The Lost Clan of Naruto

Chapter 580

What a strong defense!

Meeting the eyes of these strong people still makes them feel incredible.

Almost everyone was surprised by the red barrier the size of a small shield.

They have never seen such a skill. Even though they are the oldest earth shadow, they have no such memory in their mind.

Zhishu\'s action didn\'t stop. He didn\'t care about these unexpected eyes.

It\'s natural that they haven\'t seen the four ChiYan array. In Muye\'s records, this technique has only been used in the first World War of tolerance since it was founded.

It was a time of great talents, so we were able to find chakra to support the use of this technique.

Later, with the passage of time, this skill gradually became a skill that only fire shadow can practice.

Moreover, because there are not enough four people, compared with the practical significance, this technique is often used as a means to enhance the shadow\'s understanding of the technique.

It is already a bold attempt to improve this skill and use it in actual combat.

Yuzhibo Sasuke\'s hands began to tremble with tianbuliu\'s sword. The thunder on the sword didn\'t seem to pierce the red barrier and scattered.

Zhishu took a step, and his chest stood forward again. Juli passed forward along the red barrier. Tianbuliu sword existed with an extremely amazing curvature.

However, as one of the only grass pheasant swords left in the world, tianbuliu sword is obviously not very fragile. It is impossible to break due to rare metal casting.

Just like the defense of three generations of thunder shadow, it is extremely tough.

However, this strange curve also produced great elasticity. In terms of simply comparing strength, Sasuke can not be the opponent of Zhishu.

Wisdom tree not only has the blessing of immortal mode, but also has strange power, which finely manipulates every part of the power of the body.

Sasuke held the sword in both hands and used all his strength to control tianbuliu sword.

But the great strength pushed him away, and almost the next moment, he would fly out.

However, at this time, Zhishu\'s fist came next.

"Frog group hand!"

Zhishu didn\'t use strange force and chakra scalpel.

With the help of the power of natural chakra, Zhishu\'s hand had not touched Sasuke in time, and chakra had exploded in front of Sasuke!

The more violent thrust pressed Sasuke. At this time, Sasuke no longer had the ability to resist.


Sasuke, whose wall was blown away, knocked out big holes, and Zhishu rushed after him.

"Gold, wood, water, fire, earth! Five line seal! "

The Runes of the five elements appear on the five fingers of Zhishu, just as Naruto uses spiral pills. Zhishu is now so handy in using the five element seal.

"I love Luo. Shall we do it?"

Kan Jiulang seems to be particularly hesitant. Under this situation, it seems that shayin village, as an ally, should help.

"No, just give Yu Zhibo Sasuke to Huoying boy."

The answer was not wind shadow, but earth shadow.

It was not only Kan Jiulang who raised the question, but also the black soil beside Tu Ying.

"Then shall I go and see their battle? I want to see how the man who killed my big brother fought. "

Black earth bent over and looked at his grandfather with innocence on his face. It seems that there is no emotion about whirlpool Zhishu killing Didala.

"Black earth, as the escort of earth shadow, we should protect your grandpa." Loess put his hand on black earth\'s head and rubbed her hair.

Black earth puffed up his cheeks and coquettishly said, "no, Grandpa."

"Cough, OK, but stay away from the Huoying boy, or you will die."

In the face of his granddaughter, Tu Ying often loses.

Moreover, Heitu is indeed the best among the younger generation. Even Onoki feels that when he retires from the position of Tu Ying, he can directly hand over the position of Tu Ying to Heitu.

Poor Huang Tu, his son, has the strength and responsibility of the shadow for a long time. However, because onomu refuses to let go of the position of the shadow, he has no hope of becoming a shadow.


The black earth jumped up excitedly, and the beautiful girl seemed to add some other vitality to the room.

"Tu Ying is really a person who can\'t name."

Kakashi sighed, even if his son was named loess.

But this lovely girl was named Black Earth.

Did the old man really not think about his granddaughter? There is no girl named Black Earth.

However, looking at the girl who pulled up her short black hair with Yan Yin\'s forehead, her face always seems to be that moving smile.

In a few breaths, the shape of black earth disappeared.

The other shadows are gradually waiting for the return of whirlpool wisdom tree.


Zhishu reached out and the five element seal was about to be pressed on Sasuke\'s body!


Sasuke coughed a mouthful of blood, but his strong fighting consciousness and insight from the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye made him the most correct choice at the first time.


The purple translucent skeleton stood in front of the wisdom tree, and the five line Rune on the finger of the wisdom tree\'s right hand stopped.

"Yo, it\'s still this move."

Zhishu was not surprised, but a little happy.

"Sasuke, I think you should try to enter a higher form of suzanneng. Suzanneng in this state has no effect on me."

"However, I still think it\'s better for us to sit down and shake hands and make peace, and then have a hot pot, a bottle of wine and defend Muye together?"

Zhishu said playfully.

Sasuke\'s face was full of anger. "What\'s your joke?"

And xuzuo nenghu, as Zhishu said, gradually stepped into a higher form.

From the initial skeleton, he gradually put on his clothes and had a sword in his hand.

The giant warrior with only the upper body is like stepping into this world from the underworld. The air of killing is scattered in the fighting field of the iron country.

The fighting ground in this tall building is very solemn. Now it\'s like a meat ground of death and death. The nervous warriors next to it seem to be preparing the combatants to escape the duel.

Originally in the central building of the iron country, Zhishu also deliberately chose the battle site here.

Even among Narutos, Lei Ying and Sasuke fight here.

Only such a vast fighting area can bear the battle of two people.

However, after not considering Sasuke as a very serious threat, Zhishu considered another option to persuade Sasuke.

Maybe he can understand in advance, give up his pride and begin to defend Muye.