The Peasant Girl's Concubine's Name Moves the World

Chapter 248: Consciously don't suffer

Chapter 248 Consciously not to suffer

After Wen Jiagui and Tan had sat down, Wen Jiarui said happily: "I am planning to go to town to see you tomorrow. Did my second brother and sister-in-law have dinner?"

Wen Jiagui did not say that he was called back by the Zhu family, so as not to affect the atmosphere: "I have eaten, I heard that you are back, come and have a look after the shop is closed. Did you go to Beijing smoothly this time?"

Wen Jiarui and Wen Jiagui were talking about the Qianqiu Banquet in Beijing.

Wen Jiagui was really shocked to hear that they were named Shi Changbo and the princess. He excitedly patted Wen Jiarui: "Good! Good!"

Wen Jiagui looked at the warmth and said, "Sister Nuan is great! All the hardships are here! You have eaten all the hardships of this life when you were young, and you will be fine in the future!"

smiled warmly: "How is the business of Erbo\'s shop?"

"The shop’s business is very good now! There are long lines of people who come to the shop every day to grab medicine. Many poor people say that the medicines grabbed in our shop are much more effective. It’s just fine! The price is the same again, and they can save half of the medicine cost for a single visit."

smiled warmly, that is because every medicinal material is mixed with one-third of the health-preserving medicinal materials.

"Sister Nuan, the ointments, pills and medicinal wine you made are almost sold out as soon as they are on the shelves, and many people have booked them. You have to prepare more. The store has long been out of stock."

"Okay, I will send some detoxification pills in a few days. They are used to detoxify all kinds of snake venom."

"This is really great. Recently, someone went up the mountain and was bitten by a snake to grab medicine. I have to go to the neighboring county to buy the goods again in a few days. , Sister Nuan, take a look..."

In the gentle house

Wen Ling looked around, a little envious in her heart.

When I was living in Wen, I didn’t have enough time to warm the home and the furniture was not ready. There was only one bed in the room. Because the room was very large, there was nothing to see except for the empty space.

Now all the furniture has been placed, desk, bookcase, wardrobe, dressing table, chaise longue, soft collapse, everything.

On the windowsill, on the chest of drawers, and on the desk, there are also some flowers and green plants, which make the whole room look elegant and comfortable, warm and girly.

Obviously, there are no expensive ornaments in the room, but it just gives you a sense of low-key luxury.

A room like this is really a dream!

She had never seen such a well-furnished room in her grandfather’s house before.

Gentle took out an exquisite jewelry box from the cabinet, which contained beads and small jewellery bought in the capital: "Second sister, sister Ling, this is a souvenir I bought in the capital. See what you like. , All pick and choose."

Wen Qian did not pick: “Sister Nuan has already given away a lot of beads last time, so I don’t have to buy it for us anymore.”

"These are new styles. I bought them as soon as they looked good. I picked some of them. I also bought you a skirt for one person."

Gentle went to the closet again to get the skirt.

Gentlely opened the closet. Wen Ling saw a large closet filled with clothes of various colors. Each piece looked very beautiful, and the materials of the clothes were very good at first glance.

She couldn\'t help but stared:

"San Jie, you have a lot of clothes!"

"Well, I like to make clothes, so I do a lot!" Gentle likes embroidery and making clothes. These clothes are designed by her and warm, and then she makes them.

Later, she plans to open a clothing store.

Now only wait for the embroiderers to be cultivated before they can be mass-produced.

But these words were gentle and did not say, after all, the beginning of the shop hasn\'t been written yet.

Teaching people how to fish is not as good as teaching people how to fish. Warm and intentional teach the three gentle sisters the same skills as each person, so that they will also have the foundation for a family and life when they are married.

Warm is a bakery, and plans to build a brewery.

Gentleness is embroidered shop, ready-made clothing shop, open cloth shop if possible.

Wen Ran is a strange girl, she has no patience, but she can watch all afternoon with her medical skills, so the warmth has always made her recognize all kinds of medicinal materials and pharmacology.

The three brothers test their fame by themselves, and strive for the future.

All planned!

Gentle gave them the clothes: "Try to see if it fits, I will change it if it doesn\'t fit."

"Okay!" Wen Ling went to try on clothes happily.

Wen Qian was a little embarrassed: "This...too expensive!"

"Be careful, the second sister likes it."

In the end, Wen Qian only picked the simplest bead flower under the gentle urging. She felt that the skirt sent by Gentle was too expensive.

Wen Ling picked two bead flowers, those jewelry, silver bracelets, etc. She saw Wen Qian not want it, and she was too embarrassed to ask for it.

Wen Jiagui left after discussing the pharmacy with Wenwen. He asked when he left before he hadn’t seen Wen Jiafu in the capital. Wen Jiarui knew Wen Wan hadn’t received the reward, and he didn’t know anything else.

Wen Jiagui went back to the Zhu family to "return to life".

Wen Jiagui hurried back to town after speaking.

When Zhu heard that Wen Wan had not received any rewards, he looked angrily: "No rewards? How could there not be?! Did the plague **** and Wang\'s **** say something in front of the emperor! A black heart, a bad belly bitch! Wounded our family miserably!

OMG! No wonder Sister Yu said that the family that met the **** of plague was okay! what! My wife! It\'s all gone! God, are you blind? Why didn\'t you accept them? ! ..."

Zhu\'s cursing, Wen Laozi scolded her when she saw her saying badly!

Zhu\'s cursing whispered even harder!

Mrs.   Homing is gone, she hates the four rooms to death!

The Zhu family was so angry that he couldn\'t sleep all night. The village chief and the patriarch came to the door just after falling asleep at dawn.

"Zhu, the imperial edict says that you are going to greet Wang every morning. The time is up, hurry up!"

The Zhu family has forgotten that there is still this thing! Her face turned green when she heard it: "I\'m not going!"

Sell her to please the bitch, there is no door!


The village chief knew that she would be like this, so he went and took down the board hanging on the door beam: "If you don\'t listen to what the emperor said in the imperial decree, it would be a violation of the Holy Order! Don\'t blame me for letting you hit the board! I dare not. Disobey the Holy Order!"

The emperor let him supervise it!

The emperor is too wise!

Zhu\'s This is the wheel of heaven, the reward should be unhappy!

In this world, good is rewarded for good, and evil is rewarded for evil!

Zhu made up her mind not to go, she did not believe that the village chief would dare to fight!

"Then it will be offended! The imperial edict must not be violated!"

The head of the village raised the board high, and hit the board on Zhu’s already blooming buttocks. The pain caused her to pierce her heart and lungs:

"Ah~!" The shrill scream was deafening!

When the second board of the village chief was about to fall, Zhu hurriedly said: "Don\'t~...don\'t me, I\'ll go."

The village chief retracted the board: "Be conscious, you don\'t have to suffer!"

Zhu family: "..."

I have the heart to want to die!

Thank you book friends who voted and commented~~

Thank you, babies who catch insects: @白熊芳~, @Carihitam~~

Thank you for the rewarding babies: @雨沐园, @释罪de永唱调, @水念亭, @Maggie兰, @Marane, @七分一 Rainbow, @User230258547~~


(End of this chapter)