The Peasant Girl's Concubine's Name Moves the World

Chapter 372: Return

Chapter 372 Return

Ning Huaijie: ""

He knew that his grandmother called the matchmaker to her yard. Didn’t they ask the matchmaker about the Wen family?

This shouldn’t be!

He was afraid that the second aunt Ning would secretly make Kizongzi ruin his marriage, so he concealed the fact that everyone in the Ning family would make a kiss before calculating.

Ning Huaijie didn’t know, Mrs. Ning did find a matchmaker to inquire.

I just heard that the other party was from Wenjia Village in Ningyuan County, so I didn’t want to listen any more and sent the matchmaker away.

And Mrs. Ning immediately thought of watching the excitement in the name of family style.

Er Ning saw the expression of a few people, and his smile was stagnant: "What\'s wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

Isn’t it even a steward?

It shouldn’t be, this family business looks pretty much too!

At this time, Feng An walked in and told: "Old madam, madam, master and third girl are back!"

Wang family and Wu family heard it, and their hearts were relieved, and they smiled and said, "It\'s good to be back! Have you told the master that the second master of the Ning family has come to see the family style?"

Wu family counted the time, thinking that they should have arrived home yesterday, and now it is a day late, Wang family and Wu family are worried about whether something happened on the road.

At this time, Wen Jiarui and Warmth walked in.

Everyone in the room stood up.

The Ning family looked at the two people who walked in without a trace.

Ning Huaijie took the lead to salute Wen Jiarui: "Huaijie has met Shi Changbo, Princess Hui\'an."

Shi Changbo? Princess Huian?

Ning family: "???"

Ning Huaijie glanced at the bewildered Ning Erye and others: "Second uncle, second aunt, third brother, two aunts, these are Shi Changbo and Hui\'an, you still don’t see the courtesy?"

Ning family: ""

Doesn\'t    mean farmhouse?

How come a Shi Changbo and the princess are here? !

Wen’s Village? ! ! ! No wonder he always feels that Wen Jiacun is familiar!

Second Master Ning realized that last year there was a princess with a different surname in Nalan Kingdom, and I heard that he was from Wenjia Village!

And he also saw an edict to announce the world yesterday.

Ning Er\'s feet were soft, one was unstable, and he almost fell back on the chair!

Wen Jiarui smiled and said: "No need to be polite! No need to be polite! Why has Huaijie become so polite?! Just call Uncle Wen just like before! Everyone will be a family in the future! These courtesy will be avoided, everyone sits down. Let\'s go down!"

Ning Er Ye had seen the big storms, and he was the first to come back to his senses: "Cao Min has seen Shi Changbo and Hui\'an."

Second Mrs. Ning pinched her thigh, and the pain in her thigh let her know that this was not a dream!

She hurriedly saluted: "The ladies have seen Shi Changbo, Princess Hui\'an!"

The other two aunts of the Ning family saw this, and hurriedly followed by saluting.

Just, what is going on?

Wen Jiarui smiled and said, “It’s not that you don’t need to be polite. It’s not a courtroom here. You don’t need to be polite at home.”

Warmly, seeing the expressions of Wang and Wu, and then glanced at the Ning family. After thinking about it, he probably guessed something.

Wen Jiarui sat down and said to Second Master Ning: "Second Master Ning, I\'m really sorry. After attending the ceremony in the palace, we rushed back right away, but because of the rain on the road, it was delayed for a day and we couldn\'t rush back in time. "

Ning\'s family: It\'s really a matter of the state if people are busy!

Second Master Ning’s smile was a little stiff: “It’s okay, national affairs matter, and national affairs matter.”

Wen Jiarui smiled and said, "Huaijie and Sister Rou are also a big deal. I was afraid that I would not be able to come back in time. Fortunately, I caught up and was rude."

Second Master Ning smiled stiffly.

After Wen Jiarui finished speaking, he picked up the tea bowl beside him and took a sip of tea. He didn\'t even dare to take a sip of water when he hurried on the road so as not to drink too much water and need to go to the toilet.

This is Wu\'s tea bowl. The two old husbands and old wives have a very good relationship. He didn\'t pay attention to these, so he just drank it.

After taking a sip, he felt that this tea was a bit far behind the Mingqian Longjing that he usually drank. He glanced down at the tea in the cup and wondered: "This is Mingqian Longjing? Why is it so awful? Who made the tea? Did you make a mistake? Cardamom, quickly make a new pot of tea and serve it!"

Ning family: ""

Wu family glanced at the Ning family, snorted in his heart, not obvious on the surface, and said with a smile: "This is the tea from Mrs. Ning Er. She said let us taste it. It will cost hundreds of taels of silver and a tael!"

Wen Jiarui: ""

Wen Jiarui glanced at Wu, why don’t you say it earlier? !

excuse me!

The tea they drank this year was sent by Nalan Jinnian, or it was the tea plant grown by warmth and the tea made with the picked buds and fried tea, but his mouth was raised!

Now when I drink this tea, I feel rough and hard to eat!

He thought that Cardamom made the wrong tea leaves.

Wen Jiarui took another sip of tea: "This tea is also good! Haha,...I haven\'t had tea outside for a long time, but it\'s really good. It tastes good!"

Warmth almost laughed!

Ning family: ""

At this time, Cardamom walked in and served Wen Jiarui and Warmth with two bowls of tea.

When the tea is on the table, the tea smells all over the body.

Wen Jiarui endured for three seconds before hurriedly picking up the tea bowl. He was not afraid of being hot, and after blowing it, he drank a big sip of tea to dilute the taste of the inferior tea in his mouth.

Finally comfortable!

Ning family: "!!!"

Wen Jiarui saw the expression of the Ning family and was silent.

He endured the discomfort and went to get the bowl of tea again, thinking that he could not embarrass the guests!

Warm, but said: "Father is not used to drinking it, forget it, this tea is cold, and the flavor is more intense. Cardamom, take it out!"

Wen Jiarui breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes, take it down and put on hot tea."

Wu Family: "But Mrs. Ning Er said that she is not used to drinking tea outside. She is only used to drinking the Longjing before the Ming Dynasty. Mrs. Ning Er, am I right?"

Ning’s family: "..."

Mrs. Ning smiled stiffly: "Yes, yes, we are only used to drinking this Longjing before the Ming Dynasty."

Wen Jiarui: "..."

"Then don\'t withdraw!"

Wu looked at Wen Jiarui and the dark shadow in the warm eyes, and asked Warmth: "Did you rush back overnight last night?"

Warmly nodded and replied softly: "Yeah."

Ning Huaijie was a little embarrassed when he heard this: “It’s not too important to look at the family tradition. Uncle Wen, you don’t have to hurry at night. It’s too hard and it’s not safe. In fact, it doesn’t matter if you don’t come back, it’s not a big deal.”

Wen Jiarui smiled and said: "This is what you can, you must come back, otherwise it will be spread out, there is no need to let people say that our family is rude!"

Wu family glanced at Ning Erye: "Yes, I must hurry back, otherwise it would be rude!"

Ning family: ""

If Wen Jiarui is not looking like a servant, they all think that he has deliberately said this to respond to them!

Wen Jiarui\'s reaction to the Ning family was also a little daunting. Did he say something wrong again?

Second Master Ning laughed and said: "How can it! How can it! It\'s not impolite to do anything."

The topic was in an atmosphere that was not weird, and it was finally time to eat.

(End of this chapter)