The Peasant Girl's Concubine's Name Moves the World

Chapter 247: Kind rewarded

Chapter 247

The warmth made Aster give the guard a purse. The guard refused with a smile. He was entrusted and asked for some food from Princess Hui\'an! Where is the embarrassment to receive the purse: "The imperial decree from Wujia Village has been issued, and the younger one has to go back and return to the emperor. The Eighth Princess and Grandpa Li asked the younger one to ask for some vegetables from Princess Hui\'an."

The guard touched his head and looked embarrassed.

Asking for a few green vegetables, he is embarrassed!

"Come over thousands of miles, I have been working hard all the way. This is the tea fee for the adults. Accept it! There is not much money. The eighth princess and Grandpa Li have already told me before. Please go to the mansion and take a rest. I Let people be prepared."

Wen Jiarui stretched out his hand to invite someone into the house: "My lord, let’s take a break in the house! It\'s getting dark, and it’s not too late to return to Beijing after a night’s rest."

"Uncle, you are polite, excuse me." The guard hurriedly responded!

The villagers saw the stern guards in the old house just now. At this moment, they respected the warm family and did not dare to show off at all. Such a sharp contrast made the villagers sigh in their hearts!

The village chief waited for the guards to walk in before saying to his father, "Father, let me see the imperial edict!"

The voice has obvious suppressed excitement!

The village chief’s father gave the imperial decree to his son, and then looked at him vigilantly: "Are your hands dirty? Don’t get dirty!"

"It\'s not dirty, it\'s not dirty!" The village chief still wiped his hands on his clothes!

Blessed also said: "The village chief, show me after you read it, show me!"

His hand wiped his clothes vigorously.

Youcai: "I also look at it. I never expected to be rewarded by the emperor in my life! The ancestral grave is full of smoke!"

The family did not expect that they used to help a bunch of Wen Jiarui’s family with a small amount of effort.

Sure enough, good intentions are rewarded!

The patriarch and other villagers also leaned over, eager to see.

"Look at me, too! I want to get a little dragon spirit!"

"Yes, it was too bad just now! Go go bad!"

"Don\'t grab, don\'t grab, come one by one, wash your hands and then come back! The imperial decree is broken and soiled. You can\'t afford it!" The village chief saw the villagers swarming up and said quickly.

The villagers rushed to wash their hands after hearing this!

The elder of the clan is pleased: "The village chief, this imperial decree is in the ancestral hall! Open the ancestral hall today and worship it, so that our ancestors will also be happy!"

"Yes, it is in the ancestral hall! We are also proud of our ancestors!" The village chief father also said!

The joyful noise of the villagers outside spread into the old house. Old man Wen was lying on the stool, tears crying: How could this be? !

The fourth child is also his son!

Zhu fainted for a while and woke up again. She was dragged into the house by her wife, which made her awake in pain.

Zhu was lying on the bed, tears streaming down, and she couldn\'t help cursing, "Dark heart, bad belly, she would dare to kill the boss\'s family, I will not let her be a ghost!"

"I have never seen such a cruel person, even my own brothers and fathers have been harmed, so God wouldn\'t kill them with a thunder."

"Too bad! This kind of person should go to hell!..."

The little Zhu had previously invited a woman to take care of the two elders. After the woman dragged Zhu into the house, she came to help the old man enter the house with a black face.

It’s really bad luck to meet such a master!

Old man Wen was helped in by his wife, and he heard Zhu\'s cursing and weakly saying: "Shut up! Do you think the board is not enough?"

The Zhu family was so angry that he almost didn\'t mention it: "It\'s not because of you, a son can\'t control it! Even you, the old man, have beaten you! If something happens to the boss\'s family, my old lady will fight with them!"

Old man Wen did not speak any more: He is also worried about his eldest son!

Is there something wrong?

What did Zhu think of and said to the woman: "You go to the town’s health center to find your second child, and ask him to find out if there is any news about the boss\'s family! And tell him to bring some medicine back, and the old lady will die!"

The old lady responded and went to town.

Zhu continued to lie on the bed, cursing the warm family from head to toe in a low voice.

Wen Jiagui came back after closing in the afternoon.

It’s just that he didn’t take the wound medicine in the shop. They were all the wound medicine made by Sister Nuan. The effect was very good. As soon as they were on the shelf, they were robbed!

Sister Nuan left a bottle for them to spare.

He also didn’t want to seize the fourth brother’s family, but his parents shouldn’t leave it alone!

Isn’t that humanity is gone?

So he spent the money to buy a bottle of wound medicine outside, and brought his wife and daughter back to visit the two elders.

Zhu saw her second child coming back, and tears came down: "Second child, my son! You finally came back! I\'m about to be killed by the **** in the four rooms!"

"Mother, there is still a board hanging outside the door! Don\'t talk nonsense!" The mother who is on others\' heads for everything like this, Wen Jiagui is also very helpless!

Zhu family: "..."

I dare not say any more, I also know that Wen Jiagui and the fourth family are always close to each other!

Obviously she was born, why didn\'t you kiss yourself?

If the boss has something, she has to count on her second...

Thinking of this, Zhu Clan eased his tone: "Go to the fourth house and ask why your elder brother hasn\'t come back?"

"Okay." Wen Jiagui did not refuse either.

He asked Tan to go with his two daughters.

Zhu\'s family glanced at Tan\'s: "The second daughter-in-law will stay here to take care of the illness!"

Tan could not refuse to respond in a low voice: "Okay."

Wen Jiagui wanted to say something, Zhu looked over with a pair of triangular eyes: "What? The old lady can\'t even get out of the bed, so I can\'t let your wife take care of it."

Wen Jiagui is impatient: "No, mother, Zhaodi, she has just gotten pregnant, don\'t take a heavy job..."

His mother\'s temperament, and never liked his wife, he was really worried that his mother would toss his daughter-in-law.

Old man Wen immediately said: "There is a woman at home, so you don\'t need to wait for you, so you have a good fetus and give birth to a big fat boy for your second child! Go to the fourth house!"

Zhu\'s anger is too dull, "Okay, okay, one or two are pregnant and expensive! Just my old lady has a low life, you go away!"

Wen Jiagui took his wife and daughter away.

Seeing that Tan was really gone, Zhu did not stay, so he scolded again with anger.

Wen Jiagui’s family went to Warm Home.

Warm home

The family happened to have dinner.

Wen Ling greeted sweetly: "Grandma, Fourth Uncle, Fourth Aunt, Third Sister, Fourth Sister, Sister Nuan"

Called everyone in the family again.

Wen Qian also said hello.

Wen Rou was very happy to see Wen Qian, and she took Wen Qian’s hand: "Second Sister, Sister Ling, you come with me, we will go to the capital to bring you some souvenirs."

Warm and Wenran also stood up and walked in together.

Warmly: "Yes, I bought a lot, you go and choose."

Wen Ran happily said: "I picked some, but they are pretty!"

Wen Ling took a warm look, and saw that she didn\'t move, but instead sat there, listening to her elders. She hesitated for a while before following Wen Rou and the others.

(End of this chapter)