The Pirate Family

418 Chapter 412 Seven Wuhai Conference and the "Emperor"

"I heard you were blackmailed by a newcomer at the World Conference?"

Klockdal gave Lorne a deep look, his eyes throbbed, seeming to be mocking.

Who told her?

Lorne glanced at the bear. This bear had an honest look, not like such a broken mouth, could it be Doflamingo?

Lorne turned his head and saw the bust in Doflamingo\'s hand.

It turns out you are such a Doflamingo!Lorne remembered a rumor at this time.So he gave Doflamingo a weird look.

"I\'m in a hurry." At this time, Mihawk, who had not spoken, said slowly.

"Who else hasn\'t come?"

"That ghost kid, right?" After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said that after the defeat of the defeated Moonlight Moriah, six people remained.

And there are already five in this room, and the ghost hand Aze is still behind.

Xiong was quite impressed with the newcomer, and he dared to provoke Tianyacha Doflamingo head-on when he came to attend the Seven Wuhai Conference for the first time.Later, during the execution of the war, I kept breaking my mouth in my ears.

"Someone is coming." At this time, the Warring States, who had not spoken, suddenly said.

The door of the conference room was slowly pushed open, and a very slender woman in a red cheongsam walked in and said apologetically.

"I\'m sorry, our boss has something to do and can\'t come to this meeting, so he sent me to represent him."

"Your direction, what I say, represents the words of our boss."

Lorne looked at this woman with outstanding temperament wearing a cheongsam.I vaguely remember her name is Aoya, who is offering a bounty of 180,000,000 (180 million) Bailey\'s ghost demon Ji Aoya.Yaze\'s deputy.

In her capacity, she can indeed make a decision on behalf of Yaze.

"Now that everyone is here, then this meeting will begin." The Warring States Period said slowly.

He took out a document and distributed it to several kings Qiwuhai by the navy around him.

The front page of the file is a photo with the ruins of a ghost castle.

"Because of Moonlight Moriah\'s repeated battles and defeats, he has been unable to convince the crowd. So we decided to expel his status as King Qiwuhai."

The words of the Warring States Period are very short, and there is no room for discussion at all, just like announcing a result.

Of course, a few people have no objection to this, because their personal relationship with Moria is not good. I am afraid that except for the good old bear, everyone else looks down on Moria, the "big pirate who suffered a failure and was completely decadent." ".

This sea is the supremacy of strength, without strength, it is impossible to be respected by others.

"So the first thing we have to solve is about who can fill the vacant position of Moglia. Do you have any good candidates to recommend?"

The Warring States Period said calmly, in his capacity, of course he heard that someone at the World Conference opened their eyes to abolish the Qiwuhai system under Kings, but he didn\'t care at all.

This sea is rough and rough, and the balance that is hard to maintain cannot be broken.

Everyone was silent, not that this sea could not find a pirate with sufficient strength and prestige, but that there were too many choices.

From Lorne\'s point of view, the pirates who can meet the requirements are Tezolo, Sakuramiya Rashi, and the very equal people of the Sun Pirates.

The Warring States period asked this, it was just a cutscene, in fact it was the five old stars that could decide.

In that case, why do these meaningless things?

"The second thing is related to the two pirates."

The Warring States was expressionless, and took out two reward lists, the first one was the murloc hero Fisher Tiger.

"I\'m very disappointed." Warring States hammered the table, then looked at Lorne and Doflamingo coldly.

"The hatred of the world government towards Tiger, it\'s impossible for you two to not know, but I didn\'t expect that after he finally appeared, you two would let him go!"

Warring States cursed, in his opinion, with the strength of Lorne and Doflamingo, it is a sure thing to catch a Tiger.But the result was disappointing.

"I can\'t help it either." Doflamingo shrugged.

"This Tiger has only appeared on the fringe of the Dresrosa Sea at all. As soon as I sent someone out, they ran away immediately."

"I can\'t help it," Lorne said calmly."Although Tiger attacked the Bubble Island under my command, I was not on that island, so I let him run away."

The Warring States period looked at these two people, their faces were calm, as if they had already made up their reasons.I won\'t fight when I\'m angry.

But there is no way.

Just about to warn them, Aoya, Yaze\'s agent next to him, suddenly said.

"If it\'s just to solve a pirate, I can accept it instead of my boss."

What she thinks is that Yaze has the least seniority and urgently needs an opportunity to improve his reputation.

And Fisher Tiger, who was able to escape safely in the hands of the demon Lorne and Tianyasha Doflamingo, was a good target.

As for Tiger\'s strength, Aoya never considered it.Because of Yazi\'s ability, as long as he can\'t kill his enemies in seconds, they are not his opponents.

Lorne and Doflamingo looked at each other, and both saw the treacherousness in each other\'s eyes.

Fisher Tiger is just a small character, they don\'t care at all, but Tezolo behind him is a generation of heroes.Just let them fight.

After hearing that someone had taken this task.The complexion of Warring States was slightly better.He glared at Lorne and Doflamingo fiercely before he took out the second wanted warrant and continued.

"And this second pirate is him."

"The evil spirit of the New Pirate League."

"His own strength is not strong, even if it is Moonlight Moria whose sneak attack strength is severely reduced, it is a crowded tactic of choice. I believe that anyone present can crush him in a frontal battle."

"However, his abilities are so weird that it is impossible to guard against. The navy used encirclement many times, but he escaped."

"It\'s as if there is an inner ghost." Klockdal said lightly.

Warring States nodded embarrassingly. In fact, with Huo’s ability to manipulate people, it’s not difficult to insert a few ghosts into the navy. He has already started to investigate from the top navy. Any suspicious navy will be Focus on vigilance.

"Huo is the navy\'s confidant, and this person has no lower limit, does all evil, and cooperates with his ability. If this continues, the navy is worried that there will be another emperor on this sea."

Lorne\'s pupils shrank, he did not expect the Navy to evaluate Huo so highly.The title "Emperor", even for Lorne at this time, felt a little out of reach.

How can this Huo De?

"Puff, it\'s him?" Miss Krockdale couldn\'t help but laugh. She had challenged the white beard head-on.Know what the title "Emperor" means.

A monster in the true sense of that time.

But this time.The phone worm in the Warring States period.But it rang strangely.