with spiteful eyes.

"Aren\'t you afraid?" Baibeard suddenly got up, drew out his own knife, and slashed towards Ron.

"Let me see your support!"

He didn\'t use his own ability to shake fruits, but with the strength of his own body, he almost shredded the space.


A transparent aperture centered on Lorne and enveloped the entire Mobile.


The moment Guan Knife touched Lorne, Lorne moved. He snapped his fingers, and his figure suddenly disappeared. He was replaced by a pirate who was standing aside and aiming with a spear.

This time, he followed Zhuanyuan and the others to Albuff, and it was a clone of the fruit of the operation. The scene of Garrett\'s reluctance in the Port of Sdio was just for others to see.

The purpose is to let the world know that Lorne has left Sdio and went to the depths of the new world.

"Father?" The pirate looked at Guan Dao getting closer and closer to his head, and didn\'t seem to realize why his father suddenly attacked him.


The knife stopped abruptly at an inch above the pirate\'s head, and a circle of shock waves spread out around the knife tip.

Some weaker pirates couldn\'t bear the shock wave, stood unstable and fell to the ground.

"Cough cough." Baibeard himself coughed violently a few times. He himself was already entangled in disease, and he just forcibly retracted his strength, which hurt him quite a lot.

"Stop the door."

Baibeard said coldly, he raised the knife and pointed it at Lorne who was sitting in the crowd.

"At your level, don\'t you understand one thing? That is the ability is only an aid after all, it determines whether a person is a strong person or himself!"

Baibeard was extremely disappointed. He used to regard Lorne as the king of this sea for the next 30 years, but he did not expect that Lorne would be a person who relied on his own ability to get the upper hand.What is the difference between this kind of person and the extremely arrogant Huo before.

"It was just warming up," Ron got up, grabbing a long knife from the hand of a stunned pirate next to him.

"Borrow it."

"Now show the power I just gained."

The pitch-black armed color instantly covered the long knife, and then suddenly became transparent.Liu Ying was domineering, causing the blade of the long sword to emit a halo.

"ROOM·Precise scalpel!"

Lorne rushed to the white beard\'s abdomen with a shave, and the long sword danced horizontally, and the sharp blade was cut towards the white beard\'s belly.

The so-called one inch long and one inch strong, White Beard’s Daguan Knife is very heavy, and perfectly displays his own strength advantages, but because it is too long, in this kind of close combat, the Daguan Dao is often too late to take it back. .

"Huh!" But White Beard deserves to be White Beard, and he snorted coldly. The dark armed color instantly covered the palm of his left hand, and then he pinched the blade of Lorne\'s long knife, trying to lift him up.

"ROOM·Command!" Lorne didn\'t panic, and with a light stroke of his other hand without a knife, one of the boat poles of the White Beard Pirate Group suddenly broke and smashed towards White Beard.

The Moby Dick is a rare giant ship, and the pole on the ship is like a towering tree, suddenly collapsed, with great momentum.

"Small bugs!" White Beard snorted coldly, holding the Guan Knife in his right hand, and making a fierce elbow backward. The space behind him was suddenly shattered, and the huge rod that had hit it was shattered into pieces.

But Ron also took advantage of this moment, turning the blade of the long knife, Liu Ying cutting the white beard\'s skin domineeringly, and the two men collided, making a harsh sound like metal rubbing.

Baibeard frowned, directly lifted Lorne\'s long knife, and threw him outside.

An invisible crack appeared in the palm of his left hand.

Liu Ying\'s domineering cutting ability was originally far superior to ordinary domineering, and coupled with the blessing of the fruit of the operation, the two domineering confrontation this time, it turned out that Lorne won!

Lorne was spinning in the air, his violent weightlessness made him a little dizzy, but he didn\'t panic, snapped his fingers and disappeared again.

"Where did you go?" The man with stray black hair picked up the long knife and looked around, trying to find Lorne.