The Peasant Girl's Concubine's Name Moves the World

Chapter 373: This family did it deliberately!

Chapter 373 This family did it deliberately!

When eating, men and women have separate tables.

Mrs. Ning looked at a table of dishes. Although they were rich, there were too many vegetables.

The stubbornness in her heart just loosened a little.

also, although it is Shi Changbo, who is pro-appointed by the emperor, and the lord of Hui\'an.

But how rich can he be if he is a farmer and has no foundation?

It is estimated that the Wen family took a fancy to the wealth of the Ning family, so they married their daughter to Ning Huaijie.

Graduating and walking around in officialdom, silver is indispensable.

This is to pick up their Ning family\'s money!

no way!

Ning Huaijie thought that by marrying a daughter of Shi Changbo, who was not well-founded, she had found a backer.

too naive!

Officialdom is not easy to mix up!

At the dinner table, Mr. Wu greeted: “Second Mrs. Ning, Mrs. He, Mrs. Yao, come and taste these farm dishes, they taste pretty good.”

The three ladies of Ning’s family are used to the delicacies of mountains and seafood, and they only eat the most expensive abalone on the table, sea cucumber and other seafood.

Warm the family but prefer healthy vegetables.

The three ladies of the Ning family thought they were reluctant to eat those meat dishes and kept some meat dishes for the guests.

Generally speaking, guests are treated with the best things in the house.

Furthermore, the family is used to preparing at least three kinds of healthy vegetables for each meal, and more than five kinds of vegetables are prepared when guests come, so it seems that there are a lot of vegetarian dishes.

But there are few people who come to warm home to eat, and no one thinks there are too many vegetarian dishes.

Wu family saw Madam Ning Er glance at the vegetables in her bowl, and then greeted: "Several ladies can taste these vegetables, the vegetables are healthy."

"Okay." The three of them responded with a smile.

The three ladies of the Ning family would not eat a single vegetable, after all, they should have a balanced diet.

Moreover, this green vegetable looks crystal clear and green like emerald, which is quite similar to the healthy vegetable in the health building.

The three of them picked one of their favorite dishes and tasted it.

Caifu bit at the entrance, and then all three of them opened their eyes wide!

The three looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other\'s eyes.

This is……?

"This is a healthy vegetable?" Mrs. Ning Er blurted out.

Wu: "Yes."

Yao asked his shock: "These vegetables on the table are all healthy vegetables?"

Warmly smiled and nodded: "Well, except for the abalone thorn belly that the three ladies love to eat, everything else is. The chicken of the crystal chicken, the goose of the lychee firewood roasted goose, the duck of the Beijing roast duck, the young pigeon of the braised pigeon. , Boiled fish and fish... are all raised in health-preserving vegetables. It\'s not just a few dishes of abalone and thorn belly. The ladies like to eat more, but our family don\'t like it too much."

The poultry was improved by her with purple gas, and then fed with health-preserving ingredients.

The abalone thorn belly is dry goods, she can\'t keep it with purple gas, so it is not a health food.

Wu also smiled and said: "Yes, the ladies love to eat abalone and eat more! Your taste is different!"

Three people: "..."

So they choose the most common and cheap dishes and are full? !

This family did it deliberately!

It’s okay to use abalone ginseng to entertain them!

Isn’t it okay to serve healthy vegetables? ! ! !

After eating.

The people of the Ning family fled in embarrassment.

Ning Huaimin sat in the carriage with a sullen face, in a complex mood.

Originally thought that Ning Huaijie was married to an ordinary peasant girl, but she did not expect that she was the daughter of Shichang Bo, a new powerful figure in the capital.

The proper official lady!

He also thinks that his concubine is the number one embroiderer in Jianghuai anyway.

A concubine is more prestigious than the peasant girl Ning Huaijie married!

Unexpectedly...I am a low-key official lady!

In such a comparison, Ning Huaimin felt that he was only married to the daughter of a wealthy businessman in Jianghuai Prefecture, and he was a bit uncomfortable!

Seeing her son\'s gloomy face, Mrs. Ning comforted: "Even though it is Shi Changbo, but the foundation is shallow, who knows how long it can be? Besides, there are many officials with false names, and they are not officials with real power! Nothing! amazing!"

Er Ning\'s face was deep, and he didn\'t get angry after hearing these words: "Ignorant women and children! Do you know the other identity of Princess Hui\'an?"

The emperor\'s edict to give marriage decree to the world was only passed to Jianghuai Mansion yesterday.

He also only found out yesterday.

"Another identity? What identity?" Mrs. Ning was unsure.

She is already the princess, is there a higher status than the princess?

The princess didn’t say she gave her a seal, right?

The princess is the daughter of the emperor!

"Princess Jin in the future!"

The sound is a bit heavy, like a heavy hammer hitting the hearts of the two!

Princess Jin? Is that King Jin?

They may not know Uncle Shi Chang, and Princess Hui\'an, but King Jin?

The entire Nalan country, even the slightest and defiant people will not know him!

"Can\'t this be?"

How could Princess Jin\'s birth be so low?

When will the princess be all those cats and dogs?

Are the noble ladies of the capital all dead?

Her daughter is better than a peasant girl when she becomes a princess!

"No? The emperor personally gave the marriage decree! Do you know what kind of marriage decree it is? The announcement is made by Chinese and foreign ambassadors! That is to say, this marriage decree is announced to the world and is known to all over the world! On the mainland The royal families of the other five countries have all notified!"

"The current emperor has given marriages to many people, such as princes, princesses, elder sons, and so on. However, it is only King Jin that the decree of marriage is well known by the ambassadors at home and abroad!"

"How many people among the people know who the eldest prince married?"

"Do you say that the lord of other countries knows who the princess is?"

"Announced both home and abroad, the imperial decree of marriage is well known by the ambassadors of Xian Dynasty. Generally, only the crown prince of the country needs such a grand event! Do you know that?!"

Second Master Ning’s words spurted out like a cannon.

Second Mrs. Ning: ""

Such a solemn gift of marriage?

is the princess Huian who didn’t say much just now, and told them as soon as they said that they were full of the cheapest food?

Ning Huai Min: ""

So Ning Huaijie and King Jin became brothers-in-law?

"I finally understand how Ning Huaijie sent a muffled matchmaker to fix the kisses, and let us know! This is a great backer that is almost unshakable! He can be regarded as Jin in the future. Wang\'s brother-in-law! You can walk sideways in the Ning family!"

They have to weigh one or two if they want to move him.

The people of the Ning family are the masters of the rudder, if they knew that Ning Huaijie had become King Jin’s brother-in-law, wouldn’t they all turn to each other?

Second Mrs. Ning: ""

"What should I do?" Madam Ning thought about it.

"What else can I do? Princess Hui\'an is in the third place at home. The Wen family hasn\'t made it yet. There is still some time before marriage, so let\'s count it when the time comes!"

"That\'s right, and that\'s right! As long as there is no marriage, everything is variable." Madam Ning comforted herself.

Hope there are variables! There must be variables!

Ning Huaimin thought of warmth: "Isn’t the second girl Wen not married yet?"

The second lady Ning\'s eyes lit up: "Yes! Huai Hao hasn\'t married yet. If he married the second girl, wouldn\'t it be fine?"

Ning Huai Min: ""

(End of this chapter)