The Pirate Family

421 Chapter 415: Roulette Game

The great route, the middle section of the new world, Sri Lanka.

This is the famous no-place zone, Pinjin Cave.All the activities you can think of are available here.

As long as you have enough Bailey, you can enjoy the treatment of paradise in this place.In time, people on the island flocked to the central city, hoping to receive the blessings of Xia Long, the traditional festival "Xia Long" in Slanka.

However, not everyone has the blood of longing for peace.At this time, a group of people gathered next to a gaming table in the "Death Poker" casino on South Street.

A "roulette game" is going on here.

In the roulette game, one or more bullets are placed in the six bullet slots of the revolver.After turning the wheel at will, close the wheel.The two parties participating in the gambling game took turns to point their heads with revolvers and pull the trigger.

The person who survives in the end can win everything about the other party.

The "Death Poker" casino is a very small casino, inconspicuous in the huge city of Sri Lanka.

But because of this special gambling game, many "big men" have turned their attention here.It\'s like watching the desperate struggle of beasts in an arena.

The two parties involved in this round of roulette were a young boy with shabby clothes, braided blond hair and dark skin under the sun and rain, and a boy with black hair and a slightly thin face.

"How to bet." The black-haired boy opened his mouth and said with a smile.

He and the blond boy did not have any deep hatred. The reason why the two of them sat in this place was only because they both lacked money.

In roulette, the winner is everything that can inherit the loser.And, in order to create fun, encourage these desperadoes to participate in this game.The casino in charge will put a sum of money into the prize pool.

This money will not be less than one million Baileys.

Both of them were attracted by the money.

The blond boy smiled slightly.He skillfully picked up the revolver placed on the table.Then put a bullet.

As the runner turned, the blond boy\'s eyes grew firmer.He tightly pinched the necklace in his clothes with one hand.The other hand pointed the muzzle of the revolver at his temple.He thought silently in his heart.

Sister bless me!


Thick smoke came out of the muzzle.The blond boy was safe and sound.He smiled relievedly.

He is a child left on this island by a pirate. His father is said to be a large pirate, but he has never seen it since he can remember.

He and his sister grew up dependent on each other. Not long ago, his sister suddenly became seriously ill and urgently needed a sum of money to buy medicine.

However, in small cities, the prices of "Duke Pharmaceuticals" drugs are too expensive.In desperation, he could only come to bet on this roulette game.

"It\'s your turn."

The black-haired boy took the revolver with a smile on his mouth.



After firing two shots in a row, there was still heavy smoke from the muzzle, and everyone present screamed.

In roulette, every time the trigger is pulled, it means gambling with death.This boy dared to pull twice in a row. What courage is this?

Is he a lunatic?

The blond boy took the revolver. His hand trembled slightly. There are six bullets in the revolver. Now he has pulled the trigger three times. In other words, each of the remaining three bullets has a third. One possibility is dead.

The opponent pulled the trigger twice, do you want to pull the same twice?The blond boy hesitated, the blood of the man made him unable to flinch.But he thought of his sister\'s smiling face, and she was waiting for her to go back.

So he hesitated a little, he gritted his teeth and pulled the trigger.


There was still one empty bullet. At this time, there were only two bullets left in the revolver.

The blond boy breathed a sigh of relief, and then handed the revolver to the black-haired boy.

At the same time, staring at his hand firmly, the next time the trigger is pulled, life and death will be divided!

The black-haired boy took the pistol, put the revolver directly against his temple, and then pulled the trigger without hesitation.


A gunshot, or empty bullet!

The blond boy\'s eyes were desperate, and the corners of the black-haired boy\'s mouth split slightly. He raised the revolver in his hand and pointed it at the blond boy.

This is the hidden rule of the roulette game. When the last bullet is left in the pistol, the winner has the right to kill the opponent himself.

"No!" The blonde boy yelled desperately. He thought of his sister. If he died here, who could take care of her?

He looked at the black-haired boy with pleading eyes, but only the pitch-black muzzle responded.


A bullet hole appeared in the center of the blond boy\'s eyebrows, his eyes were wide open, his face was unwilling.

Everyone sighed. The roulette game is actually courage. If the black-haired boy does not have the courage to shoot twice, then he is the one who loses.

If the blond boy followed the black-haired boy\'s shot twice, he would also win.

But if you lose, you lose. This sea won\'t feel pity for you because of any pity.

If you lose courage, you lose everything.

The crowd was still unhappy, and the blood had been ignited. They couldn\'t help but walk in and play a few by themselves.

The blond boy\'s body was placed so casually at the gaming table, and it won\'t be long before someone cleans up his body.Then everyone would forget his name the next day, and in their memory, they would only remember, oh, the turntable game that day was pretty good.

This is this sea.This is the tradition of Sri Lanka.

"That black-haired boy is not bad, he is courageous."

In the corner of the casino, a man with curly hair in a black shawl casually lay on a chair, put his legs on the table and beside him, a pale man wearing a black robe with a strange face was playing poker.

The casino staff did not dare to come over to stop it, because these wicked people almost wrote the words I am a pirate on their face.

"If you just want me to come and take a look at these little characters, then we won\'t have the need for the next collaboration."

The man in the black robe dropped his poker on the table.Said coldly.

He is the number one think tank of Kaido, Sanchuanlu, a fruitful person, and Huo borrowed him from Kaido through a transaction.They spent a few days in Slanka, playing cards every day, which made him very tired.

"My plan, of course, was already prepared." Huo also dropped the playing cards in his hand on the table, rubbed his temples, and then ordered the pirate next to him.

"Go and call the little black-haired boy over. I have a task for him."