The Pirate Family

438 Chapter 432

Slanka Sea, on a small island with pleasant scenery.

A corpse suddenly opened its eyes.

He subconsciously glanced at the watch he had prepared long ago, and the countdown still had 55 seconds.

Enough time.

Yaze took out a beach chair from the box next to it, put it in a shade, and poured a glass of red wine, lying on the chair happily looking at Slanka in the distance.

Countdown 10 seconds.







Boom, a loud bang rang through the clouds, and there was an earth-shattering explosion in Slanka in the distance, and countless black smoke rose up, forming a mushroom-shaped black cloud.

Vaguely, one can still hear the waves roaring and the wailing voices of pirates.

Slanka, the richest island in the half of the new world, was completely wiped out of this sea.

After watching all this, Yaze chuckled and took out a phone bug from his body. After dialing through, a cold male voice came from the other side.

"Dr. Begapunk, our plan has succeeded."


Begapunk said flatly, without the slightest fluctuation in his emotions.

"There is no surprise at all." Ya Ze said dissatisfied.

"According to your fruiting ability and Huo\'s personality, as long as you are not mentally handicapped, you can complete the plan. What is surprising."

Begapunk said indifferently.

"According to my calculations, the total amount of volcanic explosives buried in Slanka can easily destroy any life entity in this sea."

"Even Kaido and Big Mom, as long as they choose to use physical resistance, they will definitely die."

"In short, an individual who has no life-saving ability will die."

"It\'s really not interesting to chat with those of you who value data," Yaze said slyly.

In his heart, he had already sentenced the people of Slanka to death, and after a battle, he was very clear about the abilities of these people.

Among them, no one has the so-called life-saving ability.

"Then let\'s talk about something else, do you know who is trapped in Sri Lanka?"

Before Begapunk could speak, Yaze answered himself.

"The entire Redhead Pirates and the Sun Pirates. Demon Lorne, Hawkeye Mihawk, Tenyasha Doflamingo, Chikage Moria."

"Plus the pirates controlled by Huo ability."

A frenzy flashed across Yaze\'s face.

"The remains of these people are enough for you to continue your research plan?"

"Completely enough."

"Then, I wish our cooperation happy, I am not as stupid as Huo."

Yaze drank the red wine in the glass and said excitedly.

"My ability, coupled with your technology, the future of this sea is ours!"

"It doesn\'t matter," Begapunk\'s tone remained calm.

"I can work for anyone, provided that he provides me with enough materials."

Toot toot.

The phone worm was hung up, and the smile on Yaze\'s face disappeared.

"Haha, Begapunk."

Yaze raised his right hand, as if to pinch the whole world in his hand.

"The future of this sea is mine alone!"

"It can only be mine alone!"


Time went back a few minutes ago, and after everyone heard Yaze\'s words, there was silence.

"What to do, boss, we are going to plant in this place!" Fatty Raki Lu shook the shoulders of the red-haired Shanks and yelled in panic.

He still has a lot of food before he can eat it, so why is he planted in this place?

Beckman and Jesus cloth beside them had a calm expression, instead they lit a cigarette for themselves and sat down on the spot.

"Never mind." Jinping sat down directly, looking at his blood-stained hands, and said apologetically.

"Just let the old man die and confess for those innocents."

"It\'s a pity that I couldn\'t save those compatriots."

Tiger also sat beside Jinping, and the two of them had given up resistance.

Moria summoned all the shadows, gathered around him, ready to fight to the death.

He hasn\'t finished his revenge on Kaido, how could he die in such a place!

To be fair, Moriah\'s strength may not be the strongest among the people present, but because of the particularity of his ability, he is most likely to survive.

After Mihawk settled Xiao Nana, he tightly held his black sword night, as a swordsman, he only believed in the knife in his hand.

With a knife in hand, even if it is the end of the world, I will cut it for you!

Doflamingo played with the thin line in his hand, and there was no fear of this word in his dictionary.

He wanted to see if this mere bomb could take away his life from Doflamingo!

Garrett wiped away the blood from her hands, she didn\'t like to stain her body.

She squinted and glanced at the little blonde girl hiding behind Mihawk. For some reason, she vaguely felt a familiar feeling in the little girl.

As the owner of the fruit of blood, Garrett is extremely sensitive to blood. She is convinced that even if she has not seen this little girl, she has also met her immediate family.

But these are not important, Garrett shook his head and walked to Ron\'s side, quietly leaning on his shoulders, as long as he is by Ron\'s brother, even if he is dead, what is there to be afraid of?

Lorne closed his eyes and sat calmly, as if thinking about something.

Shanks was annoyed by Laki Lushan, pushed the latter away, walked to Ron\'s side, and took out a bottle of wine.

It hadn\'t been opened yet, there was a strong fragrance coming from it, arousing the gluttons in everyone\'s stomach.

"Brother Lorne, would you like a drink?"

Shanks looked at it lightly, life and death were fateful, wealth and wealth were in the sky, as a pirate, you shouldn\'t be afraid of death.

His only pity is that he didn\'t pass on the legacy of the former boss, if he had the opportunity to go out alive this time.He must travel all over the world, look for an heir to the elder\'s legacy, and pass on that thing to him.

"This is the wine I got in Elbaff, it\'s very precious, just treat it as returning your love."

Shanks said with a smile.He still remembered that when they had just arrived on the Great Sea Route, they met Lorne, who was so famous at the time in Cape Twin Towers. Lorne once invited him to drink wine from the country of wine.

He is very innocent, and he considers whomever he has been friends with.

This is why he called him an old friend after he sensed Lorne\'s arrival.

After hearing Shanks\' words, Lorne suddenly opened his eyes, and he said lightly.

"Maybe we don\'t have to die."

"Huh?" Shanks looked puzzled.

"We don\'t have to die, nor should we die in this kind of place." Lorne said calmly.

"It\'s just that you have to borrow your ability."