The Pirate Family

461 Chapter 455: The World's Most Peak Power

"The blood-red one who cannot be the enemy, one of the Seven Martial Seas under the King, the demon Lorne."

The Silver King licked his lips, and finally a trace of vigilance appeared in his eyes.

"I don\'t know the famous Lorne, what\'s the cause for coming here?" After he finished speaking, he glanced at the dying Fossa and suddenly realized.

"You don\'t want to save this rubbish and win the favor of White Beard?"

After speaking, he patted Foza\'s face again and said provocatively.

"It\'s good to be a member of the white beard, do you see someone coming to rescue you soon? Are you still grateful?"

"Daddy\'s son never expects other people\'s charity!" Hearing the Silver King insulting his proudest daddy, Foza struggled to raise his hand and said furiously."I have said it, I lost, I am convinced, it is nothing more than death!"

"I\'ll be waiting for you in hell!" But before he could finish his words, he was knocked to the ground by a bounty hunter. He was seriously injured and unable to resist. He could only lie on the ground and look at the Silver King with spiteful eyes. , As if from the most vicious curse from hell.

"I\'m just passing by, and I have no interest in saving the losers." Lorne shrugged and said indifferently.

"That\'s good," Silver King glanced at Zhuan Yuan, who was standing next to Lorne and said nothing."It just so happens that the lieutenant admiral of the navy is here, and it\'s rare for me to go to the naval base to ask for a reward. Just submit it here."

He took out his revolver and pointed it at Foza’s head.

"Anyway, it says DEADOFALIVE on the reward list. It doesn\'t matter if I kill him now, right?"

Now that he had offended White Beard, he must throw out this hot potato as soon as possible, and the Navy was undoubtedly the best candidate.

Because of their position, they cannot even refuse!

"Do you really not think about what I said?" Lorne said with a smile."The living, white-bearded crew member is much more valuable than dead."

"What do you mean?" The Silver King had a vaguely uneasy feeling, and he subconsciously pulled the trigger.


"It means you are dying!"

Above the sky, there was a man\'s roar. A man wrapped in blue flames fell from the sky and landed on the deck of the "Unsinkable Hunter". His hands turned into blue wings and protected the Buddha. In front of Sa.

The bullet hit the man\'s body, and the domineering armed color covering the bullet broke through the man\'s defense and knocked out a hollow. However, blue flames burned around the hollow, and in a blink of an eye, it was healed.

"Phoenix Marco!" The Silver King opened his eyes, and he immediately recognized the number one warrior under the white beard, the man who is said to be able to defeat the admiral.

"Invincible blood red."

"My troublesome brother likes to cause trouble on weekdays. Thanks to you for giving him a moment." The blue flame on Marco gradually disappeared, his wings returned to his arms, and he supported his round glasses.

Like a gentleman.

"Thank you so much."


Just as the bounty hunters breathed a sigh of relief, Marco said in a cold tone.

"Who told you to point your guns at the people of the White Beard Pirate Group!"

The calm sea level suddenly set off huge waves, and the Unsinkable Hunter was ups and downs in the waves.People who are slightly weaker can even stand unsteady.

"Is it the Haiquake?" a bounty hunter asked hesitantly, but was rejected by the Silver King.

"No, it\'s not a sea earthquake."

"It\'s the anger of the king of this sea!" He and Lorne said at the same time.

A big white ship like a giant white whale appeared on the sea level. From a distance, a tall man with a bottle full of slings was standing on the deck, looking over here.

I saw the hand bend into claws, grabbing the surrounding space like a piece of rag. There were a few cracks in the surrounding space, and the cracks continued to spread here.It spread to the hull of the Unsinkable Hunter and the bounty hunters on board.

"Is it such an exaggeration?" Lorne\'s pupils shrank, and he felt the powerful aura emanating from the old man, which was suffocating even though it was not directed at him.

"Run," the Silver King raised the revolver in his hand, shot a few shots at Marco, and then wanted to leave, but it was too late.

I saw the white beard\'s hand, grasping the surrounding space and gently pulling it down, and then the cracks broke and shattered, and the huge force broke the people on the boat, the Unsinkable Hunter, and even the sea. Fragments.

A whirlpool appeared in this sea area, swallowing the remains of the Unsinkable Hunter into pieces and the limbs of the bounty hunters into the sea.

Marco picked up Fossa, looked at the navy flag, and looked at Lorne standing on the bow with interest.

"Are you the kid from the Wienhill family?" Marco said lightly.

"Fortunately, you didn\'t take a shot at Foza, otherwise it was not just the group of bounty hunters who had just been torn to pieces."

"That\'s because there are not enough benefits," Lorne smiled slightly, "Pele, who is less than 400 million yuan, is not worth offending the famous White Beard."

"It\'s very interesting. If it\'s someone else, when we meet us, we will say that we have never thought of being an enemy of us, or brag about us desperately in order to get our forgiveness, someone who tells the truth like you Rarely."

At this time, Marco remembered the greeting card sent by Lorne before and said lightly.

"Didn\'t you say you want to visit Dad? Now Dad is here. If you are brave enough, you can get on the boat!"

After speaking, he helped Foza flew back to the Moby Dick.

The white giant ship was getting closer, and Lorne and White Beard looked into the distance.

"What to do?" Facing the legend of the sea, even Zhuan Yuan was at a loss.She frowned and glanced at Lorne bitterly, "Are we going?"

"Go, why not?" Lorne laughed loudly. "It\'s a rare opportunity to be able to admire the heroic figure of the king of this sea!"


Ten minutes later, Lorne boarded the splint of the Mobile alone. Zhuan Yuan and the others were waiting outside at Lorne\'s request, ready to pick him up at any time.

As soon as he stepped on the splint, Lorne felt a suffocating aura that locked himself firmly. This aura was like a lion who just woke up from a deep sleep, staring casually beside him grazing. Of sheep.

Although there was no malice, the latter couldn\'t help shaking.

However, Lorne shook his head to keep himself awake.

"I\'m not a sheep." He looked at the tall man sitting in front with a bottle hanging all over.

You are not a lion in the prime of life.