The Peasant Girl's Concubine's Name Moves the World

Chapter 371: Housekeeping

Chapter 371

A major event in the country?

Ning’s three women and women listened to Wu’s words and glanced at each other, and they all saw joking and sarcasm in each other’s eyes.

Agriculture is the foundation of people\'s livelihood!

Well, if there is no food in this world, people will die!

is also considered a major event in the country, haha~

Ning Huaijie glanced at her tenderly, and then said to Aunt Ning and Uncle Ning: "Uncle Wen is no longer at home before I sent a matchmaker to propose marriage. Uncle Wen is already in the capital. The two places are thousands of miles apart, how can I come back so quickly? The second uncle and second aunt want to see the family style temporarily, and you can\'t blame the male owner for not being there, right? I also said that this will be avoided if you look at the family style!"

Is their attitude based on the family tradition, or came to help him retire?

I\'m so mad at him!

If it weren’t for fear of this group of shameless people coming privately, he really wouldn’t bring them!

Second Aunt Ning smiled: "Huaijie, your parents are in a coma, but your grandmother, second uncle, and second aunt are still there! You find a matchmaker to make a marriage appointment for yourself, how can we not come to see? Besides, this Customs can’t be abolished! Otherwise, others will criticize our Ning family for being rude and thinking that our Ning family is no one!

Your second uncle can’t speak, but he really loves you too. We don\'t know that Master Wen has business affairs. I misunderstood just now. I\'m really sorry, but I hope that in the future, don\'t blame it! "

Second Aunt Ning does not want to lose the marriage of Ning Huaijie.

Marrying a peasant girl is much better than marrying other wealthy businessmen’s daughters!

Moreover, this family is so pretentious, so love to pretend, and can\'t speak. It can be seen that they are ignorant of etiquette and do not understand the world\'s sophistication!

When a woman like this later marries into the Ning family and becomes the mistress of the house, she also offends more people and calls fewer people.

is an annoying and despising existence.

Ning Huaijie marrying such a woman is really beneficial to them.

Yao also echoed from the side: "Yes! Second Young Master, if Second Master attaches great importance to your marriage, he would not take time out of his busy schedule to look at the family tradition.

The Ning family has a big business. At the end of the year, the palace has to pay tribute to the palace a new batch of fabrics. These fabrics can\'t make any mistakes, and they need to be supervised every day!

In the workshop, I don’t know how many things have to be dealt with every day, you know too!

If he doesn’t value your family affairs, he would be so busy, would he take the time to look at the family tradition?

It’s not that I didn’t know that the Wen family had to be busy with business affairs of the country, and thought that they didn’t take you seriously, so he said that he was a little more serious.

But since it is a misunderstanding now, no wonder the second master! No wonder future in-laws! "

A farmhouse, can the second master of the Ning family be busy? The second master Ning is here, and your men go to the master’s house to receive the reward. For those petty gains, even your daughter’s future natal family may not pay attention to it.

Is this to put on airs, or is it ignorant of etiquette?

The aunt of Ning’s Yuanfang gave a gentle look and was even more unhappy.

Wu didn’t want to talk to them too much. If they don’t invite people in, it’s really rude to their house: "If you misunderstand it, just let it go. Please come in soon."

Wu and Wenrou turned around and led people into the house.

When they turned around, the clothes were refracted by the morning sunlight, and the stars were dotted.

Ning’s three sisters: ""

The clothes of the three of them turned out to be Tiancai silk woven golden brocade?

This kind of natural colored silk brocade made of silk, they can\'t wear it!

This is also the "secret weapon" used by Ning Huaijie to regain the right to weave and talk affairs at Jianghuai a while ago!

Ning\'s second aunt looked at Ning Huaijie: It seems that Ning Huaijie really likes this peasant girl. Even the tens of thousands of dollars worth of Tiancai silk woven gold brocade has given so much to the peasant family.

The old woman at home asked him how many feet he would like to make a new year\'s dress, but he said no!

Second Aunt Ning sneered in her heart, and she had to file a complaint in front of the old woman when she went back!

A group of people walked into the main hall, and then met with Wang\'s ceremony.

Wang smiled and greeted several people to sit down.

The Ning family looked casually at this simple, elegant, warm and elegant main hall.

makes people have a bright feeling.

This is not like the main hall that farmers can arrange.

And the style of this house is very special, it is a bit like a Western house.

Although the furniture is not made of the best wood, this kind of wood is only used by some managers in Ningjia.

But the decorations in the hall are very precious and exquisite pieces.

Second Aunt Ning glanced at Ning Huaijie: Is this moving all the good things from the Ning family?

The decorations in her house are not as good as those in this small farmyard!

The key to the private library that the old man left behind was in the hands of Ning Huaijie?

Wu said to Cardamom: "Cardamom, serve some guests tea."

"Yes, ma\'am."

Second Aunt Ning said with a smile: "The old lady in the mansion deliberately asked people to clean up a pound of Longjing before coming over. That\'s a tribute level, and one tael of tea will cost hundreds of taels of silver.

Before the Ming Dynasty, the tribute-level Longjing was already scarce. After the tribute was given to the palace, the tea merchants only had a dozen catties left. At the beginning of the year, Ningfu bought ten catties at the beginning of the year. Pay two or three catties.

The old lady loves Huaijie so much that she specially sent a catty to give her future relatives a taste.

People in our mansion are not used to drinking other teas, they only like to drink this Mingqian Longjing.

The two ladies also tasted this tea to see if they like it or not. If they like it, let Huaijie give Madam Wen a few catties next year. "

The Wen family didn’t know what kind of tea to make for them. She was not used to drinking the inferior tea, so she suggested that the old woman cleaned up a pound of Mingqian Longjing and came out. It would be cheaper for them!

Wu’s listened to it and said faintly: “Then soak the tea from Mrs. Ning, and we will try it too.”

It just saves the good tea sent by the seventeen, so you don’t have to make them cheap.

Tea came soon.

Second Aunt Ning took a sip, and then put down the tea cup calmly. She wanted to teach them how to make tea, but she didn’t expect the tea to make quite good.

Is there a foreigner, and the three gentle sisters have come out to show their faces, and they can go back to their house after seeing the ceremony.

Second Aunt Ning watched the three gentle sisters leave and smiled and said, “Ms. Wen’s daughter is really a better one. Is the eldest sister married to Huaijie? Has the second girl married yet?”

Ning Huaimin could not help but pricked his ears while drinking tea.

Wu is neither lukewarm nor hot: "Not yet."

Second Aunt Ning smiled: "I know a few rich young men, and I will introduce them to the second girl at that time."

But not everyone is as indifferent as Ning Huaijie, and maybe they can only be a concubine.

Wu smiled, and declined: "No hurry, the child is still young, so don’t rush to discuss marriage."

Second Master Ning asked at this time: "Huaijie said that Master Wen was in Beijing to receive the reward? I don\'t know where Master Wen works in Beijing? Is it a steward? Our Ning family also knows a lot of people in Beijing. "

Wang: ""

Wu Family: ""

(End of this chapter)