The Pirate Family

437 Chapter 431

Huo saw a few people gradually coming over and surrounded him.The smug smile gradually solidified.

"The relationship between your allies and you doesn\'t seem to be so harmonious." Lorne said with a smile.

For unknown reasons, the people of the New Pirate League seemed to be in conflict.

"It\'s just a temporary failure." The smile on Huo\'s face froze.

"Do you think I would fall in such a place?" Huo Nu roared.

"Moonlight Moria!"

A trace of struggle flashed across the moonlight Moria\'s face in the battlefield, but under the influence of Huo\'s fruit ability, she still waved to her shadow mage avatar reluctantly.

This is his final trump card. By merging with the Shadow Mage, he enters the real Thousand Shadows state.

This is the peak state when he and Kaido contend.

However, because his physical condition is not as good as before, once he enters this state forcibly, under the huge power of countless shadows piled up, his body will soon be unable to bear it and collapse.

Before the last moment, Huo Jue did not want Moria to enter this state. After all, a subordinate who can evolve infinitely is very rare.

"Shadow!" Moria\'s body rushed towards the Shadow Mage.But at the moment when the two were about to come into contact, a slash flew from the side, dividing the entire square in half, and also separating Moria and the Shadow Mage.

Mihawk was panting, and he looked at this side coldly.

Even if he loses his shadow, he is still the sole master of swordsmanship. Only if he has a sword in his hand, he will not fear any enemy!

"Shadow! Shadow!"

"The man who ruined everything in me, go to hell!"

Moria roared, holding a long sword, and rushing towards Lorne following the attitude of Mihawk.After devouring Mihawk\'s shadow, he became a swordsman who could stand shoulder to shoulder with Mihawk.

Seeing Lorne being entangled by Moria, Huo immediately yelled to Yaze and Elk on the high platform.

"You two bastards don\'t come and help me!"

He was indignant, but also a little bit regretful. He knew this a long time ago, and he should use the fruit ability to control this elk!

However, the elk did not seem to hear the words, turned around and ran, and the whole person disappeared without a trace.

Fortunately, after hearing what he had said, Ya Ze jumped down and walked slowly towards him.

Sure enough, what happened just now was only an accident. Yaze was controlled by his own ability and his life was held in his hands. How could he betray him?

Huo yelled at Yaze, and at the same time he was determined that if he could escape this time, he must train this person to let him know who is his master.

"Hurry up and take out all your abilities and use your life to help me block these people..."

But before Huo finished speaking, he met Yaze\'s cold eyes.

"You!" Huo didn\'t feel right. Just about to stimulate his ability, he saw a cold light flashing, and a cold feeling came from his neck.

Then the sky and the earth began to spin, and Huo felt that he was flying into the air, and a headless corpse on the ground fell there.

Why is that corpse\'s clothes so familiar? It seems to be...

Huo\'s head rolled to the ground, his eyes were filled with disbelief, as if he didn\'t believe that he had died like this.

A generation of heroes will never look down!

Countless gray air currents flew out from all the people controlled by Huo Xiannian, and their eyes became clear.

"What am I doing?"

Jinping looked at his blood-stained hands and an indifferent woman with burgundy curly hair standing in front of him.

Countless blood floated in front of them like raindrops.

The woman didn\'t even squint at herself. She snapped her fingers, and the raindrops fell and gathered into a river of blood.

Moria just rushed in front of Ron, and was about to swing down the long sword in his hand. Suddenly, the craziness in his eyes disappeared, and he became confused.

"Why am I here?"

Moria said blankly.Suddenly, he covered his mouth with his hand, and started to retching on his stomach.

Countless black shadows flew out of his mouth and rushed to his master.

After regaining his sanity, his spirit was no longer enough to support so many shadows.

Mihawk felt the strength gradually returning to his body, he thought about it, walked to the corner, took off his cloak, and put it next to a shivering blonde girl.

Seeing this scene, Lorne and Garrett couldn\'t help being surprised. This Mihawk doesn\'t have any special hobbies, right?

"You who are inferior to ants like you are also worthy to enslave me?" Ya Ze was finally free and spit on Huo\'s body.

He was attacked by Huo Dai, accidentally hit and controlled by him.

This is the shame of his life.

"So, your goal has always been to restore freedom?" Doflamingo looked at Yaze carefully.

"Sure enough, we are worthy of a man who can be alongside us!"

"It is a great honor to be recognized by Senior Doflamingo."

Yaze raised his head and looked at Doflamingo, with a strange smile on his face.

Lorne felt the violent fluctuations in Yaze\'s mood, without even thinking about it, he immediately spoke out.

"Be careful, joker!"

The next moment, Yaze\'s body suddenly exploded, a big hole was exploded in his chest, and blood gushed out.


After all, Doflamingo is a strong man who has been on the battlefield for a long time. At the moment Yaze\'s expression changed, he folded his hands and knit something like a web of spider silk, and used it as a shield to block the explosion. .

"Smelly boy!" Doflamingo\'s forehead was exposed, and he wanted to teach this boy who put himself together.

"It\'s useless, it\'s late."

Lorne flashed in front of Yaze in a flash, grabbed the latter, and instantly swept his senses through his body.

Broken heart, fatal wounds, there is no cure.

"Ha ha ha ha ha," Ya Ze spouted blood and smiled strangely.

"Thank you seniors for helping me escape from the control of that scum."

"As a thank you, I will send you on the road."

"I secretly contacted Vegapunk and modified this body. One minute after this body lost its vital signs, all the explosives buried in Slanka will explode at the same time."

A slight smile appeared on Yaze\'s face.

"At that time, the elders of your ages will be wiped out! In the new era of pirates, I will be enough!"


Doflamingo raised both hands, and Aze\'s arms broke instantly, but even so, his face still had a cruel smile.

"Farewell, seniors!"

After saying this sentence, Ya Ze completely swallowed.Lorne held his body, his face uncertain.

It was a complete failure, all of them were played around by a newcomer!