The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1912

Although Jiang Yi came to see her, she still had a role to guide. Before she had been warm with Jiang Yi for a long time, she asked him to take a bath and go outside to direct the drama.

Laura came forward, pretending to be calm, and asked the gossip question, "is that your fiance?"

Jun porcelain nodded: "yes."

She did not deny, let Laura pick eyebrows: "did not expect to be your fiance is actually this type, but think about it is also expected."

Women have a nature, or even men do.

Many people think that a strong girl like Jun porcelain needs a stronger man to conquer.

Through the ages, isn't this nature?

But now saw Jun porcelain's fiance, Laura also thoroughly understood, is not necessarily as imagined, Jun porcelain has such a fiance is not strange.

She doesn't seem to be able to bear the pressure on her head.

And that young man seems to be more tolerant and pet Jun porcelain, but not strong.

"A lot of people are surprised." Jun porcelain hook hook hook lip corner: "but love this kind of thing, is not to say."

Laura nodded and left thoughtfully.

Jiang Yi came out of the bath, did not disturb the busy Junci shooting, just sat quietly in Jun porcelain's chair, looking at his mobile phone.

Apart from being gentle in the face of Jun porcelain, he is cold and cold most of the time. People around him also know the general character of filmmaker Jiang. He is very sensible and does not have many people to disturb him.

Only a lot of onlookers around him kept taking photos of Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi is a little upset by the photos, although he also knows that they can't be put out.

Jiang Yi: Damn it, I came to the porcelain class. The people taking pictures around me are really annoying!

he made a vomit slot in WeChat group, and soon received a reply:

Piano: make complaints about it?

A look at the name of the reply, Jiang Yilin.

Let's take a look at the group's business cards The wrong wechat group!

Soon, the same words without expression were sent to the usual group of five.

Ji Moyin: what?

The content of the reply made Jiang Yi's expression somewhat complicated

Jiang Yi's expression was somewhat complicated You Sometimes it's like a dog

Jimo Yin: what did you say to NIMA? How could you scold?

Jiang Yi

Is it a curse? Why say the same thing as the piano.

Seeing that Jiang Yi didn't return to the piano, he continued to send a message even harder.

Piano: Well, what's wrong with you? You sent a message and ran away. Did you go to the class of digging excrement? Why don't you take me! I'm so lonely at home recently. I'm also secretly playing with my mobile phone I don't know how sentimental I am recently. I may have stepped into the old age ahead of time. Have you ever counted the age of me this year, which is equivalent to how old you are.

Jiang Yi finally couldn't help typing without expression.

Jiang Yi: don't struggle. Dig a pit and bury yourself.

Piano: ex, are you naive? Do you think that I will leave home and find a place to die quietly, just like some dogs, knowing that my deadline is coming? Don't think, even if I die, I will die by your bed!

Jiang Yi: get out!

Piano: why do you scold the dog? Is there humanity?

Jiang Yi offended both sides.

Ji Moyin: I said you were Jiang. Well, how can you curse people? Are you? Also with life attack, do you believe me to report you in front of your mother!

Jimo Yin: you forgot the dinosaur dance that day when you were drunk, didn't you?


Jiang Yi put down the mobile phone without expression. , the fastest update of the webnovel!