The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1916

Jun porcelain went to several countries on this trip. Although most of Jiang's parents and Jiang Yi had been there, junchengbai and Lydia didn't go very much, and the old man didn't like to go out.

Jun porcelain picked out a few of the road to listen to the news, a meal to eat happy.

After eating dinner, Jun porcelain and Jiang Yi got a lot of red envelopes from their elders.

The piano is now allowed into the house, only eating big bones nearby.

Little porcelain squats in Jiang Yi's pocket.

The little spy, who was supposed to be mentally retarded by the piano, saw Jiang Yi and Jun porcelain take the red envelope and reach out to the elders with a thick face: "I want it too!"

Jun porcelain:

Jiang Yi:

Don't be shameful!

Listen to the piano, in an instant his big bones do not want to eat, want to look up to follow me, I also want to.

However, under the coercion of Jun porcelain and Jiang Yi's eyes, he was forced to continue to eat his own bones honestly

Jiang's mother and others were stunned for a moment. They knew that intelligent robots had become popular in the world. In addition, Junci and Jiang Yi had robots around them. They had seen little spies reach out and laughed. The old man nodded first: "give one."

After that, I really found a red envelope.

As soon as he took the lead, the others found several red envelopes and handed them to the spy on the ground.

The little spy happily took it over. If it could make facial expression at this time, he would like to laugh three times.

Finally, the piano couldn't eat any bones. Staring at the red envelope shell, he was very envious. Maybe the light in his eyes was too warm. Jun Chengbai looked at it and wondered, "is this dog..." Want a red envelope, too?

Before the words finished, Jun porcelain cleared his throat: "Dad, OK, you, return a robot."

Jun porcelain said this, the small spy on some vigilance, it and Jun porcelain look at each other, in an instant confirmed the eyes.

You can't give her a chance to grab a red envelope!

Piano and small spy a look at each other, instantly understand each other's meaning.

Then the little spy ran away with the piano in its mouth. At least it would share equally with the spy. If it was robbed by Jun porcelain, there would be nothing left.

Jun porcelain:

The old man laughed and said, "it's smart, this robot. The dog... "

It seems to be a little clever.

Jun porcelain and Jiang Yi can't help but see that there is something wrong with the family. After dinner, they find an excuse to break up.

There were new year's greetings in the afternoon, and they had a chance to get along with each other, and several elders did not stop them.

When he got to the house, he was a little shocked when he saw the scene. He raised his head and asked Jiang Yi, "Dad, can I have a red envelope?"

When Jiang Yi saw his daughter, he was elated: "give it to me, give you a big red envelope!"

However, he did not prepare the red envelope, so he put his own red envelope into the hands of small porcelain.

Small porcelain got a big red envelope, a little happy feeling, although it has no use with money

At this time, the wechat group was shaking wildly.

Piano: red envelopes, red envelopes! Please don't pretend to be dead! @EMP @ Jiang Yi

Piano invited Xiaoci to join the group chat

little Spy: red envelope!

Small Spy: [exclusive red envelope] @ small porcelain

at this time, Jiang Yi perfectly showed what is called differential treatment.

Jiang Yi: get out! , the fastest update of the webnovel!