The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1911


Fortunately, this is not the reason: "found me, but there is a deviation in the time line, it may be caused by black holes, just know my message, now send the message back to the interstellar age, I guess I will never be involved with them in my life."

Jun porcelain simply said these things, Jiang Yi from the beginning of the heart is not willing to become a kind of unspeakable heartache.

He didn't understand the pain of real separation, but he also knew that it was absolutely uncomfortable.

Porcelain has lived here for such a long time, but it is her mother who can't be implicated. Now she is sure that she will never see Iman again. I can imagine the feeling.

Fortunately at this time, I still have myself by her side.

Jiang Yi held Jun porcelain carefully, and said in a gentle voice, "it doesn't matter. You still have me now. There are many people. You also have parents now. You are not alone."

He can only try to comfort Jun porcelain.

Compared with Jun porcelain, he is also selfish.

If Jun porcelain really finds a way back to the interstellar age, maybe he doesn't want him to go back.

He knew the plot of Junci for her mother, and also knew that if he lost Junci, it would be more painful.

So he knew that Jun porcelain would never go back, but he was secretly pleased.

But soon he cast aside such a self, Jun porcelain has become a foregone conclusion, he can not think like this.

Jun porcelain embraces him, tone is indifferent: "I know, this matter has passed, I have accepted, I want to tell you is another matter."

After a pause, she said about her spiritual imprint: "according to the searcher's inspection, there is no original Jun porcelain. In fact, it is myself. At the beginning, my spiritual imprint was sent to Lydia's body, so she became her child. From the beginning to the end, it was me. There was no previous Jun porcelain."

That's her own, too.

Just because she didn't recover her memory, including all her habits, she became a coward in such an environment.

The latter change is not a rebirth, it can be called the awakening after the seal is released.

"Is that so?"

Jiang Yi smelled the speech, and his eyes were full of light: "don't you worry that you will disappear one day?"

Jun porcelain is Jun porcelain. It may be a paradox, but it is not contradictory.

There's no second person at all. It's just her all the time.

Jun porcelain laughs: "is this what you worry about?"

"Or else?"

Jiang Yi looked at her with a serious look: "I'm worried about this."

He is sometimes very contradictory, if Jun porcelain restored the original character, what to do? He always thought Jun porcelain was from the star, so he liked the crown prince of the interstellar age. If the former Jun porcelain came back, but the present Jun porcelain disappeared, it would be a very embarrassing thing.

He couldn't imagine what to do if such a thing really happened. Now the big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. Jiang Yi felt that the whole person was happy.

His porcelain is always porcelain. It's really nice.

Jun porcelain chuckled and rubbed Jiang Yi's hair: "whatever you want."

After telling Jiang Yi about this, her whole person is much more relaxed. At least, there will be no blockage in her heart. Now, her heart is a little smoother.

Since the mother's affairs have become a foregone conclusion, then cherish the present. , the fastest update of the webnovel!