The Noble Lord Is So Fierce: Greeting Kiss, My Sweet Wife

Chapter 413

Tong Lele said with a smile, "ace, don't worry. There is only King Kong on the island, the son of Kimber."

"Does he know you are Tong Le Le? I mean, do you know you're only five years old? " Mo Li Si slightly frowned and asked.

"He knows, but he never believed it." Tong Lele said.

"Now The rhythm of revealing identity? Is it reliable? " Mo Li Si moved the idea of turning around.

"Ah Si, don't worry. In a sense, I'm the benefactor of their father and son. I've made a great contribution to the completion of this great project." Tong Lele comforted Mo Li Si, "even if I know my real identity age, King Kong will not betray me."

"He was a dutiful son. When I helped him, he swore to his father's spirit and would stay on the island all his life and obey my orders."

"That's good." Mo Li Si just breathed a sigh.

When the car from the bridge to the island, a bald man, early waiting for the shore.

Look at it with a high power telescope.

This bridge is only used once a month to transport the owner's valuables.

King Kong saw two little ghosts sitting in the car from a high-power telescope, without an adult.

Moreover, the driving kid also made a face at him, which made King Kong jump.

"My God, the gold owner who bought the island and fulfilled my father's lifelong wish is not a bad old man? But a little boy? "

King Kong couldn't believe it. He looked back and forth at the man in the telescope.

"didi" -

old fellow lore, drove the car to the dock, trumpet, opened the window, and fell on the window.

King Kong touched his bald head and walked over. The rhythm of his eyes falling out, he asked, "are you the owner of this island, l?"

"I control the bridge under the sea, and I drive in the car, don't you think?" Tong Lele opened the door and jumped down from it.

King Kong's eyes were swift and his hand was quick. He held Tong Lele in his arms.

"Are you sent by heaven to press my intelligence on the ground and rub it again?" King Kong is a child listening to the voice of Tong Le Le Le.

Is this a normal kid?

This is a genius child prodigy!

"Probably, uncle King Kong!" Tong Lele held out his hand and said with pride, "uncle King Kong, how come your head is all gone?"

"Well, I'm worried about women's hair loss? Do you have any hair tonic? Two bottles for uncle Kong? " King Kong said with a bitter face.

"You're so bald that you have to get a hair transplant." Tong Lele said helplessly.

"So miserable?" King Kong asked miserably.

"Well." Tong Lele said, "drive the car to my treasure room."

"Good little master!"

, as like as two peas, said, "when you see the boy who is exactly the same as his little master, he is shocked." who is this little master?

"Get in the car first, and then I'll introduce myself to you." Tong Le Le Le and Mo Li Si are crowded in the co driver. Fortunately, they are small, so they are just right in the co driver.

"Uncle Kong, I'm L, l is Tong Lele, Tong Lele is me." Tong Lele introduced himself, "this is my twin brother Molisi, is he a handsome old man?"

King Kong listened to Tong Lele's words, and he was so scared that he was stunned. He even realized that "this car is so difficult to drive. You drove for ten minutes Little master! You're a little too good, aren't you? "

"It's a piece of cake. Nothing will embarrass me. It's you. What's your leg shaking?" Tong Lele took a look at King Kong and found that his legs were shaking violently.

King Kong heard the speech, his voice began to tremble, shaking all over, "know the identity of the little master Naturally excited I'm so excited that I want to swim around the sea! "

I'm scared to pee!

A five-year-old!

Don't be too scary!

PS: asking for tickets , the fastest update of the webnovel!