The Noble Lord Is So Fierce: Greeting Kiss, My Sweet Wife

Chapter 412

To the shore of the island, Mo Li Si looked at the car parked on one side.

Looking at the boundless sea, Moli Si asked in a dilemma, "ah Le, how can we get to the island without a yacht? What's more, how to transport gold by truck? "

Tong Le Le chuckled, patted Mo Li Si's shoulder and said, "an, don't worry, your brother and I are very stable."

Then he lifted his finger from the bottom of the watch and slid it from the bottom of the watch.

Mo Li Si looked at, full of shock, "Underwater Bridge? Can it be retracted and retracted freely? "

This technology is not available in the world.

"Underwater Bridge? Well, that's a good name! " Tong Lele stroked his chin and thought, "this bridge has been built for 20 years from technology."

"You are only five years old! The cow is blown up by you Mo Li Si squinted at Tong Le Le Le.

Tong Lele waved his hand and said, "the founder of this bridge died before the completion of the project. Due to the lack of funds in the later stage, all investors withdrew their capital and let the founder's son bear all debts. In order to recover the investment as soon as possible, the government auctioned the island."

"It happened to be my favorite one year ago. It was paid off in a lump sum, and it was started again under the leadership of the founder's son. Because of the increased manpower, it was completed in less than a year, and it was very successful."

It is only 20 kilometers away from here that foreign people are forbidden to enter.

"Ah Le, you are rich everywhere." Mo Li Si thought he had enough industry.

However, ah Le is no different. There are all kinds of big projects.

"Each other." Tong Lele clasped hands.

"You always hit me." Although Mo Li Si doesn't agree with him on the mouth, he is very willing to be happy by Tong.

"No way. I wish I didn't dig Mommy." Tong Lele said with a smile.

"Ah Le, do you think we will be sent to live research if we hang up like this?" Moli division found that Tong Le Le is not as strong as it appears, but very powerful.

Both of them are babies, but they have already left the earth to go into space.

If the identity is exposed, it's really easy to get into trouble.

"Ask Mo Qijue and Tong jiumo first It doesn't mean you shrug your shoulders.

Mo Li Si lip Cape a hook, "also, daddy and mummy will protect us."

"Well, let's go! We go to the island. " Tong Lele played a ring finger, beckoning Mo Li Si to get on the bus.

After two people get on the car, Moli Si sits on the co driver and looks at Tong Lele who controls the steering wheel.

Mo Li Si suddenly laughed.

"Ace, what are you laughing at?" Tong Le Le looks at Mo Li Si to ask.

"Ah Le, you said that our five-year-old baby can drive, steal money and fight. No one will believe it, especially driving..." Mo Li Si said quietly.

"There are too many questions. The baby is tired of kindness." Tong Lele stands out and says to Moli Si.

Looking at Tong Lele hands left the steering wheel, Mo Li Si reminded, "don't stray, drive well."

"OK, listen to you!" Tong Lele's rear end is just leaning against the car chair, with both feet stepping on the foot brake and accelerator, controlling the steering wheel. "I have to say, this kind of car without special treatment is really hard to control."

"No one on the island? Why don't they come out to meet you? " Mo Li Si suddenly thought of this problem.

"I want to transport gold to the island myself." Tong Lele said.

"There are people on your island who are not afraid to expose their identities?" Mo Li Si looked at Tong Le Le with consternation, "are you going to send us two to the living research operating table by yourself?"

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