The Lost Clan of Naruto

Chapter 581

"We don\'t have irreconcilable contradictions, do we?"

Zhishu spread out his hand and said calmly. He also leaned over and avoided the powerful sword of xuzuo Neng.

It has to be said that xuzuo Neng, who wears black dog armor, has greatly improved in all aspects.

Sasuke is really much stronger than the last dawn attack on Muye.


It\'s all brought by the wheel eye of the eternal kaleidoscope.

Zhishu couldn\'t help thinking of the weasel man. He paid too much, whether for Muye or for his brother.

And even now.

Zhishu knows that Naruto\'s eyes are still hidden.

That is a preset magic. The function of magic is to protect the leaves.

This is for Sasuke.


Sasuke has some accidents. He has entered the third form of suzanneng, and his speed has been greatly improved.

What\'s more, this is the locking of the wheel eye of the eternal kaleidoscope. Zhishu turned around and hid in the past.

Sasuke didn\'t answer the question of whirlpool Zhishu. Zhishu didn\'t care, and the broken stones and smoke scattered nearby.

"I understand you, the so-called revenge on Muye for the sake of the family?"

Zhishu said and hissed. The laughter was not very loud, but it was enough to thrust into Sasuke\'s ears.

Many people don\'t understand what whirlpool wisdom tree is doing at the moment.

Especially the very flustered warriors on both sides, as the guards of the iron country, these warriors want to rush up to help.

But it was stopped by the black earth,

"That\'s the battle of fire shadow. You rush up and can only affect the fire shadow. Even I am forbidden to participate in this battle."

These words made the warriors uncomfortable, but they had to admit that what the person in front of them said was the truth.

Even these warriors could not participate in the battle of their three ship adults, let alone the battle of fire shadow.

"Clearly in our country..."

GAHA sighed and put away the samurai sword in her hand.

The decline of samurai is the truth. It is difficult to compare with the Ninjas with magical means in combat effectiveness.

Not only these people pay attention to the battlefield, but also the girl with red hair and glasses, a strong man with orange hair, and an immoral teenager.

Sasuke\'s eagle team again.

"Well, you quickly support Sasuke."

Xiangyong is a little impatient. Her feelings for Sasuke can be said to be a strong level of personal worship.

If Sasuke\'s enemy is someone else at the moment, she has rushed up to fight to the death with that enemy.

But now Sasuke\'s enemy is whirlpool wisdom tree, not because whirlpool wisdom tree is also a lovely handsome boy.

But this man

Xiang Huan fixed her eyes on the man with red hair like her on the battlefield.

"Why are you like my father?"

Xiangyong has no family. Naturally, she doesn\'t know what it feels like to have a father.

But when she stood in front of the whirlpool wisdom tree, she felt that the rebellious girl was about to be severely reprimanded by her father.

This is the last time I got a deep experience in Muye village.

The girl who pursues stars is to like a star again. Dare to fight against the world, but when you see your strict father... It will wither.

"No, no, I\'ll die if I go up now. That\'s the shadow of fire!" The ghost lamp Shuiyue, with a frightened face, pointed to Zhishu and said,

"People of my strength can\'t help at all."

"I\'ll go."

My face was expressionless, but his face gradually changed.

The mantra seal of big snake pill was established by studying Chongwu\'s sensitivity to natural chakra.

However, if we pay attention to ourselves, it is often difficult to restrain ourselves from becoming that murderous monster.

But it also brings us unimaginable power. Even if he is a shadow level figure, he also has the possibility of World War I!

"Come on!"

Xianghui smiled on her face and then punched Shuiyue on the head.

Chongwu didn\'t speak, waiting for the black natural chakra lines to devour him, and then the skin color of his whole body turned into a terrible gray color.

Like a black cat, the Yellow pupil looks very evil!

"Hahaha! I\'m out again! Kill him! Kill him! "

In the past, very peaceful Chongwu disappeared, only this monster like creature.

Behind him, six arm shaped things grew. But it is hollow and looks more like a gun barrel.


A burst of sonic boom broke the black stone ground under my feet. Thunder general, crossed Sasuke\'s xuzuo nenghu, and launched an impact on the whirlpool wisdom tree.

The crazy smile on his face will not make people doubt that such creatures will cause a lot of blood when they are released.

"You\'re just too proud to let go like a child..."

Zhishu is still mocking Sasuke\'s behavior, but he also finds such an evil chakra beside him.

There was a trace of disgust on the face with a sneer.

"I\'m talking. Don\'t disturb me."

In an instant, Zhishu\'s right hand was pressed on Chongwu\'s forehead.

The monster\'s speed and strength are firmly locked on Zhishu\'s right hand.


Chongwu\'s feet broke the ground again. Chakra\'s impact even stepped out of two deep pits on the ground, exposing the foundation and soil.

He seemed to want to break away from the whirlpool wisdom tree\'s right hand with such strength.

However, the man was still standing there.

Such a strong earth shock wave just made his white six generation eye fire shadow cloak dance.

What a powerful force!

"Wow!!!" The black earth\'s eyes seem to have little stars, "it\'s worthy of being a man who can defeat brother Didala. He\'s so handsome!"

All the people who watched the battle were amazed at it.

Even if too many people don\'t understand how great the power of Chongwu is, it\'s so fast and powerful.

Whirlpool wisdom tree calmed everything with only one hand, which obviously brought too much visual impact to people.

"Is this... Is this the extent that human beings can achieve? It\'s better to say that Huoying is a monster than Chongwu! "

Unconsciously, Shuiyue was surprised to scratch the ground.

The exaggerated expression is still not enough to express his surprise at the whirlpool wisdom tree at the moment.

He knows how terrible that guy is! In front of the whirlpool wisdom tree, so worthless?

Only Sasuke, under suzanneng, seemed much calmer,

"This man is unreasonable. Otherwise, how could I spend so much time trying to defeat him? "