The Peasant Girl's Concubine's Name Moves the World

Chapter 246: The imperial decree is here!

Chapter 246 The imperial decree is here!

"The imperial decree is here!"

These three loud words shocked the villagers of Wenjia Village once again.

Everyone ran out to watch the excitement.

Then discovered that the guard who passed the decree did not go to Warm Home, but went to Grandpa Wen\'s home.

"Sister Wan got the reward for entering Beijing, right?"

"God, this old man\'s ancestral grave is really smoking! One and two granddaughters are so prosperous?! How are they raised? What are they eating?"

"Go, go, go! Let\'s go and be a little bit happy! Emperor\'s grace is mighty!"

"Run! I\'m the one who took the imperial decree too! And it\'s still twice, haha~~"


Many villagers rushed into the Wen family’s old house in a swarm, wanting to get a little bit of dragon spirit and let their homes transfer too!

In the future, there will be such an outstanding grandchild in the family!

Zhu’s family was ready to accept the decree a few days ago.

As soon as the imperial decree came, she immediately set up the incense form, and then knelt on the ground with grandfather Wen excitedly, waiting to receive the decree.

The villager who ran in and got touched also knelt behind them.

Zhu\'s hands are shaking with excitement!

She is going to be the madam!

She is going to be the madam!


The guard stood expressionlessly in the courtyard holding the imperial decree: "Wen Baocai, Zhu\'s take the decree!"

"Cao Min is here!"

"The local women are here!" The voice is trembling!

"According to the heavens, the emperor said, Wen Bao inherited the great kindness of his father-in-law\'s family when he was young, and he got married and made a small achievement! But he made an ungrateful act, a grass-roots man, married two wives, spoiled his concubines and destroyed his wives, abandoned his wives and abandoned his sons. …Despite the life and death of children and grandchildren, carelessly care about the relationship between people, and be utterly conscience! Special ten boards are given to you! The Zhu family has repeatedly instigated discord in the back, framed his wife, and secretly used tricks... Concubine, I have given top ten boards specially, and ordered him to go to his wife Wang every day in the morning and twilight! Thank you for this!"

Old man Wen and Zhu family knelt on the ground, listening to the content of the imperial edict, the more they listened, the more they were wrong!

Old man Wen was sweating coldly.

Is this talking about him?

The more the Zhu family listened, the more they changed their tastes, why abandoning their wives and children, and losing their conscience?

What framed the wife, what is the heart to blame?

also give top ten boards?

Is this a decree of reward?

How to give the board?

What is the board?

"Wen Baocai, Zhu family! Don\'t thank you for taking the order?"

Master Wen: "...Thanks to the emperor, Long En, long live long live long live long live!"

The voice was stiff, trembling all over, and sweating.

Zhu clan couldn\'t help but muttered: "Is this the imperial decree of reward? Why didn\'t I hear Mrs. Mingming?"

The guard sneered: "Yes! The sage is wise, I will reward you with the top ten boards for such a lowly concubine!"

He brought all his boards by the way!

Mrs. Ming Ming? Is this kind of pampered and proud person also worthy?

The guard who passed the decree was arranged by Nalan Jinnian.

Well, this guard\'s father is a master who dotes on his concubine and destroys his wife!

His mother was killed by a concubine.

He hates this kind of people!

Next, Mr. Zhu and Mr. Wen were pressed on a bench by the guards and hit the top ten boards!

"Slap! Slap! Slap!..."

Zhu’s screams are more tragic than killing pigs!

The whole village heard it!

Several households in the isolation village close to Wenjia Village have heard it!

The kneeling villagers in the entire yard did not dare to breathe!

My mother!

came wrong!

What a **** bad luck!

will not take a year of bad luck, will it? !


After the guards finished hitting the board, they hung the board on the courtyard door: "This is a warning! The emperor Shengming, I hate petting concubines and destroying their wives! You must always remind yourself of your previous mistakes, and don\'t make calculations to frame your wife\'s direct line. The matter! Otherwise, the next time the board will be heavier! In addition, the lowly concubine Zhu needs to kowtow in front of his wife every day in the morning and twilight. This matter is supervised by the patriarch and the village head.

A person in the yard: "..."

Then someone yelled: "The emperor, the Holy Ming!"

Everyone hurriedly shouted: "The emperor Shengming!"

Zhu was lying on the stool, trembling with anger, so painful that he could not faint!

Too painful, too angry, sobering!

Wang’s cheap family, they must have gone to Beijing to sue in front of the emperor!

God! I have never seen such a person with such a black heart!

It’s not going to kill the boss and family!

Zhu thought about this, and wanted to ask Master Wang Xingshi, but she was heart-piercing with pain when she moved, and she fell directly to the ground. This time it was really painful and dizzy!

Old man Wen closed his eyes and lay on the bench with a look of lovelessness!

The emperor gave him a board? !

Thinking about it, he wanted to find a hole in the ground, and he wouldn’t have the face to see people in the future!

The whole person feels that his whole body is not good. This mental torture has made him uncomfortable and the pain in his **** has been forgotten!

What should I do if my head is full? Ashamed!

The guard left these words and left. He still had an imperial decree to be awarded, and he was entrusted by the eighth princess and Li Gonggong, so he had to go to Princess Hui\'an to get an order!

I don’t understand why he should bring a la carte back with him, who is so far away!

It’s hot now, can this dish last so many days?

After the guards left, the villagers stood up and ran away in a swarm!

"Bah! Bad luck!"

"Bah, baah! I\'m so disappointed!"


After the villagers ran out, they couldn\'t help but poach.

I thought I was here to get drunk and happy, but I didn’t expect to get bad luck.

After the villagers left, someone saw the guards heading towards the end of the village.

Is it going to pass the decree to Wen Jiarui?

Everyone couldn\'t help but follow them again.

The guards did go to warm the family to pass on the decree, but this decree was not only for warming the family, but also for several families who planted winter wheat with the warm family.

At that time, the warm family left the wheat seeds after planting the winter wheat. In addition to the maternal grandfather\'s family and the village head\'s family, some of the remaining wheat seeds were also given to the blessed and wealthy. They also planted an acre of land.

Warmth knew that the imperial edict was coming today, because she asked Nalan Jinnian to invite the emperor to issue the edict later.

So when she came back, she sent He Ping to call the village head. Blessed and wealthy, the family members came to take the order.

The guards once again took out the imperial decree and read out: "Before the heavens, the emperor\'s edict said: Wenjia Villager Wen..."

The main purpose of the imperial decree is to praise them for daring to be the first in the world, defying rumors, and then planting winter wheat, and then the family rewarded fifty taels. This silver is a reward and a subsidy for buying their winter wheat.

In addition, an archway was bestowed on Wenjia Village.

"The village chief accepts the order! After the emperor, I hope you will lead the good villagers to grow better food!"

The head of the village asked his father to accept the order.

The village elder father tremblingly stretched out a pair of old hands: "The emperor\'s long grace is mighty, the grass, the grass people are thanking the emperor for his grace, long live the emperor!"

The elder of the village elder trembling body, bent over, his old body moved slowly and knocked his head to the ground with excitement.

He actually had a day when he received the imperial decree!

Looking at death!

The village chief’s family, two families with blessings and riches, were so excited that their voices were trembling, and they knocked their heads deeply: "Thank you Lord Longen, long live the emperor!"

In the hearts of other villagers in Wenjia Village, there are mixed flavors!

The emperor’s imperial edict, fifty taels from the imperial gift!

Great glory!

Hot eyes!


Sister Nuan also asked them to plant it together!

Why not plant it?

Why not plant it?

Why not plant it?

(End of this chapter)