The Noble Lord Is So Fierce: Greeting Kiss, My Sweet Wife

Chapter 414

"The identity is kept secret, uncle King Kong." Tong Lele said to King Kong, "don't make a fuss."

"I'll get used to it earlier!" King Kong said excitedly, "little master, I asked about your specific situation. When you told me you were a baby on the phone, I didn't believe it, because you love collecting all kinds of antiques and collecting priceless diamond jewelry. I guess it must be an elderly rich man. Who knows you are really a baby!"

"Babies never lie." Tong Lele said.

"But little master..."

Tong Lele interrupted King Kong, "call me either a-le or Lele. Don't call me a little master or a little master. You're not my dog. Don't bark like that."

"Little master, but I..."

"If you call me that again, I'll chop you up and feed the shark!" Tong Lele said to King Kong.

"Yes, Lele!" King Kong nodded, his face red, "Lele, what's on this car?"

"Gold!" Tong Lele said.

"Yellow, gold? A truck? " King Kong's eyes fell when he heard it was gold or full of gold.

"Yes." Tong Lele said, "drive to my treasure room."

"Good!" King Kong speed up.

To the treasure room.

Mo Li Si looked at the treasures displayed in the treasure room. With sharp eyes, he saw several familiar treasures. "Ah Le, these several treasures are from Mo family. How can they come to you?"

"I don't know. I didn't know whose it was when I was on the way."

Tong Lele said, "which ones? If you like it, I'll give it to you. "

"Half way?" Mo Li Si twisted eyebrows.

Sure enough, his brother.

"Well." Tong Lele nodded, "most of the antiques here are stolen by me on the way. Others are priced at a high price or come from other channels."

Mo Li Si recollects, thought of Mo seven Jue six months ago from abroad to transport back the treasures, as if they were robbed on the way.

Tong Lele ordered King Kong to transfer all the gold to the glass house with the machine, and the room was full of gold.

Moli Si glanced at the gold, some unique symbols caused his idea.

He looked closer and found that it was the mark of the stranger's family, a dragon shaped one.

Mo Li Si Cu eyebrow, looking at Tong Le Le, "ah Le, do you know whose gold you robbed this time?"

Tong Lele was asked by Mo Li Si, in a trance, but quickly pretended to be silly and said, "I don't know. I just received a message that a batch of gold will enter Mo City, so I moved my mind."

"Ah Le, this is your father's gold. How could you..." Mo Li Si said, looking at Tong Lele with admiration in his eyes.

Half a year ago, the treasure of Mo family was stolen. It turned out that it was also the work of ah le.

No wonder daddy couldn't find a trace.

"How do you know that?" Tong Lele looks at Mo Li Si with consternation.

He didn't say anything to ace. How did he know?

"This is the unique dragon symbol of Mo family. How dare you beat daddy's gold! You've really eaten leopard gall Mo Li Si tut sound said.

"No, no, no, I didn't eat leopard gall, but I did eat leopard gall with bear heart!" Tong Lele waved his hand and shook his head.

He obviously ate the gall of bear heart leopard.

Mo Li Si was turned a white eye by Tong Le Le Le, what can he say?

Half Xu later, Mo Li Si asked, "ah Le, where did you know the information that gold entered Mo City?"

Tong Lele did not want to hide Moli division, picked a eyebrow and said, "I accidentally saw the document in daddy's study. I haven't seen gold yet, so I moved my mind."

"I'll tell you, you're part of the fight, and you're the planner."

PS: asking for tickets , the fastest update of the webnovel!