The Pirate Family

439 433 The Weak Have No Right to Reject

"My ability?"

Shanks didn\'t react for a while, but saw his eyes flash, a lavender halo spreading out from his center.

"You mean, domineering?"

Shanks didn\'t ask why Lorne had a domineering look. In his opinion, it would be strange if Lorne didn\'t have such a bad street thing.


Lorne nodded and became expressionless, his eyes flashed with white light.The whole person rushed towards a certain room next to him.

He has entered the "reaper" state!

In the next tavern, because of the continuous fighting, the outside has been almost destroyed. The sign fell off and blocked the door of the tavern.

Countless alcoholics shivered under the table, and the fear of death awakened them.

"Huo this waste!"

Among the crowd, a thin man with black hair and a pale face felt everything outside, and snorted when he was sure that Huo\'s breath had disappeared.Then he drank the wine in the pot and prepared to leave.

None of the drinkers dared to disturb him, because this man was present, the only one with a calm face.

This kind of courage is not something ordinary people can have.

"However," the man thought for a while, and he smiled slightly.

"Huo this waste is not useless."

"Before dying, it is also rare to be able to let all the tycoons gathered in Slanka be buried with him."

"In this way, no one can stop our plan anymore."

The man waved his hands, and a door of void emerged out of thin air.

"How sweet is the fruit named\'Smile\'?"

It\'s a pity that after I left, I couldn\'t appreciate the way Lorne was before his death.

He was suddenly curious, when his death was imminent, whether this man could maintain his high posture.

As soon as the Void Gate appeared, the man suddenly heard a cold snort.

A big hole appeared in the wall of the tavern, and a man with black hair appeared at the entrance of the hole, looking at him indifferently.

Said coldly.

"I found you, Sanchuan Road."

"Has it been discovered?"

The man called Sanchuan Road snapped his fingers, and the Void Gate slowly disappeared.

The moment Lorne appeared in front of him, he already knew that he could not escape.

But there was still no fluctuation in his heart. When he came here, he had already explained all the plans to Master Kaido, waiting for these pirate heroes to die here.

This sea no longer has the power to stop the "smile"!

"Want me to open the door for you and escape from Slanka?" Knowing that he was going to die, Sanchuan Road became calmer, sitting on the chair, looking at Lorne with sarcasm.

"I tell you, it\'s impossible."

"You are an anomaly of the times, and your existence makes this era out of my control."

"For that plan, take your unwilling heart and die in this place!"

He knows that Ron\'s ability can control his opponent, but he is equally confident that he is definitely not the kind of scum that Ron can control at will.

"It\'s really flattered to get praise from Kaido\'s think tank."

In the state of death, Lorne said with a calm face. He raised his hand and smashed the entire tavern with a punch. The people hiding in the tavern appeared on the battlefield.

"But what is it that makes you think I am begging you, giving you the confidence to reject me?"

"Shanks!" Lorne shouted.

"Understood, brother Lorne!"

Shanks, who was standing not far away, nodded, the same lavender aperture as Lorne\'s center, spreading outward, and instantly enveloped the entire battlefield.

An almost suffocating sense of oppression rushed to Sanchuan Lu\'s heart.

Just as San Chuan Lu subconsciously gathered his energy to fight against this terrible sense of oppression, Ron\'s faint voice rang in his ears.

"I\'m ordering you!"

"You are not eligible to refuse."

He snapped his fingers towards Sanchuan Road.

The moment he heard the snap of his fingers, San Chuan Lu\'s consciousness fell into dimness.

"It\'s over, controlled by him."

This is the last thought on Sanchuan Road.

San Chuan Lu\'s eyes fell into a moment of sluggishness, he raised his hand like a puppet, and a void gate that was more than ten meters tall appeared on the battlefield.

Then, the Void Gate fell forward and fell in the middle of the square.

"Hurry up and jump behind the door!"

Lorne shouted, at this moment, all the strong in the battlefield jumped out of thin air and jumped behind the Void Gate.

"This is my gift to you." Lorne said lightly, then jumped up.

Behind the gate at the foot is like a black whirlpool that is constantly rotating, deep and terrifying.


At this moment, Huo\'s volcanic explosives buried in Sri Lanka finally detonated, and the entire square, then the central city, and then the island of Sri Lanka were torn apart by this natural disaster-like force.

Black smoke rose, forming a mushroom-shaped black cloud in the high altitude.


Everyone was ashamed, but because the first wave of damage from the explosion was transmitted to the other side by the Void Gate, they were lucky to survive.

The ash dissipated and was surrounded by the roaring sea. The remains of countless houses and the remains of residents and pirates drifted in the sea.

The huge Slanka was completely wiped from the sea by this terrifying power.

As for the next place, this tens of square meters under everyone\'s feet.

"The nautical pointer is completely useless." Doflamingo took out a nautical pointer, and the longest pointer was spinning wildly.

"Because an island was destroyed, the magnetic field has been disordered." Lorne struggled to get up from the ground, and then helped Garrett under him.

Then, coughed up a big mouthful of blood.

At the moment of the explosion, he subconsciously threw Garrett to the ground, using his body to withstand the shock wave of the explosion.

But spitting up blood, he suddenly showed a cruel smile.

"It\'s really ugly, being played around by a newcomer."

"Francis Yaze?" Lorne said the name coldly, his eyes cold.

If anyone knows him well, they know that once Lorne shows this look, it means he is really angry.

In Garrett\'s memory, Lorne showed this look last time when Xiao Anqian was taken away by the Navy.

For this, the navy paid the price that the king, Qiwuhai, almost fell.

"It\'s really close. Fortunately you have." Shanks\' situation is much better than Lorne\'s. Because of his strength, the aftermath of the bomb did not affect him much.

"How did you know that Sanchuan Road was hiding there."

"Because of my ability, my domineering range of knowledge and color is very large."

Lorne decided not to hide his abilities anymore.

"No one can escape my eyes."

"Is that so?" Shanks said he understood and didn\'t ask much.

"But there is one thing I have to make sure," Lorne suddenly glanced at Shanks seriously.

"Did you actually mention the term Albuff just now?"