The Lost Clan of Naruto

Chapter 573

After entering the iron country, Zhishu and his party had to slow down.

Otherwise, running at the previous speed in this country may cause unnecessary riots.

However, compared with the country of fire or the country of wind, the territory of the country of iron is not so large.

The party soon reached the iron village.

In the ninja world, it is rare that Samurai can still maintain such a powerful country.

Perhaps it is because the iron country is in the east of the forbearance continent and is not in the land of disputes among the five powers.

Seeing this custom is completely different from Muye, but it has the same prosperous village.

Zhishu couldn\'t help feeling something.

"Mr. Huo Ying, we have informed other shadows of your arrival. If nothing unexpected happens, the five shadows meeting will be held tonight. Do you have any opinion? "

The warrior who guided Zhishu and his party respectfully asked Zhishu.

Zhishu nodded and thought that things about Xiao could not be delayed.

And I didn\'t have anything to do. It\'s the best arrangement to hold the five shadow talks in the evening.

So the sidewalk said, "I have no opinion. Please tell the third ship Lord for me that I have come to the iron country this time. I\'m bothered."

Seeing that the fire shadow was also polite, the warrior also had a good impression in his heart and quickly replied, "yes."

Then, the samurai led Zhishu and his party to walk,

"I\'ll take you to the residence we have arranged for you to rest."

Zhishu followed the warrior,

After entering the iron village, Armored Warriors can be seen in many places around.

However, some warriors have removed their helmets and happily integrated with the surrounding vendors and pedestrians.

From time to time, people look here,

"Is that man the shadow of fire?"

"So young and energetic, just like the wind!"

"But his expression is very gentle, and the wind shadow is too cold."

"It is said that this young Huoying is also the top of the five in strength."

"His escort is copy Ninja Kakashi? And the pale blue beast of Muye, matkai? Those are all famous figures in the third world war! "


People chatter and discuss. The arrival of each film will cause them to have such a discussion.

However, most of the films are indifferent. Some of the guards on both sides are also murderous. Ordinary people can\'t avoid it. They dare not approach.

That is, the fire shadow in front of him nodded to the crowd with a smile from time to time.

One of his two guards is very handsome and has a kind face. The other is very enthusiastic and keeps putting on all kinds of funny gestures. It seems that they are easy to get close to.

There were even some young girls with spring hearts. With some ruddy faces, they crowded beside the fire shadow and handed him a delicate notebook.

"Can you sign for me?"

Zhishu smiled and didn\'t expect to encounter such a thing. After all, your reputation is killed.

However, Zhishu took his notebook and pen and quickly signed it,

"The red flag of wood leaves - whirlpool wisdom tree stay".

Not only Zhishu, but also Kakashi was surrounded by several little girls who asked for autographs.

"Tut tut."

Matt Kay also said with some expectation, "well, do you want my signature? I am a proud blue beast of Muye, a man burning with youth, maitekai“

With that, Kai showed his thumb, showed his white teeth and made his most classic posture.


However, the little girl was so frightened that she stepped back two steps that Kakashi and Zhishu couldn\'t help laughing.

Only Matt cage looked at all this in front of him.

The samurai was also a little embarrassed, and watching more and more people around, several Samurai had to pick up the crowd with their hands and make a way for Zhishu.

"Lord Huoying has something important to do. Please don\'t disturb him."

Zhishu and Kakashi smiled at each other and knew they couldn\'t waste their time here.

He had to quicken his pace and follow the warrior headed by him.

Before long, I arrived at a delicate courtyard. If three people live, it is also more spacious. Two tall trees make people feel happy when they see them.

Although it can\'t catch up with Zhishu\'s home in Muye, it is still unique.

"This is the temporary residence arranged by Lord Sanchuan for you. I hope you don\'t dislike it. If there is anything, you can tell the warrior next to you at any time. "

"Well, thanks a lot. You can go and do your business."

After seeing the samurai leave, the three entered the courtyard.

"What a nice environment. This mission seems to be traveling. But the cultivation can\'t be abandoned. I have to work harder about my youth! "

As soon as he entered the courtyard, matkai set a goal for himself.

In his mind, he has been thinking about the exercise goal for these two days.

Zhishu patted Kai on the back and said, "teacher Kai, don\'t hurry to set a goal for exercise. I want to tell you something."


Maitekai obviously said this to Zhishu. Zhishu doesn\'t seem to mention anything else except practice.

"Mr. Kai, this time to the five film talks is not just for negotiation."

Zhishu\'s tone was also dignified.

Maitekai was stunned. "Do you say Zhishu you want to fight other shadows?"

Sure enough, Zhishu had expected teacher Kai to say so. Since he started a civil war with Tuan Zang in Muye, the people in the village seem to have some different views on him.

"Of course not. I just got the information. Xiao\'s people will participate in the five shadow talks this time, so I need to ask Mr. Kai to do it! And it\'s explosive. At the beginning, it was merciless and opened directly to the Seventh Gate to launch a thunderbolt... However, no matter what the situation is, please don\'t open the eighth gate. The village still needs your strength. "

Is that so?

"Will Xiao attack the five shadow talks? This is a situation where all five films are present! Do they say they are so bold? "

Maitekai obviously doesn\'t understand. After all, the five shadows can be said to represent the most powerful force in the tolerance world.

And the guards brought by the five shadows are some of the top ninjas in the tolerance world, even close to the existence of the shadow.

Will Xiaozhen come here desperate?

"According to the information I got, yes." Zhishu\'s eyes are very firm, "so I need the close cooperation between Mr. Kai and Mr. Kakashi. As for our specific tactics, it\'s like this..."

In the courtyard, there was a gradual discussion, and a counter attack strategy gradually formed.