The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1917

But what I didn't expect was that Gulu and the end star were also coaxing.

Gulu: I want red bags, I also want red bags

end Star: red bag?

The piano and the spy were excited when they saw the Boss speak!

Piano: for the right red packets, group owners hair red bags!

Spy: you are the leader of the group!


Piano transfers group chat to EMP

br > EMP:

She was a little crying and laughing. Jiang Yi hugged her waist and coaxed the little porcelain away to let her go to the two silly things. He wanted to hold the king porcelain and kiss her well.

"Don't mind them. Our business matters."

He said low mute, a few months did not see Jun porcelain and did not touch her, he was really some can not help.

But wechat group is not calm.

Piano: I don't return the news for half a day. They must be doing something shameless

Spy: Yes!

After a while.

Spy: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha small porcelain came to me, actually gave me a big red bag!!!!

The news in the group is very annoying. Because this is a special group chat, he has always set up the attention. When he intends to close, he sees the content almost exploded.

Jiang Yi: you say you are a brute. You even cheat my daughter's red bag. If you take her red bag, I will take you away!

Spy: it's porcelain for me. How can I blame you!

Little porcelain: did father O.o say the red bag lucky? Can't small porcelain give it?

Jiang Yi: No, my dear daughter, listen to Dad. Take it back. It doesn't deserve your red bag! Instead, you can take the red bag from his hand and bring all of it.

Piano: no thought! What we got is ours!

Jiang Yi: I'll stew you one day or later. Do you believe it or not?

Piano: spicy chicken, when he said that others were sweet and sweet, he threatened to stew others now [br >

Jiang Yi had a well character on his forehead. He felt a little bit reluctant to throw out his mobile phone.

Jun porcelain saw wechat group a slip of chat, almost smile dead, see Jiang Yi fierce and the piano and small spy to start a curse, Jun porcelain also in this side back to the new year received blessing messages.

Every year, when I come here, I always receive a lot of information. This year is no exception. Some of them still have to return.

Jun porcelain just returned to the news, Gulu suddenly opened: "Your Highness, it is better to pay attention to, you come to visit the door to celebrate the year by the moon, your parents are still there."

Jun porcelain heard this sentence, frowned.

Last time, because of the country, she had to let you go on the moon, but it was also because Shujie looked at him. Even if he returned to his home, he didn't do anything to his parents, but it didn't mean that it was a good thing for them to meet.

Thinking of this, Jun porcelain dawdled to go out: "Jiang Yi, I go down to the hall."

"Well?" Jiang Yi immediately stepped up and said, "what's wrong? Where is the thing? "

Jun porcelain shook his head, but pressed Jiang Yi: "you don't go."

Jiang Yi does not know what you did by the moon. She doesn't want Jiang Yi to see the atmosphere of their fierce swords.


Jiang Yi was confused, Jun porcelain quietly soothed: "nothing, just to see, I will come right now, you sit waiting, good, obedient."

She said this, even if some reluctant, Jiang Yi can only "Oh" a voice, and then stay here good waiting for her.

He would like to see, but also afraid of Jun porcelain angry. , the fastest update of the webnovel!