The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1915

"I don't know what you're doing there."

As soon as Jiang's mother came out, she saw Jiang Yi sitting there and rolling her eyes at her son: "I don't know. I thought something was wrong. Junci didn't want you. You are really afraid that your daughter-in-law can't find her way, are you?"

Jiang Yi turned back and looked at his mother. He didn't say anything. He was obviously too lazy to respond.

Jiang's mother continued: "the xiajiaji family saw you and had to laugh at you. Didn't they let you pick them up? Jun porcelain is thinking that you don't have enough time. You and your father have just come back, and you go to meet Jun porcelain. When you get to the airport, she arrives early. Do you have to let her wait for an hour? "

"That's not the same."

Jiang Yi finally said: "I haven't seen her for a long time. I just want to see her as soon as possible..."

Jiang's mother couldn't listen to it anymore: "people don't see the usual video, do they? I don't care about you

From the house came the voice of old man Jiang: "don't worry about him. Anyway, the disgrace is left in the courtyard, and no one can see it."

Jiang Yi is disliked by a room full of people.

Jiang Yi was not angry, but he hummed twice and continued to sit there waiting for Junci to come back.

After a while, a familiar figure came out of the courtyard, and the familiar voice: "frame frame frame ~!"

The little spy was carried by the piano. A robot and a dog ran to Jiang Yi. First, he looked at him and then grinned at him. The spy couldn't make the arc. He just pointed to Jiang Yitong and said to him, "Hey, sorry! Piano, do you think this man looks like a fool

The piano nods.

As soon as Jiang Yi stretched out his long legs, he wanted to kick them both. The piano leaped so fast that he ran out of the door carrying a small spy.

Only a minute later, the piano came back, followed by a familiar figure.

Jiang Yi immediately stood up and went ahead excitedly: "porcelain!"

It was Jun porcelain that came back.

She arrived half an hour late because of the traffic jam.

Seeing Jiang Yi, her whole person also rippled a smile: "Jiang Yi."

Jiang Yi rushed over and hugged Jun porcelain. The piano was beside him: "ow, ow, ow, Ow!"

[it's also said that waiting for others, people don't know how to go out to meet them when they come back. They just know how to pretend. It's not as good as Laozi! ]

for the sake of world peace during the Spring Festival, Gulu did not translate this sentence to Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi is now immersed in the joy that Jun porcelain has come back, regardless of what happened to the piano.

The people in the house knew that Jun porcelain came out when they heard the sound outside. It was Jiang Fu who came out and said Jiang Yi with his back hand: "I don't know. I thought you haven't seen Jun porcelain in your life. Don't come in soon."

Jun porcelain smiles at her father: "Dad."

Jiang's father coughed and nodded calmly: "well, it's good to come back. The food is ready, and I'll wait for you - don't pay attention to that fool!"

Jiang Yi then pulls Jun porcelain to the left and right to see if she has lost her hair or a piece of meat.

It's going to film, not to build bridges in Africa. So nervous?

Look at Jun porcelain's delicate skin and tender flesh, you can see that she has not suffered much.

Jiang's father's dislike was too obvious. Jun CI gave a low smile, patted Jiang Yi's wrist, and entered the room with his fingers tightly clasped.

As soon as I saw the people in the house, Jun porcelain's smile was even greater: "parents, grandfather, I'm back, everyone happy new year."

As soon as she opened her mouth, they were all from her own family. Jiang's mother beamed and sat her down. Lydia and junchengbai were also very happy because they had not seen their daughter for a long time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!