The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1913

"It's going to be over soon."

Jun porcelain came to talk to Jiang Yi during a break. She had just finished the play for the actors and came to drink.

Jiang Yi immediately smile brilliantly like handed her: "porcelain, to."

Just now I was still expressionless, and now it's 30 degrees in the sun. The speed of the face change is amazing to the people around.

It's no wonder that people who are good-looking and those who are good-looking are said to fall in love. If you look at others, you will not only talk about them, but also be very sweet!

She is cold to others and dotes on her favorite people. She has broken her leg!

But it's also a nice look for a teenager's face Sue broke her leg!

Sometimes, life is faced with numerous important choices, in the end is the husband's husband good-looking? Or my husband?

"You just said something to the piano in the wechat group. I saw it scolding you just after I read the wechat message."

Jiang Yi's expression is cold: "it blows, regardless of it, so go on sooner or later will be caught in the Research Institute."

"It's exquisite." Jun porcelain put into the water, chuckled: "the small spy is rebuilt, it will not be caught in, this silly dog sometimes clever to die."

Jiang Yi couldn't help but regret: "I shouldn't have given it to you at the beginning. At least I had to send a Samoye!"

Send a husky to see what it's like now!

Jun porcelain:

I always felt that Samoye would not be better if he became a fine man.

"What time are you leaving?"

Jun porcelain will accompany him back to the hotel later. Now he will go back to work tomorrow.

Besides, the time difference between the two places is not the same. It is estimated that Jiang Yi will have to leave at night when he is in Egypt.

It's just afternoon.

Jiang Yi was a little upset when he heard this: "do you just want me to go?"

"Don't make trouble out of nothing." Jun porcelain took the tip of his finger and pointed to Jiang Yi's forehead: "you have to come over for just one day's holiday, and there is not enough time to fly back and forth. What time are you leaving tonight?"

What Jun porcelain said was the truth. Jiang Yi had to face up to the miserable situation and said painfully, "I had dinner with you."

"OK, I'll take you to Cairo airport then."

At least Jun porcelain is willing to send him to the airport, Jiang Yi reluctantly in a better mood: "that's OK."

After shooting, Jun porcelain and Jiang Yi went back to the hotel alone.

Everyone in the crew knows that the producer Jiang is very busy, and he is the fiance of Jun porcelain. No one comes to disturb their rare world of two people.

Jun porcelain in the hotel to a private room and Jiang Yi to eat alone, orders are Egyptian specialties.

Jiang Yi is not used to eating. He doesn't move his chopsticks very much. However, he is more in a mood when he looks at Junci. He is always holding his chin and smiling at Junci. He looks like a big pet.

Jun porcelain low smile: "you don't eat, later on the plane, not hungry?"

"If you don't die of hunger."

Young master Jiang didn't care at all. Then he complained: "it's too much. This time is not enough for me to do something with you."

Jun porcelain eyebrow eye a pick, look some vigilance: "what do you want to do?"

How do you feel that Jiang Yi's words have a little color taste.

Jiang Yi was also right: "porcelain, are unmarried husband and wife, you tell me what I want to do? It's been a long time since I saw you! "

He said it directly, but somehow he didn't really want to do it.


Sometimes I really don't know how to take his words. , the fastest update of the webnovel!