The Lost Clan of Naruto

Chapter 582

For the wisdom tree who did it itself, there was no accident.

After all, he was not weak in physical skills. When he was in Ninja school, he carried an extremely heavy load with Locke Lee.

After that, he practiced the immortal mode, and his strength was greatly strengthened. What\'s more, now I have mastered the skill of strange force. It\'s strange if I can\'t hold it.


It seems to be the sound of mechanical grinding, but it comes from the Chongwu in front of me.

Zhishu frowned, and the six cannons growing on my back had all aimed at him at the moment.

Intense light condensed on the six barrels, accompanied by the powerful chakra.

Is it really a gun?

Zhishu\'s eyebrows twitched. The creatures in front of him could no longer be treated according to human beings.

However, there is no doubt that there are a large number of chakra energy cannons. I\'m afraid there are few things in the world that can stop it.

Even Zhishu will be seriously injured if it does not use the purple inflammation barrier.

"But I don\'t have time to waste on you."

Zhishu\'s voice was a little cold.

He didn\'t seem to do anything, but chakra in front of him was slowly dissipating.

Already like a monster, Chongwu with gray black skin is a little weak at the moment.


Chongwu doesn\'t seem to realize why his power dissipates gradually. Even the monster\'s state is difficult to maintain, and gradually degenerates into an ordinary person.

Suddenly, he seemed to notice the burning sensation from his lower abdomen.

There seems to be a new life growing on his lower abdomen. Every time chakra runs, he pulls out the natural chakra from his body and expels it from the body.

In addition, there seems to be another seal, chakra, who controls himself. Although he realized that this seal seemed not impossible to break, at least he had no combat effectiveness until the end of the battle.

Looking at the swirling seal pattern on Chongwu\'s lower abdomen, Zhishu couldn\'t help smiling, as if he was particularly satisfied with his work.

"It seems that the effect of this combination seal is good. If you reverse the immortal seal, you can expel the natural chakra out of the body."

With that, tianqingquan sword suddenly jumped up to Zhishu\'s right hand and turned into a violent wind and flame.

The wise tree waved upward without hesitation, and the wind swallowed up the surroundings with fire, just like bathing fire.

Suzo nenghu\'s sword hit the wisdom tree heavily, but it was blocked by the clear spring.

Sasuke at this time, still did not give up the attack on Whirlpool wisdom tree. But at the moment, Zhishu\'s attention is no longer on Sasuke.

"If you just want to control yourself, then I think I can help you."

There was no deliberate smile on Zhishu\'s face, just calm as usual.

He really wants to win over Chongwu, but Zhishu also knows that a man like this can\'t win over with a smile that he deliberately caters to.

With this, Zhishu grabbed Chongwu\'s shoulder with his left hand and threw it!


Chongwu was thrown on the wall, but for his physical quality, such an impact was not very serious.

However, this also made him leave the battlefield of Zhishu and Sasuke.

"I said that the man\'s battle is not something we can get involved in!"

The ghost lamp water moon once again strengthened his faith in his heart. He had made up his mind. Even if Xiang phosphor pestered him, he would not choose to go up and die.

"But..." Xianghuan wanted to say something hateful, but vortex Zhishu\'s eyes turned to her.

The dignity of her parents made her afraid to speak.

The whirlpool wisdom tree is already the owner of the whirlpool family announced by the whirlpool country.

Even several members of the whirlpool family who are wandering outside have come to him.

In the past, people were afraid of the seal of the vortex family and joined hands to destroy the vortex tide village. Members of the whirlpool clan can only hide their names around.

However, after the whirlpool wisdom tree became strong, it seemed to support a world for the whirlpool family again.

Although most of the whirlpool people have adapted to the life of anonymity and are unwilling to devote themselves to disputes again, someone always comes to Zhishu.

They just lost the training of forbearance village, and these people didn\'t even have the combat effectiveness of Xianghuan.

This is something that Zhishu has to regret. However, since he almost self styled and became the owner of the family, vortex Zhishu has paid too much attention to the vortex family.

After all, as a member of the vortex family, he still wants to revive the vortex family.

In addition, a rebellious star chasing girl like Xianghuan is angry in Zhishu\'s heart.

It\'s like raising a particularly disobedient daughter.

If you have a chance, talk to Xianghui again.

But the premise is that the bad boy is cleaned up now.

Zhishu stares at Sasuke, who has a huge purple beard. He defines Sasuke as the so-called sick girl.

"Do you really think the feeling of blackening and revenge, or coldness is awesome? What an immature and worrying child. "

Zhishu sighed and touched his chin.

"Over there in the conference room, has it finally begun?"

After the whirlpool Zhishu, the sixth generation of fire shadow, left, the conference room was not a dead water, but it was an embarrassing chat.

Daye mu, who relies on the old to sell the old, said again. Now young people take up the post of shadow without too much experience.

But the object at this time is not the whirlpool wisdom tree, but I love Luo.

However, since I was influenced by Naruto, I seem to have learned the top skill of mouth evasion. Two or three awkward conversations remind Tu Ying of those years of hard struggle.

And think about when you lost these problems.

It was not until... Bai Jue "grew" out of the middle of the table in the conference room that the unfriendly discussion of these people ended.

"Do you want to do it?"

Maitekai asked Kakashi. Kakashi really has better judgment than him in dealing with these things.

Moreover, at the beginning, the task given to them by whirlpool Zhishu was to fight hard when they saw the "masked man", that is, Yu Zhibo with earth. Not to kill them, but to seriously injure them.

But the first person who came was Bai Jue?

This makes maitekai a little uncertain about the situation.

Kakashi\'s eyes were like a knife, but he said, "wait a minute. According to our intelligence, this baijue is not an important role."