The Pirate Family

419 Chapter 413

Warring States frowned, because this phone worm belonged to his old friend, the former admiral, Black Wrist Zefa.

As for Yi Zefa\'s character, he would not contact him if he had nothing important.

Warring States answered the phone, but what came from it was not the familiar voice of his old friend, but a hoarse and magnetic male voice.

"Xie Nian Huo!" The Warring States gritted his teeth, this voice, the Warring States will never forget.

"Hello, Marshal of the Warring States Period." The other end of the phone worm said arrogantly, and then increased his voice, as if he was greeting the next few kings, Qi Wuhai.

"I said that we will meet again, this time my gift is ready."

Crazy and arrogant, this is what everyone present thinks of Huo. If all the kings, Qi Wuhai, can unite, even the Four Emperors must avoid their edge.

But this Huo doesn\'t even know what fear is.

"You make a call, don\'t you just want to come here to show off your might." The Warring States snorted coldly.

But at the same time there is some deep powerlessness.

If there was a head-on confrontation, he could easily pinch the evil thought Huo to death, but the opponent would never appear in front of him.

At this time, the Warring States period felt a deep sense of helplessness, and the heroic era was over.

"Sorry, I\'m so happy to see you, I\'m a little overwhelmed." Huo said with a smile without a trace of apology.

"But Mr. Warring States, you are called a wise general. Didn\'t you think where my phone worm came from?"

"Huh?" The Warring States said coldly.

This phone worm originally belonged to General Zefa, the Warring States originally thought that Huo would use some despicable means to steal the phone worm from Zefa, and then show his power to them.

But Huo\'s words made the Warring States feel vaguely uneasy.

"Just a few hours ago, a naval force suddenly attacked my territory. The leader was the famous former admiral Zefa."

Huo Youzai said wanderingly.

"But this admiral seems to be a misnomer, and he was defeated by me before he could support it for long."

"This is impossible." The Warring States said decisively. He understands Zefa\'s strength. Although he is old, his body is quite strong because of his years of physical training.

If it weren\'t for the long years of fighting, which had accumulated a lot of hidden injuries on his body, even if he faced Zefa, he would not dare to say victory.

"Haha," Huo seemed to have known that he would be questioned, and smiled faintly.

"I made this call not to make you believe anything, but to announce something."

Huo\'s tone gradually became colder.

"I decided to execute Zefa, which was the punishment for his attack on my territory."

"The time is ten days later, and the location is in the New World, the Stone Island of the Six Nations Islands."

"You are welcome to witness the tragic death of "Black Fist"."


The call worm stopped abruptly, but Huo\'s meaning was completely passed on.

"Check me the whereabouts of that fellow Chazefa!" Warring States suddenly patted the table and ordered the secretary next to him.Then cross your hands and put it on the table.It seemed a little embarrassing.

After a while, the secretary came back. She walked to the ear of Warring States with a solemn expression, and said something softly.

Then, the whole person in the Warring States period seemed to be ten years old.Seeing this scene, everyone present guessed what happened.

This Huo really defeated Zefa!

The several kings Qiwuhai did not speak, but used their eyes to communicate with each other.

Perhaps they all underestimated this Huo.Also underestimated his madness.

Publicly execute a former admiral?This is something unheard of, and if Huo can do this, his prestige will rise to an incredible level.

Even comparable to the Four Emperors is not impossible.

Hawkeye Mihawk seemed to be thinking of something, leaning on the chair with Erlang\'s legs tilted, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

After ten days, isn\'t that the day Shanks challenged himself?Huo\'s high-profile move attracted everyone\'s attention to Stone Island.

It\'s impossible to just want to create a quiet duel environment for yourself.What does he want to do?

It\'s been a long time since I met such a funny pirate, Hawkeye Mihawk smiled, and didn\'t take this matter to heart.

What happens has nothing to do with me.

And Lorne began to think about it. This stone country was a few days away from Slaka.And the more important thing is that this six-nation archipelago is right in front of Wano Country!

The territory that was used as the King of Human Flesh Explosive Baoyu at the World Conference is in the waters of the Six Nations.

Going to the Six Nations Islands is like going deep into the hinterland of Kaido forces!

Moreover, such a high-profile announcement of the execution of a former admiral is really just to vent his anger?

"Presumably everyone already knows." The Warring States Period is worthy of the Warring States Period. After a while, his expression will be calm.

"Zefa led a navy raid on Devil\'s Island ten hours ago. Now he has lost contact."

"So, what Huo said is true."

The Warring States period did not evade anything, the phone rang directly at the beginning of the Qiwuhai meeting, which means that these words of his were basically for the Qiwuhai people.

"He is provoking the justice of the navy!" The Warring States squeezed his fist.A golden Buddha shadow loomed behind him.

Only those who are familiar with him know that the Warring States at this time has reached the brink of rage.

"So, what do we need to do?" Krokdalyi raised his eyebrows on the chair and said.

Although this Huo is very interesting and has great potential, she is not interested in fighting against each other.

After all, to go to this six-nation archipelago, one must pass through the white beard\'s territory.

With this idle time, she might as well try again with the old man with white beard.

Klockdal\'s words also expressed the aspirations of several other people, and they looked at the Warring States at the same time.

King Qiwuhai and the navy are cooperative after all.Without sufficient benefits, they have no reason to help the Navy.

At this time, the navy, has it distributed the new world turf to them?

"Only with naval guns can the shame spilled on the word justice be washed away."

Sengoku said slowly,

"So this country of stone does not need you. I have other tasks to give you."


The meeting room didn\'t last long, and all the kings Qiwuhai walked out of the meeting room.

They held their respective tasks, some were expressionless, some didn\'t care, some had hippie smiles, and some had heavy faces.

Lorne walked to the port and couldn\'t help turning his head, looking at the navy building, the word "justice" shining brightly in the sun.

A strange smile appeared on his face.