The Pirate Family

420 Chapter 414 Outdated Justice and New Era

"what happened to you?"

Xiao Jia was sitting in the boat at this time, waiting for Lorne boredly.Seeing Lorne like this, asked suspiciously.

After all, she is the daughter of the Four Emperors. Charlotte Lingling has dominated the sea for so many years and has been in constant friction with the navy. Now among many generals in the navy headquarters, relatives and friends have died at the hands of the Charlotte family.

Therefore, as Xiao Jia, it is not suitable to enter Malin Vatican.

"Times have changed." Lorne said lightly.Huo\'s words suddenly made him understand a lot.

After the execution war, the naval headquarters was completely destroyed.The current Malin Vandor was re-established on that ruin.

However, in order to preserve its own traditions and save some military expenses, the Navy has many things that can be used, such as the largest word "justice" in front of the building. They did not remake it.Instead, they chose to paint the old two characters with a layer of paint, and then hang them up.

From Lorne\'s perspective, there were countless tiny cracks in those two words, which were in a ragged state and might break at any time.

Lorne said sarcastically.

"Tattered justice, decadent justice, outdated justice. Can\'t protect this era."

After the execution of the war, the era of heroes also ended.

Kaido used his strength to tell the world that as long as he has strength, this sea must bow to himself.

After the defeat of the navy, there were several times more pirates flocking to the great route than before.They are more crazy, more greedy.And most importantly, they have no respect for the navy and the world government.

Although the Navy quickly raided the Golden Lion and Pirates and maintained its dignity, the seeds of evil have been buried, and in time, it will take root.

Huo, it’s just the first fruit of this tree of evil. A new era of madness has arrived. If no changes are made, they will only be crushed by the waves of this new era. of!

Garrett looked at the ambitious man in front of him, her eyes gradually blurred.Lorne\'s back became increasingly blurred, and she seemed to see Lorne sitting on the Void Throne of Mary Joa.

"Go, let\'s go back to the city in the sky."

Lorne squeezed Xiao Jia\'s cold little hand and said softly.

At this time, it was the late spring of 1509 in the Haiyuan calendar, nine years have passed since Roger\'s death.

At this time, the Four Emperors were still the kings of the new world, and even the defeated Shiji was still feared by people.

At this time, a force called the "New Pirate League" rose rapidly on the sea.They yelled at everyone with an arrogant attitude.People think that a new king is about to appear.

At this time, Lorne walked out of the meeting room of the King\'s Qiwuhai, and he saw the navy\'s justice still hanging high in the sky.

But the hero who bears justice is old.

Like an old lion, although maintaining its majesty and defeating waves of challengers, its body has also become scarred.

No one knows how long he can hold on.

And countless younger lions looked around the male lion, staring at him.

The new era has already begun. Lorne doesn\'t know who will be the trender of this era, but he is sure that there will never be a shortage of his place on the ship of the new era.

Kage\'s research has reached a breakthrough point. Before, he even created a clone with 1500 powers. As long as he breaks the threshold of that god, he can manufacture it in batches.

At that time, this sea will surrender in front of this terrifying clone army.

And Lorne hoarded dozens of swords of Damocles on the fortress of war.The fortress of war followed Lorne and hung over his head.Ready to bring this divine punishment from an altitude of 10,000 meters to the world at any time.

And, with the addition of Lola, she used her unconstrained thinking to conquer everyone in the family. Under her command, Sdio\'s high-purity sea iron was forged into various weapons.Although no blood was seen, it made people cold all over.

These are the reasons for Lorne to board the ship of the new era.

The king of the new era will eventually appear.

Lorne muttered to himself as if he had seen something while looking out at the sea.



At this moment, the new world, Devil\'s Island.It seemed that there had been a fierce battle here, and there were traces of guns everywhere.Countless navies were bound with their hands, and looked down at the scene in disbelief.

Huo looked at the bloody old man lying unconscious in front of him, expressionless.

"Is this the former admiral? I don\'t think so." Sinio kicked Zefa, the latter did not respond.But some of the captured navy\'s eyes were cracked and cursed.

"Don\'t hurt Teacher Zefa."


But he hadn\'t finished speaking, and a gun shot passed through his chest.

Sinio picked up the two-meter-long flintlock rifle in one hand, didn\'t aim at all, said impatiently.

"The captive must look like a captive. Don\'t interrupt the conversation of our victor!"

"Your ability is really good. It seems that it was right to attack you in the first place." Huo suddenly said to the black-robed man in front of him. If he hadn\'t been there just now, he would have been planted by Zefa.

The black-robed man didn\'t speak, his body trembled slightly and seemed to be struggling.

"It\'s useless, my ability is the fruit of evil thoughts. Anyone who loses to me and thinks that I am not as good as him will be controlled by my evil thoughts and become my puppet."

Huo said lightly.

"Even you, as the king of Qi Wuhai, are no exception."

He frowned. Although the man in front of him was controlled by him, he still vaguely had his own thinking.Before he rushed over, he forcibly defeated Zefa and refused to give himself a chance.

However, it doesn\'t matter if you can\'t control Zefa. Huo\'s plan requires a gimmick that attracts the eyes of the entire sea, and the execution of the former admiral is undoubtedly a good bait.

"Now that the navy has accepted our gift, it\'s time to pay it back." Huo said lightly, but saw Sinio suddenly glanced towards the horizon.

"Perhaps this is the return of courtesy."

A small dot appeared on the horizon, and the small dot grew bigger and bigger, gradually seeing the outline of a person.

Then the man smashed into the land of Devil Island.

"It\'s really a good gift." Huo glanced at the corpse, raised his eyebrows, and said coldly.

Because this corpse is impressively the king of human flesh bomb feathers he sent to the World Conference before.

That king, Qi Wuhai, directly photographed him here, is it contempt for himself?

Cineo saw this scene, the secret path is not good, because Huo\'s personality is extremely conceited, every time he raises his eyebrows, it means that he is irritated.

Sure enough, Huo said coldly after seeing the corpse of King Feather.

"This group of so-called King Seven Martial Seas. They are just frogs at the bottom of the well. They don\'t understand how vast the sea is in the new era!"

"However, the frog at the bottom of the well is the frog at the bottom of the well, and it does not qualify for the new era."

Huo suddenly thought of how interesting it would be if he defeated all the Qi Wuhai under the king and then became his own puppet.

Looking out at the sea, he seemed to be looking at someone, with a sarcasm smile on his face.

"Ha ha."